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Robot Chef That Can Cook 2,000 Meals Set To Go On Sale In 2017     iflscience.com BBC News

After a long, drawn out day in the office, it’s not always easy to motivate yourself to cook a proper meal when you get home. Instead of reaching for the saucepan, many opt for the quicker and easier option of take-out or ready meals, many of which are not exactly healthy or particularly nutritious. But what if you could have a handy robotic assistant in the kitchen, ready to whip you up a gourmet meal whenever you so desire? That’s the dream of Moley Robotics, a London-based company that has developed a prototype “robochef” designed for the home.

Unveiled today at Germany’s Hannover Messe technology fair, the machine consists of two remarkably dexterous robotic arms installed atop a cooking area, complete with hobs, a sink and an oven. The robot’s sophisticated and fully articulated hands were created by Shadow Robot Company, another London-based firm, whose products are used all over the world, including by NASA.

Rather than cooking like a machine, the system works by first recording human actions in 3D and then converting these into highly precise movements. The prototype was trained by chef Tim Anderson, who spent time whipping up original dishes in a motion-capture studio. During a demonstration, Anderson had the robot make a crab bisque, but he told BBC News it can do anything from a bit of prep to completing an entire dish.

According to Moley’s website, the firm hopes to bring a consumer version to market by 2017 that will feature several additions, including a library of thousands of recipes, a dishwasher and a refrigerator. This means you not only won’t have to cook or prep for yourself if you can’t be bothered, but you don’t even need to wash up afterward. Marvelous. You will even be able to control it remotely using an app, which means you could order your dish to be ready for when you get home.

Eventually, Moley hopes to produce a version complete with cameras so that users can teach it to create their own dishes, which can then be uploaded to a digital recipe library and shared with other people. They also want later models to be capable of dealing with tricky things like stopping mixing at the appropriate time to prevent splitting or over-beating.

Something would change; we would see it in the sensor data. Maybe something gets stiffer or softer,” Shadow’s Rich Walker explains to BBC News. “We should be able to sense that and use it as the point to transition to the next stage of the cooking process.”

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(Survey on life in 2016 asked 1,000 British young adults aged 18 to 34
26% are willing to date a robot, but only if it looks like a real-life human)
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「Helping Others  make you happier」的圖片搜尋結果
Facts That Prove Helping Others Is A Key To Achieving Happiness   huffingtonpost.

Helping Others Will Actually Make You Feel Great

Giving back has an effect on your body. Studies show that when people donated to charity, the mesolimbic system, the portion of the brain responsible for feelings of reward, was triggered. The brain also releases feel-good chemicals and spurs you to perform more kind acts — something psychologists call “helper’s high.”

You’ll Have Stronger Friendships

Being a force for good in a friend’s life can help build a lasting bond. When you help others, you give off positive vibes, which can rub off on your peers and improve your friendships, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health. Both parties will contribute to maintaining a mutually beneficial dynamic.

You Become A Glass Half-Full Type Person

Having a positive impact on someone else could help you change your own outlook and attitude. Experts say that performing acts of kindness boosts your mood and ultimately makes you more optimistic and positive.

Helping Others Will Make You Feel Like You Can Take On The World

Helping someone out can leave you feeling rewarded and fulfilled. People who participate in volunteer work feel more empowered than those who do not. According to a survey by the United Health Group, 96 percent of people who volunteered over the last 12 months said volunteering enriches their sense of purpose.

You’ll Feel A Sense Of Belonging

Whether with a large group of people in a volunteer organization, or just between two friends exchanging words of advice, helping people creates a feeling of community. “Face-to-face activities such as volunteering at a drop-in center can help reduce loneliness and isolation,” according to the Mental Health Foundation.
Why helping others is a key to achieving happiness?  
What is the reason for your kind acts?
How to help others?
Are you a glass half-full type person?
How to make you more optimistic and positive?
How to enrich your life with a sense of purpose?
How to reduce the feeling of loneliness and isolation?

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