週二(5/31)1.高音天后/發現你的才能2.爭贏了 輸了感情

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信心 勇氣 不放棄
珍金絲的歌唱技巧雖然不好  她所帶來的娛樂效果卻是最受聽眾歡迎的部分。 


Why Florence Foster Jenkins was the world's worst singer  By Clemency Burton-Hill  BBC

Florence Foster Jenkins was a 20th-Century US socialite and music-lover who styled herself as an operatic coloratura soprano and became a sensation. One of the most famous singers of her day, she was incredibly rich, a generous philanthropist, and garnered legions of fans including celebrities such as Noël Coward. Florence’s fame, however, rested not on her musical talent, but rather its opposite. Her astonishingly bad voice and abject inability – seemingly unbeknownst to her – to pitch correctly became the stuff of legend as she worked hard to lovingly massacre her way through gems by Mozart, Strauss and other leading composers.

Having previously only been seen in private at New York women’s clubs or in her own establishment, the Verdi Club, such was the demand for her performances that she went on to sell out Carnegie Hall in a 1944 concert that has entered the annals of music history. While her public performances also raised millions of dollars (in today’s terms) for charity, the abiding image is that of polite society guffawing, jaws clenched, trying not to roll down the aisles with laughter as they showered her with thunderous applause.

Florence Foster Jenkins remains, it is widely agreed, ‘the worst opera singer in the world’. But the most incredible thing of all is that she had no idea. The illusion that she was a truly great artist was maintained, thanks in no small part to her second husband St Clair Bayfield, throughout her life. She loved what she did and she believed she was bringing great pleasure to her adoring audiences – which, in a way, she was.
How to Discover Your Talents  wikihow.

Evaluate what you're good at. Now, there's a big difference between what you enjoy and what you're good at. You might think of your talents only being things that you love doing, but it's important to remember that our talents are often things we don't enjoy or things we don't even think about. This is why it's important to take a long hard look at what you're actually good at. •Think about things that come naturally to you. Things you don't struggle with.

Build on your existing skills. You probably already have some basic skills. Any skill that you possess can be turned into a real talent, but you need to take the time to develop it and really work on experiencing all of the different activities that go in to that talent. You might have experienced only a small aspect of a possible talent and you will need to experience much more if you really want to cultivate it.
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If you were a terrible singer like Florence foster Jenkins would you want to give up?
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How to be a generous philanthropist?

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Ways to win the argument and lose the relationship     Counselorssoapbox   By David Joel Miller

The way you fight may permanently damage your relationships

Some couples argue and then they make up. Other couples do so much damage when they argue that the relationship is permanently damaged. Stuffing your feelings and not asking to have your needs met is no option. But there are ways to disagree without permanently wrecking that relationship.

Personal attacks.
Talk about behavior not personalities. Ask for the change you want. Tell the other person about how you feel and own that these are your feelings.
No not go on the attack, call them names or make global judgments. Personal attacks damage your partner and the relationship.

Saying the thing you know will hurt them the most.
The argument is raging on and you want to get even. Resist the temptation to say the thing that will hurt the other person the most. Most of us know things about our partners, past mistakes, insecurities, triggers for painful emotions. When you are arguing there is this temptation to say the thing that will hurt them the most.

Stonewalling – Refusing to talk to them – the silent treatment
Giving your partner a cold shoulder leads to a very chilly relationship. You may feel like you are winning the argument at the moment but down the road refusing to communicate ends future communication.

Put downs.
Put downs, like name calling, degrade your relationship along with the partner. Why would you want to stay in a relationship with someone you did not respect? Keep putting your partner down and they lose respect for you. Rather than making that other person what to please you they will begin to want to escape you. Put a partner down enough and they will want to be rid of you.

Getting physical.
Get physical with your partner and you will lose. It may result in police and a domestic violence charge. Even if there are no immediate consequences you will feel worse about yourself. The person who uses violence to win an argument may win in the short run but over the long-term the relationship turns from a positive one to one of waiting for an opportunity to get revenge.
Why wining argument could lose the relationship?
What are the factors that could damage your relationships?
What to do when your partner or friends constantly puts you down?
What do you think the silent treatment? Does silent treatment is emotional abuse?
What are your opinion about a domestic violence?
Why personal attacks damage the relationship?
How to make up with your partner after a fight?

Florence Foster Jenkins  Wiki


儘管以糟糕的歌聲出名,珍金絲卻深信她成就不凡;她自比當世的知名女高音,如佛麗妲·亨佩與 泰特拉齊妮。她會制止演出時來自觀眾席的笑聲,並說這些取笑是出自忌妒的對手。她這樣回應對她的批評:「人們也許說我不會唱,但沒人能說我沒唱過!」

珍金絲的演出曲目通常混合了沃爾夫岡·阿馬多伊斯·莫扎特、朱塞佩·威爾第與小約翰·施特勞斯等名家的經典歌劇(都是其能力以外的曲目)。此外珍金絲也演唱約翰內斯·勃拉姆斯等人的藝術歌曲,以及自己與伴奏音樂家Cosmé McMoon一起譜寫的歌曲。據報導,McMoon為了留給珍金絲面子,只會在背後取笑她。

珍金絲會穿上親自設計的華麗服裝登台演出,這些服裝往往用羽毛雙翼跟銀箔誇張地裝飾著。當演唱《小康乃馨》(Clavelitos)時,還會舞動插在頭髮裡的大把花朵,伴隨著用風扇把花朵搧向觀眾席的舞台效果。演唱結束後Cosmé McMoon會到觀眾席間收拾灑出的花朵以供下一場演出使用。





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