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The Power and Benefits of Doing Good Deeds   hubpages.com

Help Yourself

Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.

Besides helping someone, doing a good deed warms your own heart and makes you feel good. If you are unemployed or retired, it gives you something worthwhile to do to pass the time. It is a social activity for those who may feel isolated and alone.

Helping others gives you a new perspective and keeps you from focusing on your own problems. By focusing on someone other than yourself, you are reminded that you are not the only one in the world that has problems. In fact, it is possible that there are many people out there whose problems are much worse than yours.

Go To Heaven

Good deeds from good intentions flow; but good intentions only; build for us a place below. Anonymous

There are some religions that believe that you must be a good person in order to get to heaven. This means you have to perform good deeds regularly. Whether you tithe to your religious organization or give alms to the poor, doing good deeds is a way to get to heaven for these religions.

For religions that believe in reincarnation, doing good deeds is a great way to earn some karma, in hopes of getting a more positive form in the next life.

Even the religions that don't require good deeds to go to heaven, consider it is a moral responsibility of their members to practice charitable giving.

Make Money

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. Benjamin Franklin

By building a reputation as an honorable person, you will feel powerful and be able to stand taller, and present yourself as someone who is worth hiring and promoting. When you are generous with others, they will, in turn, be generous with you.

You may get a tax deduction for donating to a charity. A famous person may get some free publicity by showing up at a charitable event. By donating your time, you may get some skills training, which in turn can help you in your job.
What are the benefits of doing good deeds?
How to help someone who feel isolated and alone?
What do you think the concept that “being a good person in order to get to heaven”?
Can doing good deeds helping people make money?
Do you believe in the ideas that “karma, and the next life”?
What are the best cures for depression?

Are there any advantages to being poor?  toughnickel.com

Are there advantages to being poor? Yes there are many. They biggest advantages are the fact that you are more likely to get assistance, and that handling adversity makes you stronger.

What are the Advantages of Being Poor?

When you are poor, you will probably be able to get some assistance from a variety of sources. You may get help from the government, community organizations, or from friends and neighbors.

Benefit from Poverty by Developing Skills

When you are poor, you develop skills that someone who is wealthier does not have the opportunity to learn. You know how to cook your own food, clean your own house, and do basic home and auto repairs, because you cannot afford to outsource that work. There are many things you can learn simply by doing, and when you are poor, you have learned to do a lot for yourself.

You may have learned how to juggle schedules when you have more than one job at a time.

You know where to find help and how to coordinate the many resources in a way that works best for your situation. You also understand the importance of a good network, and probably have strong ties with the community. You will often trade favors with friends and family.

When you are poor, you learn to make do with what you have. You are creative with finding ways to do things in an economical fashion. You also know how to do without many things that other people consider necessities.

When you are poor, you do not feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't afford to. You buy less stuff, which helps keep your house cleaner, and makes it easier to move from your current location to another one when the landlord threatens rent increases.

If you are unemployed, you have free time. Even though you may feel uncomfortable about not working and guilty for having free time, unemployment gives you time to spend with your children, to clean the house, pursue additional education, and enjoy inexpensive hobbies.
Are there any advantages to being poor?
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What are the ways to enjoy inexpensive hobbies?
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