週四 (3/30)1.道歉公司? 2.食品標示 熱量選擇

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「Japanese Apology Agencies」的圖片搜尋結果

Japanese Apology Agencies Say 'I'm Sorry' on Your Behalf      
By Sumitra    odditycentral

It’s not easy to apologise, and most people would like to avoid it entirely if possible. Well, it turns out it is possible, if you happen to live in Japan. They have these ‘apology agencies’ through which you could simply pay someone to say sorry on your behalf.

I can see why these businesses are so successful – it’s really tough to face the person you’ve wronged and tell  them that you’re sorry. It’s a highly uncomfortable situation, especially if you’ve made someone angry or hurt their feelings.

By hiring an expert, not only do you get to avoid the discomfort, you also make sure that the person gets a proper apology. These agencies train their employees to handle things based on the gravity of the situation. These people are professionals, and it looks like they can get you out of all sorts of sticky situations.

For example, they may send a person pretending to be your parent or friend to break up with a clingy lover. Or they may call your workplace pretending to be your wife and tell them you’re sick, on those days when you’d rather not go into to work.

Of course, it doesn’t take away from the fact that these services are based on deception. Nothing can match a face-to-face, personal apology, no matter how badly you mess up. Apology agencies have come up against severe criticism because they allow people to skate around an essential human experience.

Nevertheless, these businesses are doing pretty well for themselves. About 40 percent of their customer base is believed to be female, between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Some of the most popular reasons for approaching apology agencies are problems with money or love.

Prices vary depending on the nature of apology required. The Shazaiya Aiga Pro Agency charges 25,000 yen ($240) for a face-to-face apology, and 10,000 yen ($96) for an email or phone apology. Nihon Shazai Daikokao, on the other hand, charges 3,500 yen ($33) per hour.

A few agencies like Yokohama Benriya Natchan prefer not to reveal their prices – estimates are provided by phone consultation and they even offer ‘apologies while crying’ services for particularly angry people.

What are your opinion about that Japanese apology agencies say 'I’m sorry' on your behalf?       
Would you pay someone to do your apologizing for you?
Do you find it difficult to apologize?
How to make proper apology?
Why we need to apologize?
How to break up with a clingy lover?
Is it a good idea to hire a person pretending to be your wife and call your workplace tell them you’re sick?

 「labels on food make people eat better」的圖片搜尋結果
食品標示 熱量選擇
Would warning labels on food make people eat better?    debatewise

Yes because...
Food labelling is an excellent way to make people eat better. People don’t want to become obese and...
Food labelling is an excellent way to make people eat better. People don’t want to become obese and unhealthy, so if you provide them with the right information, they will make a different choice. To make sure the information is actually read, it needs to be clear, specific and understandable. It also needs to be visible at the moment of choosing to buy the product, so that consumers can actually pick an alternative.

Yes because...
The impact of bad diet on people throughout the world is leading to a global health emergency. For the first time, teenagers in richer countries may now enjoy less healthy lives and may die younger than their parents. Not only is there a strong moral case to act to change the way people eat, unless something happens governments soon won’t be able to afford the extra healthcare costs. Clearly banning certain foods or forcing people to eat more vegetables would be too harsh. But passing labelling laws will nudge people in the right direction and push food companies to provide healthier choices for fear of losing business.

No because...
Food labelling is a pretty poor way of making people eat more healthily. The idea assumes that people actually read the label – which quite often, they don’t. Reasons for this can vary: consumers might be in a hurry when buying groceries or don’t understand the information. A lot of consumers don’t really care enough about the long-term dangers of eating unhealthily and find it too much of a fuss.

No because...
Even if people would read the label, they probably won’t change their behaviour. This is because humans are not very rational: they often sacrifice a longer term benefit for a short term gain. Take a look at smoking: even though everyone knows that smoking is a serious health risk, people still smoke. “Bad choices” may be a result of peer pressure, maybe because they think it looks cool or because they like the kick of the nicotine in the here and now. \
The same goes for food: the short term satisfaction of a tasty supersized, extra-fat hamburger will outweigh the longer term health benefits of eating a salad instead. This is all the more so because there are very powerful biological factors leading us to prefer fat, salty or sweet foods. In times of food scarcity these foods are the most essential for our survival because they provide the most energy. Thus after millions of years of evolution, we’ve become hard-wired to prefer salty, sweet and fatty foods.

No because...
But even if people would read the label and are rational enough to change their behaviour, they probably won’t understand the information on the label. For example, what is the difference between saturated fat and trans fat, and why is that relevant? What are “carbohydrates” and are they good or bad? Is what is healthy for an elderly person also good for an active, growing teenager? Being able to understand what’s in your food requires a lot of specialist knowledge which the average consumers doesn’t have.

Would warning labels on food make people eat better?  
How to make a good choice when select food products?
How to eat healthy?
What are the factors leading us to prefer fat, salty or sweet foods?
What are the factors that influencing your purchasing decisions?
What are the impacts of bad diet on people?

Why a 'western' diet could be bad for you?

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