週二(5/3)1.甚麼是AQ? 2.魯蛇教授履歷

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「what is AQ?」的圖片搜尋結果
The Entrepreneur IQ: Your Adversity Quotient   inc.com
Highly successful entrepreneurs have a high adversity quotient--the ability to recover from setbacks. If you have high determination, you believe you have the ability to confront and overcome insurmountable obstacles.

Entrepreneurs with high determination don't give up when the going gets tough. Delays and obstructions don't deter you. Your tenacity and persistence allow you to recover from setbacks and failures. Whether confronted by a failed project, an unsuccessful product launch, or a disastrous end to a new venture, you know how to pick yourself up and resume your efforts. You strongly believe that you can overcome any obstacle by working harder.

You believe you have the capacity to control your circumstances, and you are highly motivated to change adversity into opportunity by taking action. Instead of giving in to feelings of frustration and anger when you encounter obstacles, you can see beyond the roadblocks and visualize a better future. Your optimistic attitude helps you attain the desired business outcome.

You take personal accountability for the consequences of your choices and actions, and doing so mobilizes you to act. You strongly believe that your setbacks and failures are the result of a lack of effort on your part, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to fix things. This compels you to double your efforts, try new options, and push forward when faced with adversity.

Maximizing Your Determination Talent:
1.Share your optimistic outlook with your partners, employees, and investors. You see possibilities where others see barriers. Your determined optimism and work ethic will inspire and energize your team to do more.
2.Energize your Determination talent by partnering with creative individuals. Working with inventive people can inspire you. Your uncanny ability to sort through many ideas and hone in on the best one will help transform their idea into a product or service for a customer.
3.Don't focus on the cause of setbacks. Rather, direct your energy toward activities that can help you move forward. Setbacks and challenges are part of the entrepreneurial journey. Improving your reaction to adverse circumstances will keep you upbeat and reduce downtime when you do encounter obstacles.
4.Reflect on your successes and failures. Set aside time to analyze why a decision yielded positive or negative results. Replicate the positive, and weed out the actions or behaviors that produced negative outcomes. Over time, you will build a repertoire of skills to make effective business decisions.
What do you think about AQ? What do you think about IQ? 
How to recover from setbacks?
How to deal best with failure and stress?
How to motivate yourself to change adversity into opportunity?
How to Maximizing Your Determination Talent?
How to build your support system?
How to Stay Upbeat?
「how to get a job successfully」的圖片搜尋結果
This Princeton professor posted his CV of failures for the world to see   Marguerite Ward     | @forwardist |

We all have failures in our careers. But usually we keep quiet about it.

Not this Princeton professor, who recently shared his CV of failures on Twitter for the world to see.

It includes sections titled "Degree programs I did not get into," "Research funding I did not get" and "Paper rejections from academic journals."

Why did he do it?

"Most of what I try fails, but these failures are often invisible, while the successes are visible. I have noticed that this sometimes gives others the impression that most things work out for me," Princeton assistant professor of psychology and public affairs Johannes Haushofer wrote on the CV.

Projecting only success and never recognizing failure has damaging effects, Haushofer wrote. So he decided to do something about it. He's among a number of other professionals who have posted their CVs of failures in an effort to change people's self-perception. He credited the idea to an article by Melanie I. Stefan, who is a lecturer at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh

"[People] are more likely to attribute their own failures to themselves, rather than the fact that the world is stochastic, applications are crapshoots, and selection committees and referees have bad days. This CV of Failures is an attempt to balance the record and provide some perspective," he said.

A still image from the movie "Snowdon"  
Edward Snowden film debuts first official trailer online

The pièce de résistance on Haushofer's CV of failures? His "meta-failure."

"This darn CV of Failures has received way more attention that my entire body of academic work," the document reads.
What do you think this professor posted his CV of failures for the world to see? 
How to handle rejection?
What are the ways to turn failure into success?
Should you keep your resume honest?
What are the things you should remove from your resume?
Is it good idea that you should always be honest?
What are the steps to successfully find your next job?

逆境商數AQAdversity Quotient

AQAdversity Quotient),明確地描繪出一個人的挫折忍受力。AQ(逆境商數)是我們在面對逆境時的處理能力。











自曝其短助人 美教授公開「魯蛇履歷」
〔編譯周虹汶/綜合報導〕美國名校普林斯頓大學心理學與公共事務助理教授豪斯霍弗爾(Johannes Haushofer)最近在該校網頁大剌剌張貼他的「魯蛇履歷(CV of failures)」,自曝其短以證明自己並非一帆風順,藉此為飽受挫折的民眾突破盲點、加油打氣。



這份「魯蛇履歷」開宗明義寫道:「我嘗試的多數事物皆以失敗收場,但這些失敗常是無形的,相對於成功可被看見。」但人們卻因此以為他是人生勝利組,引咎自責之餘忽略了世界的隨機性。他特別感謝英國愛丁堡大學講師斯特凡(Melanie I. Stefan6年前帶頭把「失敗履歷」刊在國際權威科學期刊《自然(Nature)》上,點出一般民眾崇拜他人外顯風光、獨嘗自身失敗落寞的盲點,才讓他領略到「自曝其短」的助人奧妙。



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