周三(8/17) 1.生命吸管/發明救世界2.甚麼讓你生氣?

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新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院左轉  Pm7:00-9:30


LifeStraw Saves Those Without Access to Clean Drinking Water


More than a billion people don’t have reliable access to clean drinking water. Boiling kills most germs in water, but requires fuel and doesn’t remove dirt. In recent years, sand and ceramic filters have become more common, but these tend to be more expensive and usually don’t catch all the microbes.

So many of the poor worldwide simply drink dirty water. As a result, about 1.5 million children die of diarrhea each year.

A new generation of cheap and effective water purifiers including Pureit (made by Unilever) and Swach (made by an Indian company, Tata, with a novel rice-husk ash filter) can remove nearly all water-borne pathogens without electricity.

But LifeStraw, produced by the Swiss company Vestergaard Frandsen, was designed for the poorest of the poor. The personal version works like a chunky drinking straw and can filter about 1,000 liters, enough to keep a person hydrated for a year. The family version — which looks something like an IV drip that ends in a water cannon — can purify 18,000 liters, serving a typical family for about three years.

Until now these filters have mainly been given away through aid groups aftersuch disasters like the Haitian earthquake and in chronically poor countries like Mozambique and Myanmar. Nearly a million of the family-size LifeStraw have been donated in Kenya alone this year. In exchange, the company will receive carbon credits for reduced emissions from wood-burning fires often used to boil water.

What you invent to help the world?

Have you every wondered if you could make an invention to help the world? One of the world's problems are feeding people in places where people are very poor. I would invent something that could help feed those people. My invention would be called "Food Pipe". It would consist of extra food at meals and restaurants left uneaten and unused and a pipe that sends that food to a central place near people that need the food. It would look like a cart with a huge funnel on top with a pipe on bottom and is neon green, hot pink or bright orange. It would work like this: There would be one in your kitchen or at the restaurant. Then, when you ate all you could, you would scrape the food off your plate, down the funnel, and it would package it into medium-sized bundles. Then, the pipe would send it to a place near homeless people, and they would pick a bundle up to eat. Now people will not have to starve, and it impacts world greatly.
What are your opinion about lifestraw?
What you want invent to help the world?
What are the ways to make our world better?
How to become a inventor? What are you going to make?
How to help the poor?
How to make the world a better place?
What are the ways to improve your life?

 「makes people angrier」的圖片搜尋結果
Cruel Summer: how hot weather makes people angrier  theguardian.com

The UK is currently experiencing something of a heatwave. However, as much as people claim to look forward to and enjoy hot weather, the evidence suggests that people are actually far more aggressive and violent when the temperature rises. What is it about the heat that makes people so angry?
Wednesday 1 July saw the hottest July day in the UK on record, and of course the population and the media responded with the typical calm and level-headedness you’d expect.

For many this would seem like a wasted day, lying on the bed hoping to die for nine hours, rather than going out and enjoying the weather, but according to scientific evidence it may have been the wisest course of action overall. Despite the fact that people (in the UK at least) regularly long for hot weather and will travel great distances to find it, the notion that hot weather makes people more aggressive and violent is a well-known one in the psychology field. You may have experienced it yourself; online discussions taking a more hostile turn faster than normal, people being more short-tempered than usual, even things like the 2011 London riots often take place in high summer.

We have a decent idea of how anger works, and how it spreads far and wide. We also know quite a lot about how humans respond to excess heat. So what’s the link between all these things? Why would hot temperatures make us so hot tempered?

This is a tricky question. The original data, which first provided evidence for this relationship between heat and hostility, came from crime statistics. Many reports and analyses noticed that crimes, particularly violent crimes, increase in occurrence during the summer, especially if it’s hotter than average.

However, there are many things that could explain this; people are outside a lot more during the hot weather, so there is a drastically increased chance of people meeting each other in circumstances that would result in a violent altercation (i.e. if you’re the sort of person who’d pick a fight with someone who spilled your beer, the more people there are the more likely your beer is to be spilled). Also, criminals are often opportunists; thieves will rob homes and steal wallets when the opportunity arises, and it arises more often as people are out and about, enjoying the warmth.

Do you think that hot weather makes people angrier?
Do you think that people become more aggressive and violent in summer time?
What are your opinions about some social attacking matters happened in hot weather days?
What are the reasons makes people angry?
How to deal with short-tempered people?
Do you think violent crimes increasing during the summer?
How to calm down when you get really angry?

韋斯特・弗蘭德森企業與許多非營利機構合作,包括宗教機構、當地政府或救援組織,將生命吸管免費提供給急欲乾淨水的人,「使用者不用擔心要花錢購買。」麥克說。也因此2010年至2012年的海地地震、巴基斯坦水災、日本地震等災害,透過各方組織將生命吸管直接送入災民手中。但國際組織Water Aid也透露,生命吸管是本世紀驚人發明之一,對後續發展樂觀其成,不過全球的水污染及水浪費的問題依然令人堪憂。


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