周六(3/18) 1.富裕之後--2. 蕾絲邊婚禮 有兩場聚會 午4:00-6:00 晚7:30--9:30

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
聚會時間  下午4:00-6:00
聚會時間   晚間7:30--9:30
「The Problem of Wealth」的圖片搜尋結果
物質方面成長了,然而卻帶來各方面的衝擊,富裕之後的社會汙染了社會環境的生態;在精神方面,更是空虛迷惘, ..
今天 Billy 跟各位好友們 就來談談 富裕的社會 帶來的問題

The Problem of Wealth        Preface   counterpunch.org

As our country and the world face the unprecedented scourge of global climate change, the constant toxification of our air and water, and ever-increasing social and economic inequities, the few means to combat these problems exist in the form of government regulations and interventions, funded by taxes. Though the richest among us may be touted as beneficent “job creators” by ideologues and the obsequious mass media who revere them, the rich, in fact, are actually the major source of the harms and evils facing our society. Their vast industrial and corporate enterprises directly and indirectly contribute to the majority of all fossil fuel emissions, toxic pollution, worker exploitation, and income inequality. Contrary to popular opinion, the rich do not gain their wealth because they work harder or possess more skills and intellect than the rest of us; they amass profligate fortunes because they are more selfish, narcissistic, and sociopathic than others. They are rich for a specific reason. Where you or I would freely give of ourselves to help others and eschew extravagant excess, the goal of the rich is money-making, so everything they do is toward that end. Psychological studies have demonstrated that wealthy people are less altruistic than poorer people, which is precisely why they are wealthy. In this era where the United States faces the greatest income disparity in the nation’s history, on top of unprecedented environmental and ecological catastrophes, it is imperative that those responsible for causing these calamities pay for them rather than benefit from them.

The rich are indeed different than the rest. They are more liable to lie, cheat, steal, and act unethically. It is precisely this behavior that enables their accumulation of wealth. According to Professor Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door, “the higher you go up the ladder… the great number of sociopaths you will find there.” Thus, it is not surprising that many of the richest, most powerful people in our society perpetrate tremendous damage and injustice. They more often lack empathy and pro-social behavior, while they take more and give less than their poorer counterparts. These negative attributes of the upper classes commonly manifest themselves in the form of lack of concern for the environment, for other species, and for other humans. Given that the ten richest Americans are all corporate/industrial magnates of one form or another, 4 it is inevitable that tremendous damage has resulted from their industrial pursuits, both due to the nature of the wealthy individuals themselves and due to the nature of corporations. In addition, since corporations are considered people as per a Supreme Court decision, it is imperative that not only rich individuals, but corporations as well bear the burden of reimbursing society for the destruction they spread.

In addition, products that most Americans have come to rely on in our modern industrial/technological society are composed of heavy metals as well as over 85,000 synthetic chemicals, the majority of which have not been adequately tested or regulated for safety,but many of which have demonstrated the potential for carcinogenic, teratogenic, or endocrine disrupting effects. The wealth of the richest individuals and corporations in America rests on the use of these chemicals which have already contributed to the worldwide explosion of cancer, reproductive abnormalities, and species extinctions, among other devastating health impacts. Synthetic chemicals, fossil fuels, and other toxic substances have permeated our very life-support systems – our air and our water – from the rampant industrialization of the past two centuries. Indeed, it is nearly impossible to find a place in America or the world untouched by the blight of toxic pollutants. 
What are the problem of wealth?
What do you think the saying that “the rich, in fact, are actually the major source of the harms and evils facing our society?”
What are your opinion about the issues of toxic pollution, worker exploitation, and income inequality?
Do you think the rich people are more selfish, narcissistic, and sociopathic than others?
What are your opinion the upper classes?
What are your opinion about global climate change?

HSBC Taiwan CEO walks lesbian employee down the aisle

Taipei (Taiwan News)When HSBC Taiwan employee Jennifer Chang's (張怡貞) parents refused to attend her wedding with lesbian partner of 11-years, the CEO of the company John Li (李鐘培) volunteered to walk her down the wedding aisle instead.

I am so grateful Li agreed to help," said Chang.  "I didn't even think I would ever have a wedding.”

The 32-year-old Chang and her partner Sam Chiu (邱于珊) met in 2005, but kept their relationship secret till last year.

The couple coincidentally are born on the same date and year, and even share the same blood type.

"Before we came out we were always afraid, we were hesitant to talk about it because we were worried people might make fun of us,” Chang explained in a YouTube video released by HSBC.

Encouraged by a client, Chang and Chiu decided to come out of the closet last year, in which her colleagues were very accepting of her sexual orientation, but her family remained unsupportive.

"I remember whenever my dad saw Sam, he would kick her out of the house,” said Chang.

Chang's family strongly opposed the relationship to the point that they flatly refused to attend their wedding last November.

Being a good daughter, Chang tried to appease to her parents in the past by dating men, and even tried to arrange a fake marriage for the sake of her father.

The good news is her parents have softened their attitude towards Chiu recently, and are gradually becoming more accepting of their relationship, Chang told Apple Daily reporters.

We hope our story can encourage others in a similar situation,” said Chang.

It is very moving to see managers at work support gay marriages, but older generations still need to be educated on gender equality, said Peng Chih-liu (彭治鏐), the secretary-general of Taiwan Tonzhi Hotline Association, a non-profit LGBT rights advocate group.

Taiwan has still not officially legalized same-sex marriage, so the couple's wedding status cannot be registered on their IDs.
What are your opinion about this lesbian wedding?
Why do some people make fun of gays?
Do you support the idea of same sex relationship? Why or why not?
Should we officially legalized same-sex marriage?
What are the pros and cons of getting/being married?
What are your opinion about LGBT group?





而張怡貞和女友在2016年11月完成婚禮,由台灣匯豐銀行CEO李鐘培(John Li)代替父親,牽著張怡貞的手步上紅毯,張怡貞說,「從來沒想過我們兩個會走到這段路,真的很感動」,回首過去的點點滴滴,兩人都在婚禮上哭成淚人兒。

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