週四 (10/27)1.愛情勝過金錢?2.處理幾種 難相處的人?

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「Is love more important than money?」的圖片搜尋結果

 Is love more important than money?        debate
    Love SHOULD be more important than money for anyone who has a husband or wife. Love is everlasting. Money IS important to live, but having a companion you can always trust and care about should come before that. If you love each other, you will both work hard to help each other live a wonderful life together.
    Love is definitely more important than money. When people are upset they do not turn to their money for comfort, or to talk to, people do not call their money to have a girl talk or guys night out, money will not shed a tear for anyone if something happens to them, money feels nothing so how can anyone have an emotion to a piece of paper. Sure a person that loves money over love can use it to temporarily fill voids strip clubs, night clubs, things that will allow u to meet someone on a whim but it's just temporary. Money doesn't love, but it's the love of money that is the root of all evil. If a lover of money died that green piece of paper they chased, valued, and loved so much will not shed a tear, the persons loved ones are the ones that will cry and miss them, money is just a harmful necessity in life, many of relationships have fallen apart because someone in the relationship fell in love with and started chasing money.
    Money can open up the world to you and give you anything you can realistically dream up..Including plenty of virgins that will more than likely fall in LOVE with you, it's a deep rooted thing in women. So in reality money can buy what is essentially real love.
    Love doesn't bring food to the table

    If you enter a relationship, you must have money to take that person on a date and buy them gifts.
    Love is great however when times of desperation such as having a home, living expenses or food, you need money to support all that. What good is love if I can't take my loved one anywhere or spend on something nice. The only time love exceeds money is with family, that kind of love is built on trust with a special connection.

    I laugh at people who are romantically together and claim that love is more important. You need money to eat, buy a home, send your kids to school and have a retirement when you're frail and old. Also when you are poor with a family you struggle to make ends meet. It is no wonder parents divorce when one can't have the money to support.

    Furthermore, females always look for a mate who will provide for their children. Meaning if they have enough money to support their kids to have a good education and quality lifestyle.
Is love more important than money?
Would you marry for money or love?     
Why love is more important than money?
Why money is more important than love?
Why do many actresses marry wealthy people?
Can money issues really end a relationship?
「Difficult Types of People」的圖片搜尋結果
處理幾種 難相處的人?
Difficult Types of People and How to Deal With Them      By Clay Tucker-Ladd, Ph.D.

The Hostile Co-worker or Boss
Dealing with hostile people requires both tact and strength. Since persons who feel they have been wronged are more likely to be belligerent and violent, you should first try to be sure they have been dealt with fairly.

If you can divert the angry person’s attention to some meaningful task or a calm discussion of the situation, the anger should subside. Also, offer him/her any information that would explain the situation that upsets him/her. Point out similarities or common interests between him/her and the person they are mad at (you). Let him/her see or hear about calm, rational ways of resolving differences.

The Chronic Complainer
What about the chronic complainers? They are fault-finding, blaming, and certain about what should be done but they never seem able to correct the situation by themselves. Often they have a point — there are real problems — but their complaining is not effective (except it is designed to prove someone else is responsible).

Coping with complainers involves, first, listening and asking clarifying questions, even if you feel guilty or falsely accused. There are several don’ts: don’t agree with the complaints, don’t apologize (not immediately), and don’t become overly defensive or counter-attack because this only causes them to restate their complaints more heatedly.

The Know-It-All Expert
The true expert may act superior and make others feel stupid; they may be bull headed and impatient with differing opinions; they are often self-reliant, don’t need or want any help, and don’t want to change. If you are going to deal with the true expert as an equal, you must do your homework thoroughly; otherwise, they will dismiss you. First of all, listen to them and accurately paraphrase their points. Don’t attack their ideas but rather raise questions that suggest alternatives: “Would you tell me more?
The pretentious-but-not-real expert is relatively easy to deal with because he/she (unlike liars or cons) is often unaware of how little he/she knows. Such a person can be gently confronted with the facts. Do it when alone with them. Help them save face. They simply want to be admired.

The Pessimist
Another “burden” to any group is the pessimist –the person who always says, “It won’t work” or “We tried that.” These angry, bitter people have the power to drag us down because they stir up the old pool of doubt and disappointment within us. So, first of all, avoid being sucked into his/her cesspool of hopelessness. Don’t argue with the pessimist; don’t immediately offer solutions to the difficulties predicted by the pessimist.
How to deal with difficult types of people?    
How to deal with the hostile co-worker or boss?
How to divert the angry person’s attention?
How to deal with the know-it-all expert?
Do you hate the person who act superior and make others feel stupid?
How to deal with the chronic complainer?
How to deal with the pessimist?


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