
本周日11/ 8 午2:30 說吧英文讀書會茶會 暨聖誕節化妝趴籌備討論 
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左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「How to Deal With a Person That You Dislike」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Deal With a Person That You Dislike but You Have to Work With   by Grace Ferguson, Demand Media

Step 1
Determine whether you have a valid reason for disliking the person. For example, people who are chronic complainers, nitpickers, abrasive, tactless, moody or annoying are often difficult to work with. If you do not have a legitimate reason for disliking the person, then it’s likely you and not her. For example, you dislike her because she reminds you of an unpleasant person from your past.

Step 2
Let the small things slide. For example, if he is boastful and enjoys bragging about his material possessions, ignore him whenever he does this. His behavior may be off-putting, but it’s likely not damaging to your physical, mental or emotional health.

Step 3
Address significant issues promptly. You do not have to tolerate unprofessional behavior from someone that you don’t like. Unacceptable behaviors in the workplace include harassment, overt or covert aggression, spreading insidious or harmful gossip or rumors, intimidation, shouting or yelling, humiliating, withholding important data and other bullying tactics. Speak with your manager or human resources department if you are a victim of such behaviors. Consequences of these types of conducts may include oral and written warnings, suspension and termination.
Step 4
Control your reaction by concentrating less on the person’s behavior and more on how you react to her. You cannot change her, but you can modify the way you respond to the things that she does. For example, if she’s being argumentative with you, rather than engage her, politely remove yourself from her presence.
How to deal with a person that you dislike but you have to work with?
Reasons why some people we dislike?(ex: first impression)
How to get along with difficult coworkers/supervisors?
Do you like bragging people? What is wrong with bragging? Why do people brag?
How to deal with argumentative co-workers?
How to deal with insults & humiliation from a co-worker?

(本週二聚會  辯論討論     題目:您認為性產業該合法化嗎?)
「Johanne Liu alleged involvement in a cross-border prostitution」的圖片搜尋結果
Johanne Liu alleged involvement in a cross-border prostitution
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Johanne Liu, dubbed the "Sunflower Queen" by the media after she rose to fame during the massive student protest movement last year, is under investigation over her alleged involvement in a cross-border prostitution and human trafficking ring.
Liu was taken to the Taipei District Prosecutors Office for questioning Tuesday night and was released the next morning on NT$50,000 (S$2,000) bail, prosecutors said. She is currently barred from leaving the country.
Last year, tabloid Next magazine reported that Liu was working as an "escort", who charged NT$100,000 per night. According to the article, a journalist went undercover to bargain with Liu and recorded the entire process.
Liu accused the magazine of defamation, claiming she was tricked by the journalist and was "only selling wine" at the hotel.

Should prostitution be legalized?

Yes it will reduce rape victims

It should be legalized because it would reduce crime, improve public health, increase tax revenue, help people out of poverty, get prostitutes off the streets, and allow consenting adults to make their own choices. They contend that prostitution is a victimless crime, especially in the 11 Nevada counties where it remains legal.

NO !

Prostitution should NOT be legal!

Prostitution is morally wrong, but people do what pleases them either way it goes. This activity is downgrading to women, yet women make the decision to do it to their selves. It shouldn’t even be an option for a woman to sell herself to a man just because she needs the money for whatever reasons. Prostitution is a problem not only to society, but to the individuals themselves. It is morally wrong, yet we live in a immoral world. If a woman thinks this is the only way to make money, she is fooling herself and should know what her worth is. Sex trafficing would be next in line to legalize and before you know it, this world will have lost all values and humanity!
What do you think the news reported that Johanne Liu alleged involvement in a prostitution ring?
Is Prostitution morally wrong and downgrading to women?
Should prostitution be legalized?
What do you think about the tabloid Next magazine?
What are the Pros and Cons of Legal Prostitution ?

Do you think Legal Prostitution that it will reduce rape victims?

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