週二(8/16)1. 職場岐視與整形2.悲劇電影讓人快樂!/百憂解

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
「age discrimination at work」的圖片搜尋結果
Many are turning to plastic surgery to avoid age discrimination at work    independent.co.uk

Middle-aged workers are turning to face-lifts to compete with younger colleagues in what experts say is an increasingly ageist workplace.

Figures for 2005 from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) show a 40 per cent increase in anti-ageing treatments including face-lifts. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) operations, which remove wrinkled skin and bags around the eyes, increased by 50 per cent and brow lifts increased by 35 per cent. Eyelid surgery is now second only to breast augmentation in the UK's top 10 surgery choices. The Harley Medical Group, one of the UK's largest and best-known cosmetic surgery organisations, also confirms that "silver surgery" is booming. The proportion of 50-year-olds having surgery in their clinics has quadrupled in the past five years and almost half of those people said they wanted to remain a player in the workplace. Dr Norman Waterhouse, a Harley Street face-lift specialist with 28 years' experience, said: "Policewomen and teachers come to me. People who would not have come to me 15 or 20 years ago are now requesting treatments."

Dr Waterhouse believes that facial ageing, which generally occurs in the 40s or 50s, can often coincide with changes of direction in life and in people's careers. Some of his patients think that looking older means less respect in a competitive work environment. He said: "We are all going to be working longer. As we get older we all have to make sure we are presentable. Where once we would have had a haircut, we now consider surgery as a realistic option."

The Harley Medical Group reports that while face-lifts are popular with both sexes, women are also opting for brow and breast lifts and Botox treatments, while men tend to change a feature they have always been unhappy with, such as the nose. People do not want to be considered "over the hill" and ready for retirement by their colleagues before they are ready to go.

Statistics support the idea that attitudes to age in the office have changed. A recent study on age discrimination carried out by the Chartered Management Institute and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development reported that more than half of respondents felt they had been personally disadvantaged at work because of age discrimination. Significantly, 39 per cent believed that their chances of promotion had been hindered by age discrimination. Staff between the ages of 30 and 39 are considered to have the best promotion prospects, with opportunities falling sharply for the over-50s.

What are your opinions about age discrimination at work?  
Is it a good idea that turning to plastic surgery to compete with younger colleagues?
What are the types of discrimination at work? 
What are the ways to gain job opportunities?
What types of plastic surgery you would like to try?
Why plastic surgery so popular these days?
What are the examples of discrimination in society today?
「Sad Movies Make Us Happy」的圖片搜尋結果
Why Do Sad Movies Make Us Happy?  Faye Sakellaridis

A new Ohio State University reveals that watching tragic movies can actually make people happier in the short-term.
    Researchers found that watching a tragedy movie caused people to think about their own close relationships, which in turn acted to boost their overall life happiness. So watching a sad story (Titanic, for example) made people happier by bringing attention to some positive aspects in their own lives.

    “Tragic stories often focus on themes of eternal love, and this leads viewers to think about their loved ones and count their blessings,” said Dr Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, lead author of the study and associate professor of communication at Ohio State University.

What is Generic Prozac?
Prozac® was first developed in 1970 by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly. As is true with many modern medications, the focus at the time was not on developing a product to aid in recovery from depression. However, tests involving the prototype indicated the efficacy of the product to help with the melancholy, apathy, and general feelings of worthlessness and fatigue that are so common with many forms of depression. To this day, Prozac® remains one of the most popular of all antidepressants.
Prozac® was first developed in 1970 by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly. As is true with many modern medications, the focus at the time was not on developing a product to aid in recovery from depression. However, tests involving the prototype indicated the efficacy of the product to help with the melancholy, apathy, and general feelings of worthlessness and fatigue that are so common with many forms of depression. To this day, Prozac® remains one of the most popular of all antidepressants.
What types of movie make you happy? Why?
Why do sad movies make us happy?
What types of movies you like most? Why?
What are the ways to get happy when you're sad?
What happy people do differently?

“Prozac” which help with many forms of depression. What do you think about this medicine?

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