週日(5/7)1. 愛上韓貨? 2.上癮食物 下午5:00--6:40

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
請注意   聚會時間 下午5:00--6:40

Why do people like Korean stuff so much?
Just curious really. I'm Korean-American. Personally, I'm fascinated why people are crazy about k-pop, k-dramas, korean food.

 Best Answer:  I get why it wouldn't seem like a big deal to you. I can't speak for non- asians, but I'll tell you my opinion. I'm a British Chinese girl, so I wasn't brought up around anything korean, nor do I know any.
I personally am interested in Japanese culture too, but I started learning korean about a year ago, and I like kpop/kdrama/korean culture and all the other stuff that comes with it.

「Mistake for Happiness」的圖片搜尋結果I don't consider myself like a crazy fan or anything but just from a cultural perspective, I'm fascinated and plan to visit and learn more. I guess you could compare it to any other culture you weren't brought up with, like French or Japanese.

I think for those crazy kpop fans out there, it's really appealing due to fashion, appearances of idols, the dances and just the overall package that kpop music has that is really different to their western experiences.

I've heard multiple views on this kwave but in my opinion, as long as people aren't seriously crazy about it, to the point of stalking people, i reckon it's great that we're getting to know and appreciate new cultures and language of somewhere we found through music / entertainment/ other means

Being into 'k' stuff since like 2008, I think the answer is because it's different, it's unique. I find it very intriguing because it's not often that you see such dramas and music videos quite like the ones from Korea - even the whole road to being a Kpop idol is very different. It's like a whole new world of entertainment. Plus Asians in general have a fixed stereotype- From what I know, people stereotype the girls as being all petite, quiet and like cute anime characters and the guys are not that attractive and smart, so seeing the alternative (even though quite a few Koreans have had plastic surgery) is like a big surprise and opens their eyes up like wow they're so talented and good-looking so they want to dig into it deeper. Also because of the culture differences displayed in kpop/kdrama (eg. men's fashion, men's cosmetics, hairstyles, living together in dorms, 'skin ship', mannerism, etc...), and also because Korea isn't as 'famous' or 'big' as China or Japan; Japan has anime, manga, origami and sushi which are all famous.
Why do people like Korean stuff so much?
Do you like k-pop, Korean dramas, Korean food?
Are you a fan of k drama?
Why Korean drama stars so beautiful and handsome?
Why Are Korean Television Dramas so popular?
Why some woman obsession with Korean dramas?
Discussing about Korean Skincare Market?

What do you think of Korean Beauty?
Researchers reveal the most addictive foods (smh.com.au Susie Burrell)

Now, recent research completed by the Icahn School of Medicine, in Mount Sinai, and published online by the Public Library of Science has furthered knowledge in this area. Some highly processed foods (including fast food, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and biscuits) have post-consumption effects similar to those of drugs, therefore researchers hypothesised that they could also be linked to addictive eating behaviours. It was thought that foods that contain concentrated amounts of physiological stimulants (sugars and fats), and had quick absorption rates in the body (high glycaemic load), would create pronounced physiological, addictive experiences.

Here are some of the most and least addictive types of food:

Rich in processed carbs, fat and salt, the mix of flavour, processed starches used to make the base, and fatty ingredients, give the brain a stimulation overload. If you love pizza, control your intake by choosing thin, baked bases with minimal toppings.

We are not taking about 85 per cent cocoa chocolate here, but the sickly-sweet milk variety many of us cannot stop eating once we open a block. The addition of extra confectionery will make it worse. If chocolate is your vice, stick to small serving sizes and the darker the better.

Potato chips
Another carb and fat overload packed with appealing flavours which may explain why an entire bag disappears in no time. Again purchase smaller packets if you must indulge, and plain is much better than flavoured options.

Ice cream
With so many flavours to choose from, and with confectionery, syrups, nuts and chocolate often added, it is no surprise that we cannot stop at a single scoop. Seek out lower calorie sorbets or gelato in a single scoop when the lure of ice cream calls.

Do you have an addiction to food?
What are your favorite food? Why?
In your opinion, what are the addictive types of food?
Who to deal with addictive eating behaviors? Any addictive experiences?
What do you think about processed food?
What do you think about junk food?
Reasons fast foods are bad for you?
What are the foods bad for us? What are healthy foods?

披薩巧克力 10大食物易上癮




先前有研究指刊的報告,是首度探討何種「問題」食物會引發上癮反應,導致無意識過度攝取出,高加工食品、添加脂肪或精緻醣類的食品可能引發上癮般飲食行為,而這份發表在最新一期《公共科學圖書館》(PLoS ONE)

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