週四(9/1) 1. 當親密愛人變成敵人時2. 多吃蔬果 增加快樂感?

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「lover Has Become Your Enemy」的圖片搜尋結果
What to Do When Your Partner Has Become Your Enemy          By Sharon M. Rivkin  elfgrowth

Where has all the love gone that you once felt for your partner? Do you seem to fight about everything? Has your partner become your enemy? How did it happen?

These are common questions I address time and time again in my private practice. The process of “building a case against our partner” begins quietly and unconsciously, so we hardly notice what we’re doing. The emotional battle often begins after the honeymoon phase of a relationship and reality has set in. Suddenly the one who could do no wrong, can’t seem to do anything right. The one who used to make us happy is slowly becoming the enemy…someone to defend against and distrust. We’re certain they’re doing things just to annoy us and make us angry. We retaliate by doing things to them that get the same result. Slowly we have forgotten that we love our partner and now wonder what to do.

One of the most important things to do to begin to regain the love you once had for your partner is to start giving them the benefit of the doubt, like you would a friend or even a stranger. In order to do this, remember these three things:

1. Don’t take everything your partner says PERSONALLY. In other words, don’t just react impulsively from JUST your emotions. Let your head help you to think about the situation and what’s been said, rather than assuming your partner is trying to hurt you. To help you NOT just react from emotions (taking a remark as a personal attack), try asking yourself these simple questions: How might I respond to my partner if I did not take what she/he is saying personally? What if what she/he is saying ISN’T about me? If this was true, would I hear her/him differently? Would I respond differently?

Example: Your partner’s had a hard day and has been unable to talk to anyone about it. Then you walk in and start talking about your day. All of a sudden your partner is angry that you never listen. If you take a minute to THINK about the situation, without immediately reacting, you may realize that your partner did have a hard day and needs to be HEARD, not necessarily that you NEVER listen. By not reacting to your own hurt, you might be able to be there for your partner…and then they’re more likely to be there for you. Again, a potential argument could transform into an intimate conversation.

2. What if I didn’t see my partner as my enemy? How would I respond if I still loved/liked my partner? How did I respond in the beginning of our relationship?

Do you want to be right or do you want a resolution for the argument? Do you want a healthy relationship? The healthiest relationships are the ones where both people can be right and have the opportunity to express their feelings and be heard. It only takes one person to change the pattern of the relationship. Be that person. Stop attacking and putting your partner on the defensive. Begin with an act of kindness to yourself and your partner by giving them the benefit of the doubt. By doing so, you begin to change the pattern of your relationship from negative to positive, from attacking to understanding, from fighting to intimacy, from enemy to friend, lover, and partner. One act of kindness goes a long way, leading to a different and healthier way of communicating.
What to do when your partner has become your enemy?
What to do when the love is gone?
Is your relationship over? Signs that find the love is gone?
What are the ways to regain love in a relationship?
Do you think that apologies that always work?
What are the ways resolve conflicts and solve relationship problems?
What to do when you feel irritated with your partner?
「Eating Fruits and Veggies Will Boost Your Happiness」的圖片搜尋結果
多吃蔬果 增加快樂感?
Eating Fruits and Veggies Will Boost Your Happiness   By Luke Roney

An apple a day keeps the blues away? According to a new study, eating fruits and vegetables increases happiness. "However," researcher Andrew Oswald tells the New York Daily News, "French fries will not count." Researchers from England's University of Warwick and the University of Queensland in Australia examined the food journals of more than 12,000 people. "Happiness benefits" were noted for each extra portion of produce consumed each day. For people who went from eating little to no fruit and vegetables each day to eating eight portions, the "feel-good factor" was on par with that experienced when going from being jobless to employed. While the health benefits of eating produce are well-known, they don't offer immediate gratification: The "well-being improvements" kick in after about two years of adopting a high-produce diet.

According to an earlier CDC study, 76% of Americans failed to eat enough fruit, while 87% didn't eat their recommended daily amount of veggies. "People’s motivation to eat healthy food is weakened by the fact that physical-health benefits, such as protecting against cancer, accrue decades later," Oswald says in a press release. "However, well-being improvements from increased consumption of fruit and vegetables are closer to immediate.” As for why fruit and vegetable consumption may boost happiness, the authors say more research is needed. However, they do speculate that increased antioxidants in the blood may play a role. (These researchers found that butter consumption could reduce diabetes risk.)

Do you believe the idea that eating fruits and veggies will boost your happiness?
Do you believe the saying that “An apple a day keeps the blues away”?
Do you like eating fruit and vegetables? Why or why not?
Is a vegan diet healthy?
Is Eating Red Meat Bad for Your Health?
How to boost the "feel-good factor"?
How to choose healthy food?
消聲匿跡。剩下的,就只有滿滿惡毒的祝福。 (謝斯斯)














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