週四(11/12)1. 遺產問題多2.早鳥與夜鶯的好處

今晚 Johnson 與 Billy 先探勘 單車行 路線 彩虹色的 新月橋很漂亮  還有 薩克斯風音樂

周日11/ 15 午3:30 說吧英文讀書會   新月橋單車活動

活動路線: 3:30 新埔捷運4號口集合 /出發/空檔時間下午茶或是新莊老街行/回程傍晚看星光新月橋 
(租借  需要優遊卡) 請先報名額 不需費用  自帶下午茶費用
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm 
「blooded money」的圖片搜尋結果
3 brothers killed in Miramar family feud
By Christine Chou ,The China Post
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A man, surnamed Huang, fatally shot his two elder brothers in the head before taking his own life, allegedly after quarrelling over a disputed inheritance, said local police yesterday.

The Huang brothers worked in their family business, the major meat distributor Mayfull Foods Corp. (美福肉品), in local markets. They are descendants of the Huang family behind the famed hotel and retail empire, Miramar Group (美麗華集團).

The shootings took place at the company headquarters in Taipei's Neihu District, where six brothers were suspected to have gathered in a conference room to discuss how to split an inheritance left by their father, the late tycoon Huang Jung-tu (黃榮圖), the police said.

Huang Ming-te (黃明德), the fourth son in the family, 54, allegedly shot his older brother Huang Ming-huang (黃明煌), the second-oldest son, in the head, after Ming-huang had provoked him in a quarrel. Another older brother Huang Ming-jen (黃明仁), the third-oldest son, — the current Chairman of Mayfull Foods Corp. — rushed forward to stop him, and was also shot dead on the spot, said police after a preliminary investigation.

Police arrived after receiving a call from the other three brothers who also attended the meeting, and had fled the scene earlier. The police found that Huang Ming-te was going to shoot himself and tried to persuade him from committing suicide. Huang ended up putting a bullet through his head and fell from the rooftop of the 7-story building. He was later declared dead at the Tri-Service General Hospital in Neihu, police stated.

The police declined to provide further details of the inheritance dispute until the investigation is completed.

'Family Misfortune'
Huang Ming-tang (黃明堂), the fifth son in the family, later remarked that "misfortune has fallen onto our family."
He declined to comment on any details, but emphasized that the reason for their argument was "a family matter" and had nothing to do with the company. He said he had just lost three brothers, and there are many things he had to take care of, so he will leave the investigation to the police.
What are your opinions about this news that fatal shooting over disputed inheritance?
What are the problems of inheritance?
Why money issues easily ruin life?
What are the problems does money caused?
Should you leave inheritance to the children?
What's the best way to leave money to children?

「do you prefer be as night owl」的圖片搜尋結果
Benefits of Being a Morning Person  By Mikey Rox
Increased Productivity
Whenever I wake up early and start working right away, I get more done and the day seems to go by faster. Plus, I don’t have to rush. Waking up at 6 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. means that I have three extra hours before the calls and e-mails start flooding in, leaving me with a window of opportunity to actually concentrate.

Ample Time for Exercise
If you follow my posts, you know that I’m not a fan of exercise any time of day, but I must confess that it’s easier to motivate myself to get in a workout before I start working for a couple reasons. The first benefit to exercising early is that I don’t have to shower beforehand. I hit the gym looking and smelling like I just woke up, put in my time, and then get dressed and ready to greet the day.

It’s Healthier
Of course there’s the benefit of exercise, but getting up early also leaves you time to have breakfast — the most important meal of the day. Eating a balanced breakfast will give you the energy you need to stay productive and ward off those hunger pangs that send you to the vending machine before lunchtime.

Reasons To Be Proud Of Being A Night Owl       By Renee Jacques

Night owls might have a higher IQ.

Yet, while night owls may have a higher IQ, those who wake up in the morning may be in a better position for success. Christoph Randler, a biology professor at the University of Education in Heidelberg, asked 367 students about the time of day they felt most active. Randler found that "a higher percentage of the morning people agreed with statements that indicate proactivity."

People who work at night appear to be more creative.

Researchers from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan found that night people are more likely to develop original and creative solutions to problems than morning people. Marina Giampietro, the lead author of the study, hypothesizes that night owls might be more creative because staying up late "may encourage the development of a non-conventional spirit and of the ability to find alternative and original solutions.”
Which do you prefer being, a night owl or an early bird? Why?
What are the benefits of being a morning person?
Do you think that a morning person is more productive?
Do you think that being a morning person is healthier?
What are the benefits of being a night owl?
Do you think that night owls might have a higher IQ?

Do you think that people who work at night appear to be more creative?

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