周日 (5/15)1.快樂基因 2.裸體自行車 3.探討ˋ鄭捷 4.死刑遏止犯罪嗎?

周日 5/15 新聚會 

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm

What Makes People Happy? Genes—and Gender—May Play a Role

If you've ever wondered what makes people happy, the answer may lie in a newly discovered gene that seems to influence happiness.

In a study, published in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, researchers found that both men and women have the "happiness gene." However, while a low-activity version was linked to greater happiness in women, men with that type saw no boost in their mood. Researchers suspect testosterone might be the reason men are immune to the gene’s powers of happiness.

As a guy, is it time to give up on happiness in life? Not yet. There’s more than one gene on the road to happiness. Scientists have also found that our DNA accounts for only 35 to 50 percent of our good moods—our experiences in life still play a large part.

World Naked Bike Ride: Hordes of nude cyclists set to descend on London for protest against car culture standard.co.uk

It may be too late to change your DNA, but there are many other things you can do to get happy—right now:

Hundreds of cyclists in London are set to strip naked and mount their bikes for an unusual protest against car culture and oil dependency on Saturday.

The London stage of the World Naked Bike Ride starts from six separate points around the capital tomorrow afternoon, with nude or semi-nude riders set to finish at Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner around 5.30pm.

Organisers claim the protest, which will cause disruption to roads in the centre of London, is aimed at raising awareness about the safety of cyclists while calling for action on climate change.

Participants have been urged only to strip nake

Metro killer executed

Taipei, May 10 (CNA) Cheng Chieh (鄭捷), who killed four people and injured 22 others in a random knife attack on a Taipei Metro train in May 2014, was executed Tuesday after the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for him last month, the Ministry of Justice confirmed.

The execution was carried out between 8:47 p.m. and 8:51 p.m., with three pistol shots administered, according to the ministry.
The number of death row inmates in Taiwan dropped to 42.

Does the death penalty deter crime?  debate.org

Eye for eye punishments deter crime.

Many people are now committing crimes just to get back into jail for 3 squares and a warm bed, but if punishments were “eye for an eye”, people would think twice. For instance, if you assaulted someone, then could receive a caning. If you stole something, you lose your hand. If murder someone, you are killed. If these eye for an eye punishments were common knowledge, it would definitely deter crime. Would it deter the people that are essentially committing suicide by cop already, probably not. Some people are so ill and confused that no punishment system will deter them. But, would deter any sane person.

Death to the criminals

Reasons I personally think that the death penalty is good thing is because if we go back and look at the past every crime was punishable by death. If you were caught stealing or killing your were most likely going to be hung by the neck till death. To all those who thing all criminals can change their ways. I recommend the three strike rule and after the third strike death. It will not only decrease crime but it will also save america money. Instead of paying to keep those criminals alive in prison, we could just shot them which is quick and pretty much painless.

It absolutely does

If more criminals were executed eventually the root of the problem, bad parenting would be eliminated. If parents raise their kids without instilling the difference between right and wrong, its their fault. Sure there are the occasional lunatics that despite any values when being raised will commit heinous crimes. Normally its how the kids are raised and the discipline instilled in them when young that determines what they will become when they get older. The out of wedlock child births exacerbate the problem because 1 parent cant do it all, especially if they are poor.

Capital punishment is inhumane

The death penalty belongs to the medieval ages. It does not consider the rights of the suspect/guilty and it is a gross spectacle to see. No one wants to see someone get electrocuted, beheaded or hanged. And the "humane" injections that are being used today are only for the families who want revenge. It is also proven it does not reduce crime. Using countries such Iraq and Iran as examples of why the death penalty is a must is the worst of examples as you just brush aside all the other negatives about their countries, such as their treatment of women and foreigners.

Is teaches them nothing

If a person is found guilty of a capital crime and is sentenced to death then what will they learn from it? Nothing thing because they are dead. They cannot learn from their mistakes if they are dead. What is the purpose of sentencing someone to death if you expect them to learn from their mistakes? Most people learn from their punishments and taught not to do the same mistake again.

Death penalty cannot deter crime!!!

Capital punishment, often referred to as the death penalty, has been used as a method of crime deterrence since the earliest societies. It has been a controversial position amongst lawmakers for centuries. Capital punishment does not deter crime, instead it encourages it. Today only 32 states still allow the death penalty because they believe that a state with death penalty has higher murder rates than states without it. Most people believe the fear of being sentenced to the death penalty scares a person enough that they will not commit any crimes, but instead it is the opposite. Most people die in prison before they actually make it to the death penalty due to all the paperwork that is needed. The death penalty does not deter crime nor will it deter crime in the future.

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