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Sometimes paparazzi are welcome, but imagine taking your kids for a little walk and having them chase after you: Not cool.
Reasons Why Being Famous Isn't All That Great   reelrundown.com

1. Paparazzi

I have a friend who works in Manhattan at a high-end fashion retail store where famous people go all the time. Rihanna went recently, and she was wearing a skirt and a short shirt. She told the sales associates she felt suddenly uncomfortable in what she was wearing because there was a guy outside trying to snap pictures of her, so they gave her a sweater to put on. She thanked them, and she was very nice, but doesn’t that suck? She could buy whatever she wants, but I’d rather have my privacy.

What about all these magazines we see with photos of famous women getting out of a car and their crotches are showing? I WOULD DIE if someone put a picture like that of me so everyone could see. This type of situation could easily happen to anyone, if you're wearing a skirt and the wind blows or whatever.

2. No Private Life
Your life is not only yours anymore. It’s everybody’s, apparently.
Look at happened with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Funny because I’m not one to read up on celebs, but I see it everywhere. It’s actually annoying, and frankly, I could give a rat’s ass if they stayed together or got divorced, but it seems like everyone in the world is infatuated with this news. And their poor daughter, who is young and doesn’t understand why the whole world is talking about her mommy and daddy separating.That’s sad to me. I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world for everyone to see.

3. Celebrity Can Make You or Break You
Some famous people do very well with the attention, and even use it for good by helping out the disadvantaged or drawing attention to causes and charities or adopting a child from a 3rd world country.

Others, though, fall into drugs, make stupid decisions with their money, pull self-destructive antics, and do all kinds of dumb stuff that only prove that they don't deserve any attention.

4. Rumors
People love to start rumors about celebrities. Sometimes it is not a big deal, but sometimes people can say some really nasty things about you and it can have a negative affect on your life, your future, and your family.

5. Trust Issues: People Use You
You don’t know who your real friends are. You don’t know who to trust, or who’s going to be the next one to reach out to the gossip magazines and spill your beans. You don’t even know who your real lover is.
What are the reasons why being famous isn't all that great?
What were the negative effects on your life if were famous?
What are you opinion about paparazzi?
What would you feel what if someone put private pictures that of you so everyone could see?
What do you think about celebs gossip magazines?
How to help out the disadvantaged if you were a famous guy?
How to deal with nasty rumors if you were a famous?
What were your response when friends use you?
 Chilling Reincarnation Stories: Children Who Lived Before | Reader's ...
Past Lives of Children: Amazing true stories of reincarnation       paranormal.about.com 

Have you lived before? Over 60 percent of the world's population believes in some form of reincarnation. What evidence we have comes from the testimony of people who claim to recall -- sometimes vividly -- people, places, things, and events from what they believe could be their past lives. And some of the most compelling stories come from the recollections of small children who, without prompting, describe their memories of former lives.


Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling of déjà vu - the sudden, surprising feeling that an event we are going through at the moment has happened exactly this way before. Psychologist Arthur Funkhouser has broken down this phenomenon into sub-categories: déjà vécu - an event already experienced or lived through; déjà senti - already felt, perhaps triggered by a voice or music; and déjà visité - a place so familiar we feel we've been there before.

While scientists and psychiatrists insist there are neurological explanations for these phenomena, others wonder if these strange feelings could be vague, fleeting memories of past lives. You enter a house or building, for example, in a town you've never visited before. Yet every detail of that place is familiar.


My daughter has "memories" of childhood events that we know never really happened. Is she just remembering a child's fantasy, misunderstanding, or even a dream that she now interprets as reality? Or is she remembering something that happened to her before she was born into this lifetime?


Recurring dreams and nightmares also have been suggested as being memories or at least clues of past lives. I have experienced this type of recurring dream. There are two locations with specific details that crop up in my dreams several times a year, yet they are places I have never been to.

The first is a large city and I am walking down the street... there is a candy/magazine store on the corner, and I go in any buy something... then I go farther down the street to another building, and in the lower level is a small restaurant where I meet some friends and make the acquaintance of some girls... and later I think that I must go back to that place to see if the girls are there again.
Have you lived before? What do you think the concept about reincarnation?
Why some people believe in reincarnation?
Have you ever experienced the feeling of déjà vu?
What is déjà vu? “A place so familiar we feel we've been there before.”
” Do you have similar experiences?
What causes nightmares?
Do you think dreams and nightmares relate to the past life?
Why bad memories easier to remember?

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