週二(11/1)1.星座與壓力的關聯? 2.最樂觀國家&最悲觀國家

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「Find out your zodiac signs areas of anxiety」的圖片搜尋結果

Find out your zodiac sign's areas of anxiety    
By Simone Butler   tarot.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You count on your dynamic Ram energy to get you through the day, and feel vulnerable when it runs out. Especially when you're down or ill, you feel overwhelmed and stress about all the tasks you can't accomplish. You're used to playing Superman or Superwoman, and forget to take time off and be a lazy slug.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You don't suffer fools, Gemini. When the car in front of you pulls a bone-headed move in traffic, your stress-o-meter hits the roof. And, little things get to you -- like words being mispronounced or misspelled. You're apt to blow a gasket dealing with slow or stubborn people, where you feel like you're talking to a wall. You need regular activities that calm your overactive mind, like yoga or throwing pots in a ceramics class.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Feeling unsafe is a sure ticket to stress for you. The Crab puts up a front that makes you seem tougher than you really are, so others don't realize how deeply you're affected by criticism, angry outbursts or being ignored.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Not being treated fairly is very stressful for you, Libra. You'll spend hours weighing the pros and cons of confronting someone -- so much so, you can even make yourself sick! Rather than seething in silence or overreacting defensively, respond calmly in the moment.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
You're all about movement, Sagittarius, so sitting in traffic is your own personal hell. You're also not big on formal events or business meetings where you have to act properly and "behave" according to corporate culture. Any situation that reins you in, like a partner pressuring you for a commitment or a boss demanding you punch in at a time clock, can trigger stress.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You demand a lot from yourself, Capricorn. And, you feel pressured when you fail to live up to your high expectations. You can end up going over the "what ifs" or "if onlys" of life 'til you're all lathered up, asking questions that can't be answered or longing for what you can't have. The remedy is to live in the moment, the only place where joy can be found. And, be sure there's plenty of time to relax in your hectic day.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Though "live and let live" is your motto, Aquarius, you really like to have your way. You get frustrated when you can't justify doing what you want without a good reason. Nor can you abide people who try to bend your will to theirs. Already high-strung, you become stressed by the pressures of time, and often feel there's not enough of it. Yet ironically, by slowing down you'll actually get more done and feel more relaxed.

In your opinion, what start signs of people are much easily feel overwhelmed and stress?
Who to deal with when you feel overwhelmed and stress?
Is your personality really like your astrological sign?
Do you like playing Superman or Superwoman?
What start signs of people easily get frustrated?
What are the factors that trigger stress?
What to do when you cannot live up to your expectations?

 「The Most Optimistic Countries」的圖片搜尋結果
The Most Optimistic Countries In The World Might Surprise You, And The Most Pessimistic Definitely Will
By Claire Warner     bustle

It's a pessimist's world out there. No, really — according to a recent survey of the most optimistic countries in the world, the idealists of the world are far outweighed by the Debbie Downers. When you consider the derision directed at most optimists, this isn't exactly surprising; pessimism is a far more fashionable attitude in many circles (probably because it gives people the chance to say, "I told you so," if we're being honest). If you ask most people, the sky is threatening to fall at any given moment.

According to the Independent's i100 blog, researchers did exactly that: Ask people, albeit in a more scientific manner. Researchers surveyed 17 countries across the globe, asking whether respondents thought the world was improving, and the results may surprise you. China was the most optimistic country by far, with 41 percent of percent of respondents reporting that they thought the world was getting better — almost 10 times more than the United States. The second most optimistic country, Indonesia, trailed behind by 18 percentage points, and the number of optimistic respondents quickly dwindled from there. France was the most pessimistic country, with a mere three percent of respondents saying the world was looking up, and 81 percent reporting that it was getting worse.

Hong Kong and Australia made a good showing as well, with 71 and 70 percent of respondents writing that the world was going downhill, respectively. The United States remained largely in the middle of the pack for both pessimism and optimism, although the bar for optimism was so low that a measly showing of 6 percent landed us firmly in the middle. In contrast, 65 percent of American respondents said that the world was getting worse. I'm not saying this has to do with Donald Trump, but... it probably has something to do with Donald Trump.

Judging from the results of the survey, the pessimists of the world far outnumber the optimists — which is unfortunate, considering that optimism has been linked to better physical and mental health.

The Optimists
1. China, 41 percent
2. Indonesia, 23 percent
3. Saudi Arabia, 16 percent
4. Thailand, 11 percent
5. United Arab Emirates, 10 percent
The Pessimists
1. France, 81 percent
2. Hong Kong, 71 percent
3. Australia, 70 percent
4. Thailand, 69 percent
5. Malaysia, 68 percent
What do you think “the most optimistic countries and the most pessimistic in the world”?
What are the factors make people optimistic? Or pessimistic?
Is it bad to be a pessimist?
How to be less pessimistic and more optimistic?
What are the benefits of being optimistic?
How to have better physical and mental health?

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