
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉  聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Pres. Tsai seeks review of annual leave system         By Stephanie Chao ,The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- President Tsai Ing-wen demanded a review of the nation's annual leave system for workers during the first policy coordination meeting on Monday.

Tsai said Cabinet-backed amendments to the Labor Standards Act  known as "one fixed day off, one flexible day off" (一例一休)"  must be passed by the end of the year in order to impose mandatory two-day weekends.
A review of the annual leave system would allow workers to receive ample rest time, Tsai said.
'Government must resolve issue of unequal holidays'

Workers should be given more vacation.     Debate
    It is statistically shown that workers in the US are some of the most overworked individuals in the developed world. Workers in Japan are often given recognition for naps at work because it shows the dedication to work. Only receiving 2 weeks maximum vacation time per year is extremely tiring, and it gives no time to spend with family. Well rested workers have also been shown to perform better at work.

    Workers deserve more vacation

    We as workers spend over one-third of our time at work if not more. Most people get an average of 10-15 days of Vacation time. That is the equivalent of 2-3 weeks compared to a whole year. We are all one way or another married to are jobs and really shouldn't be. It would be great if we all got more vacation time because afterwards I believe more production would happen and more would get done in the long run.

No, I do not think workers should be given more vacation time.

I do not agree with giving workers more vacation time. The term vacation time means paid time off. I do think the amount people get in various jobs is adequate. If people want more time for holidays, they can always request for it. They will just not get paid for it.

Do you think the nation's annual leave system should be changed?
Should workers be given less annual leave?
Should workers be given more vacation?
Are we more productive when we have more time off?
Do you think that workers in Taiwan are the most overworked individual?
What is suitable working hours?
Do you get paid extra for working on a holiday?

「A Hypnotic Voice Drives Women Crazy」的圖片搜尋結果
How A Hypnotic Voice Drives Women Crazy, And How To Develop It

Most of us take our voices for granted.  Yet the resonance, speed, and tone of your voice are some of the most important factors in creating sexual rapport with women.  The words you say to a woman are not so important as HOW you say them and HOW you project yourself.  The woman’s limbic brain is sexually stimulated based on the nonverbal you, not your words.

For example, if you have a resonant, sultry, sexy voice, women will often become sexually intrigued as soon as you open your mouth.  The sound of your voice alone can change her state from neutral to captive and intrigue.  Of course, what you say CAN affect the outcome of creating sexual rapport; but it is much more important to learn to sound good.

Awesome Hypnotic Voice Tips To Attract The Ladies

Attraction is created by style and attitude, by CHARISMA, what women often call CHARM. If you don’t look like Brad Pitt, this is good news, because it can be learned.

And just as BODY LANGUAGE trumps BODY SHAPE in attracting women, your VOICE will trump your WORDS.

Lots of guys, when they are trying to learn how to be more successful with women, turn to pick-up lines. Men seem to think the RIGHT WORDS will move a girl’s heart.

Controlling your voice the right way will have a positive affect on MANY aspects of your life, but right now, we care about how it affects women.

There are keys to speaking in a commanding, confident way that women find sexy and attractive.

Hypnosis #1. Speak Loudly
The easiest one is volume. Speak LOUDLY.

That doesn’t mean you should YELL at a woman. Your volume has to come naturally, from the chest. If you sound strained when you speak you sound, well, STRAINED.

Your volume should be the sort of thing that fills a room with your confidence. When you speak quietly, it communicates that you DON’T BELIEVE what you say has WORTH. You’re telling women (and anyone else in your teeny hearing radius) that you’re a WUSS.

That’s the last thing you want someone thinking. Especially an attractive woman. In an instant you’ll splash into the NEXT category, and you probably aren’t getting out. Once a woman passes, the best thing you can do is move on.

So, don’t YELL, don’t WHISPER, just speak from your chest in a voice loud enough everyone can hear.
How having a hypnotic voice drives women crazy?And how to develop it?
How to have a charming voice?
Do you think that having a voice is important?
What can you tell about a person's character by his/her voice?
How to make yourself more attractive? How to attract the opposite sex?

What are the ways to be charming?

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