週四 (3/16)1.愛情賀爾蒙? 2.騙子的大腦

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「“Love Hormone”」的圖片搜尋結果

Fact or Fiction?: Oxytocin Is the “Love Hormone”    scientificamerican.com  Gary Stix

A biochemical produced in the brain called oxytocin has entered popular culture in recent years as the “love,” “cuddle” or “bonding” hormone. That’s a lot to choose from.

Oxytocin plays a role in producing contractions at childbirth and in helping in lactation, but we’ve known that for more than a century. Experiments in the 1990s showed that it was instrumental in leading prairie voles, known for their monogamous behavior, to pick a lifelong mate. Later studies then demonstrated that the chemical contributes to trust and social interactions in various animals, including humans.

After the vole study, interest in the nine–amino acid peptide started to rise. In a TED talk economist Paul Zak called it “the moral molecule” because of its link to trust, empathy and prosperity.

The Internet DIY brain-makeover market then took up the meme.  Vero Labs of Daytona Beach, Fla., sells “Connekt” oxytocin spray for $79 that purports to “strengthen workplace bonds” and “increase positive self-awareness.” The company has also come out with a his-and-her“Attrakt” spray that mixes oxytocin with pheromones—chemical sex attractants that help mice get it on, but whose role in triggering mating behavior in humans is hotly disputed. (Researchers who study oxytocin warn prospective buyers away from these purchases, saying that long-term use in humans has not been studied.)

Oxytocin has another side to it that makes it something less than Love Potion No. 9. Recent research shows that it can intensify a negative memory of a social experience—such as the recollection of your boss yelling in your face in front of co-workers. It may even increase the likelihood of aggression and violence toward others who are not part of your social group.

Oxytocin without question has an influence on social dealings, but its effect may depend heavily on circumstance. The American Psychological Association’s Science Watch had two great quotes from scientists about oxytocin that caution against pigeonholing it as having any fixed role in governing social relationships.

What are your opinion about the “love hormone”?
Do you think the hormone oxytocin it link to trust and empathy?
Are you willing accept of others?
What make us willing to trust others?
Can you sense who are not part of your social group?
Can you sense someone who love you?
Please sharing your own definition of love?

     「Con Artists」的圖片搜尋結果
How Con Artists Work?
by Ed Grabianowski    howstuffworks

A con artist, also known as a crook, swindler, or scammer, is a person who tricks someone out of money or goods. He establishes trust with the victim and uses the ability to read people and a good sense of timing to carry the schemes through.

Con artists make money through deception. They lie, cheat and fool people into thinking they've happened onto a great deal or some easy money, when ­they're the ones who'll be making money. If that doesn't work, they'll take advantage of our weaknesses -- loneliness, insecurity, poor health or simple ignorance. The only thing more important to a con artist than perfecting a con is perfecting a total lack of conscience.

What does the average con artist look like? Despite what you may think, he isn't always a shady-looking character. A con artist is an expert at looking however he needs to look. If the con involves banking or investments, the con artist will wear a snappy suit. If it involves home improvement scams, he'll show up wearing well-worn work clothes. Even the basic assumption that the con is a "he" is incorrect: there are plenty of con women too.

You might think you can spot a con artist because he's someone you instinctively "don't trust." But the term con artist is short for confidence artist -- they gain your confidence just long enough to get their hands on your money. They can be very charming and persuasive. A good con artist can even make you believe he is really an old friend you haven't seen in years.

Con artists do share certain characteristics, however. Even the best con can only go on for so long before people start getting suspicious. For that reason, con artists tend to move frequently. They may have a job that allows this, or they might claim to have such a job. Railroad worker, carnival worker and traveling salesman are all parts con artists play to cover up their constant relocations.

It would be impo­ssible to catalogue every con, because con artists are inventive. While many cons are simply variations on ones that are hundreds of years old, new technologies and laws give con artists the opportunity to create original scams. Many cons tend to fall into a few general categories, however: street cons, business cons, Internet cons, loan cons and home improvement cons.
What is a con artist?
How con artists work?
What to do when encountering a scammer?
Sharing experiences about phone scamming?
Should you trust strangers?
How do you build trust between strangers?
What are the reasons that you shouldn't trust someone?
How to be more persuasive?







前額葉原是人成為人最重要的地方,是我們人格的所在地,掌管我們的思想、計畫、策略與工作記憶。人類跟其他動物最大的差別就在前額葉上,額葉(frontal lobe)佔我們大腦皮質的29%,猴子只有17%,狗7%,貓3.5%(從這點看來,狗比貓聰明)。最近有研究發現皮質的大小可以預測靈長類欺騙的能力,研究者比較了四種新世界的猴子,七種舊世界的猴子,四種猿類,結果發現牠們在生活中欺騙行為的多寡與大腦新皮質的大小有正相關,即皮質越大的靈長類,社會認知能力越強,也越會騙人。如此說來,奸雄如曹操應該是前額葉很大的人,他老謀深算、工於心計。《紅樓夢》中的薛寶釵也應該是一個前額葉皮質很大的人,譬如明明是她在大觀園的亭子外偷聽丫頭講悄悄話,當小紅推開窗子,她的行跡要敗露時,她就故意大聲叫林黛玉的名字說「顰兒,我看你往那裡藏!」,假裝是林黛玉在偷聽,真是抹黑兼嫁禍他人,難怪在競爭中林黛玉死去,薛寶釵達到了嫁賈寶玉的目的。


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