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左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「Super Speed」的圖片搜尋結果
Super Speed
If you were going too fast the air in front of you would compress and heat up and you would catch fire. Another thing is inertia, once you start running you look behind you for a second and wonder what that gooey substance behind you is, oh that's your innards which were liquified and squished out your pores. And as son as you stop your brain would slam through the front of your skull.

Time Control
I've been thinking about this power for a LONG TIME!
I'm gonna go through almost all of the good things. You can Freeze time and do whatever you want, you pervert. (This should keep you occupied for a couple of months. ) You can, and you will always be right, win arguments, know answer to every question, always hit the ball, always dodge attacks of any sorts, and look like a smart and badass at the Same time! (Now that's cool. You do all this with slow-mo and rewind abilities. )
You can go to your past and be a better person. You can work out, study, do homework, sleep and stay in your room for decades, and never lose time!

Personally if I were to have omnipotence, I wouldn't know what to do with it. You could create new dimensions, bring people back from the dead, know the future. The options are limitless. For those who think time control is number 1, people with omnipotence would already know what you were going to do. They would only allow you to do it because they wanted to humiliate or confuse you. People with omnipotence wouldn't have a reality, time, or certain power because they control it all. They are basically like Lucy at 100% brain control, except they can create whatever they want without anything. Where as she could only manipulate matter you create more from nothing.

I'm right behind you, invisible, you just can't see me, understand how awesome invisibility is?
This was ruined by science, only you would be invisible, not your clothes or whatever you've eaten recently. And you actually wouldn't be able to see because how we see is light enters our eyes and hits our retina, but when you're invisible light just passes on through you and doesn't hit your retina so you would be blind.
Do you want to have superpowers?
In your opinion, what is the best super power? Why?
What were you do if you have super speed power?
What were you do if you could make yourself invisible?
What were you do if know what is going to happen in the future?
What were you do if you have time control power?

ROC provides non-military support against IS, says MOFA in clarification  The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday clarified the nation's role in combating IS as one of "humanitarian and emergency aid" following remarks made by U.S. President Barack Obama listing Taiwan as part of the international coalition targeting the terrorist organization.

The U.S. leader made the remarks at a U.S.-ASEAN summit in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, listing the countries supporting action against IS as Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Korea and Taiwan. Noticeably absent from Obama's list was China.

MOFA spokeswoman Eleanor Wang (王珮玲) emphasized the humanitarian nature of Taiwan's contributions to the alliance, adding that the R.O.C.'s financial support had amounted to close to US$10 million. It stressed that none of its aid was in the form of military or combat support. MOFA expressed gratitude toward the U.S. support for Taiwan's international humanitarian efforts.

As the country is barred from ASEAN, MOFA added that its representative offices in the region were collecting as much information as possible on the ASEAN summit with regard to regional security cooperation to combat IS, especially following the deadly terror attacks that killed 130 people in Paris on Nov. 13.

Obama’s mention of Taiwan as an anti-terrorism partner leads some to worry that Taiwan may soon become an ISIL target as the group recently attacked Paris and blew up a Russian jet.
What do you think about ROC provides non-military support against IS?
What do you think that U.S. President Barack Obama listing Taiwan as an anti- partner?
Do you think that Taiwan may soon become an ISIL target?
How to protect yourself and survive in a terrorist attack?
How to stop terrorists attacks?
這個評論好笑  (網友說:「馬的,給好康的沒有,衝康的才來。」)

民眾憂恐攻 政府:僅人道援助

【綜合報導】激進組織「伊斯蘭國」(Islamic StateIS13日在法國巴黎發動連環恐怖攻擊後,恐攻威脅籠罩全球。美國總統­歐巴馬前天公開點名台灣等亞太盟友是美國在反IS的「夥伴」。此話一出,部分民眾憂心­我國成為恐攻目標,外交部則強調,我國與美國的反恐合作主要在人道援助及急難救助,並­未參與軍事行動。

歐巴馬(Barack Obama)前天在馬來西亞吉隆坡的東南亞國協峰會後記者會上演說(http://ppt.cc/nbYde ),他說:「在過去幾年來,我們在亞洲的夥伴們都是恐怖主義的受害者,其中很多都是我­們在反IS上的親密夥伴。……這些夥伴包括澳洲、加拿大、日本、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、新­加坡、南韓和台灣。」




不少民眾昨直呼:「別相害阿!」網友Pao Chuan說:「馬的,好康的沒有,衝康的才來。」也有網友說:「今年跨年還是別去1­01好了。」不過民眾傅恆毅支持加入反恐行列,「因為現在幫別國這個忙,以後我們國家­遇到危難,別國也會幫我們忙」。

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