週二(3/21)1.不禮貌社會? 2.花&快樂感覺

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「poor manners」的圖片搜尋結果

Why We Have Become a Blatantly Rude Society      truthnotes.net

Hi.  My name is Common Courtesy.  Allow me to introduce myself to you.  I have excellent manners and social conduct.  I am polite, respectful, considerate, civil, thoughtful, cordial, tactful, and gracious.  And I am sadly lacking in your society.  In fact, some of you I’ve never even met.

Let’s admit it, there’s a lot of truth to those words above.  Take a look around you and it’s not hard to find examples of rude, crass, disrespectful behavior.  We bemoan the fact that kids today seem to be bolder than ever in their disrespect.  But how did it get that way?  Well, it may hurt to admit it, but the problem starts with adults.  Kids are only mimicking what they see around them, and adults are worse than ever in their treatment of each other.  Admitting that is the first step to fixing it.  But again, how did it come to this?  I’ll give you the answer in one word: anonymity.

We have largely become an anonymous society.  We’re so connected to technology, iPhones, computers, TVs, video games, etc, that we tend to distance ourselves from real human interactions and relationships.  Think about it.  We sit in our living rooms and watch newscasts or interviews.  We yell at the people on the TV knowing they can’t hear us.  During a political debate, we yell at the candidates, “Oh, come on, you moron!  Anyone who believes that is as big an idiot as you are!  What a pack of lies!”  Or we get on Facebook or Twitter and post snide comments about a remark one candidate made, again knowing they’re not going to read them and/or care if they do.  After all, they don’t know us personally.  Meanwhile, our kids are observing us the whole time.

Or consider driving.  Even as we drive our kids to school or practice, we provide a running commentary on other drivers, often in very colorful language.  We get cut off and we swear at the other driver.  We pass a slow driver and mutter, “Idiot.  Learn how to drive, won’t you?”  A car blows past us and we exclaim, “What a moron!  I hope he gets into an accident, driving like that.  That’ll teach him!”  All the while, our children sit silently in the backseat, taking it all in.

And don’t even get me started on the anonymity of the internet.  Check out any blog post that’s even somewhat controversial and you’ll find some of the rudest comments you can imagine.  You see, we can do that because we hide under the cloak of anonymity.  We can comment from Florida on a post written by someone in California, use a fake name, and no one will ever know who we really are.  What power!  We can say whatever we want!  No one will figure out who we really are, so our words can’t come back to bite us!  That is, unless our kids happen to read over our shoulder or overhear us as we’re muttering about “the imbecile who wrote this ridiculous post.”

Depressing?  Yes, it is.  But take heart.  We can change this.  How?  Well, it takes a bit of old-fashioned self control and a bit of a change in our way of thinking.  Instead of insulting someone directly, focus instead on his or her actions or words.  Just because that guy cut you off one time in traffic doesn’t mean he’s a complete jerk all the time.  Get upset at the behavior or the words instead of at the person.
Why we have become a blatantly rude society?
What are good manners?
How to be a polite, respectful, considerate, and civil person?
Did you find examples of rude, crass, disrespectful behavior in our society? 
Do you think the technology, iPhone, and computers, attribute impolite society?
Did you yelled at the people on the TV knowing they couldn’t hear you?
Did you swore at the other driver when got cut off? /cursing at a slow driver?
What was your response if someone swear at you?

Did you spoke in very colorful language from time to time?
「Fact. Flowers make you Happy, but why?」的圖片搜尋結果
Flowers make you Happy, but why?   cityflowers.co.in

Have you ever received a bunch of flowers and felt truly elated, excited and happy? Do you feel delighted and incredibly grateful too? Well most people feel that way when they receive a beautiful bunch. But did you know there are actual reasons behind why we feel this way when we get flowers? There have been some studies done, and they have proved that flowers without a doubt make you happy! So get those flowers into your home quick!

According to behavioural research conducted at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, over a 10 month period, nature gives us a simple way to improve emotional health and that comes in the form of flowers. They trigger happy emotions in far more ways than what is normally believed.

flowers makes you happy
These studies were done to prove how flowers can affect our emotional and behavioural state. Each of these studies showed how beneficial flowers are to emotions and feelings. Flowers are actually linked to instant happiness when a person receives them, but not only that, they improve a person’s mood over the long run too, which ultimately means we’re more satisfied in our lives. Sounds like it’s time to order those flowers online. Believe it or not, but flowers alleviate stress and make those spirits of ours soar too. They also help to get rid of feelings of depression and anxiety. But why do flowers make us happy?

Essentially, when you receive flowers it gives you a connection to nature and takes you out of your fast-paced environment for a while, giving you a sense of peace can calm. But it’s not just the actual flowers; the colours make you happy too. This is done through a process called chromo therapy which is all about harnessing the power of colours to fire up your emotions. So, there’s no doubt that flowers are a great gift for any occasion.

But there’s more happiness to come. If you receive flowers it actually brings you closer to people around you, as you’re getting rid of agitation, anxiety and depression. You’ll feel on top of the world and because of this you’re more likely to engage with friends and family around you.

Flowers are an amazing gift and as we’ve said they make you happier in so many ways even in easing troubles, helping people to trust others, improving confidence and self-esteem, alleviating hopelessness and despair, and they even help with feeling such as envy, fear, guilt, and jealousy, among many others. There are of course a number of flowers that are connected with nurturing, romance, and tranquility.

One part of the study that was interesting was where a floral arrangement was placed in the home. Happiness was more heightened when they were in an area where everyone could see them.

Etcoff was also surprised at the long-lasting effects flowers had on people’s moods. “What I find interesting is that, by starting the day in a more positive mood, you are likely to transfer those happier feelings to others – it’s what is called mood contagion,” Etcoff explains.
Do you think that flowers make you happy? 
Why do flowers make us happy?
Have you ever received a bunch of flowers and what were you felt?
What are the factors that trigger happy emotions?
How to be more romantic?
How to improve a person’s mood?
How to starting the day with a positive mood?

How to helping people to trust others?

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