週二(11/24)1.一夜情OK嗎? 2.一萬小時定律

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「one-night stands」的圖片搜尋結果

Is it OK to have one-night stands?    Dr Gabrielle Morrissey bodyandsoul.com

(Q) I'm a single woman and while I'd like a relationship, I don't want to go without sex until I find one. I'm fine with the idea of casual sex, but my friends say one-night stands are "dangerous". How should I be careful?

(A) On many levels, you need to consider safety if you're contemplating having one-night stands. Of course, there is your physical safety to be aware of. Just like many women don't go out on a first date with a stranger without telling at least one person where they are and how they can be contacted, you shouldn't go home with a stranger unless another person knows about it. Safety first, that's paramount.

And you need to be smart about your sexual health. Casual sex isn't so short-lived, if you take home a sexually-transmitted infection. Be proactive with your precautions. Carry condoms and have them in an easily accessible place at home. It says nothing else about you except that you're responsible and realistic.

You also need to safely navigate your mental health. You need to feel this is a positive expression of yourself and not something you'll regret or which may negatively affect your self-esteem, self-worth or identity.

Some people like the idea of casual sex but aren't prepared for how they'll feel afterwards, especially if casual sex actually doesn't fit with their core values.

If you're being spontaneous, don't do it under the influence of alcohol. People don't make sound judgment calls when they're drinking - such as compromising your physical safety or hooking up with someone who is inappropriate - and the chances for regret soar.

In today's world, it may seem like "no strings" casual sex is exactly that. But on at least one level, be it physical, mental, emotional or all of the above, you're being intimate with someone, being naked, showing vulnerability, and so rarely is that truly casual.

So by all means, date, look for a boyfriend, flirt and seduce. But if you go all the way with someone you don't know, make sure you're all ready, all safe and all right, all the time.
Is it ok to have one-night stands?  
What do you think the idea of casual sex?
Is it still a taboo to talk about sex in Taiwan these days?
How to protect yourself when dating?
Why do people have affairs?
What are the signs he's/she’s cheating on you?
How to handle a cheating partner?
How to cope when your spouse is unfaithful?

「10,000 Hours of Practice」的圖片搜尋結果

10,000 Hours of Practice

In the book Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes roughly ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. How does Gladwell arrive at this conclusion? And, if the conclusion is true, how can we leverage this idea to achieve greatness in our professions?

Violins in Berlin
In the early 1990s, a team of psychologists in Berlin, Germany studied violin students. Specifically, they studied their practice habits in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. All of the subjects were asked this question: “Over the course of your entire career, ever since you first picked up the violin, how many hours have you practiced?”

All of the violinists had begun playing at roughly five years of age with similar practice times. However, at age eight, practice times began to diverge. By age twenty, the elite performers averaged more than 10,000 hours of practice each, while the less able performers had only 4,000 hours of practice.

The elite had more than double the practice hours of the less capable performers.

Natural Talent: Not Important
One fascinating point of the study: No “naturally gifted” performers emerged. If natural talent had played a role, we would expect some of the “naturals” to float to the top of the elite level with fewer practice hours than everyone else. But the data showed otherwise. The psychologists found a direct statistical relationship between hours of practice and achievement. No shortcuts. No naturals.

Falling in Love With Practice
The elite don’t just work harder than everybody else. At some point the elites fall in love with practice to the point where they want to do little else.

The elite football player is the guy who spends all day on the practice field with his teammates, and after practice he goes home to watch game films.

The elites are in love with what they do, and at some point it no longer feels like work.
What do you think the idea of 10,000 hours of practice?
How to focus on learning? How to be a good learner?
What are the tips to achieve success?
How to become an elite /an expert??
Do you think that natural talent is not important?

What are the ways to enjoy your job?


























英國神經學家DanielLevitin認為,人類腦部確實需要這麼長的時間,去理解和吸收一種知識或者技能,然後才能達到大師級水平。 頂尖的運動員、音樂家、棋手,需要花一萬小時,才能讓一項技藝至臻完美。


格拉德韋爾一直致力於把心理學實驗、社會學研究,對古典音樂家、冰球運動員的統計調查改造成流暢、好懂的文字。 在調查的基礎上,他總結出了“一萬小時定律”,他的研究顯示,在任何領域取得成功的關鍵跟天分無關,只是練習的問題,需要練習1萬小時——10年內,每週練習20小時,大概每天3小時。

每天3小時的練習只是個平均數,在實際練習過程中,花費的時間可能不同。 上世紀90年代初,瑞典心理學家安德斯·埃里克森在柏林音樂學院也做過調查,學小提琴的都大約從5歲開始練習,起初每個人都是每週練習兩三個小時,但從8歲起,那些最優秀的學生練習時間最長,9歲時每週6小時,128小時,14歲時16小時,直到20歲時每週30多小時,共1萬小時。

 “一萬小時法則”在成功者身上很容易得到驗證。 作為電腦天才,比爾·蓋茨13歲時有機會接觸到世界上最早的一批電腦終端機,開始學習計算機編程,7年後他創建微軟公司時,他已經連續練習了7年的程序設計,超過了1萬小時。


 “一萬小時法則”的關鍵在於,一萬小時是最底限,而且沒有例外之人。 沒有人僅用3000小時就能達到世界級水準;7500小時也不行;一定要10000小時——10年,每天3小時——無論你是誰。


音樂神童莫扎特,在6歲生日之前,他音樂家的父親已經指導他練習了3500個小時。 到他21歲寫出最膾炙人口的第九號協奏曲時,可想而知他已經練習了多少小時。 象棋神童鮑比·菲舍爾,17歲就奇蹟般奠定了大師地位,但在這之前他也投入了10年時間的艱苦訓練。

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