週二(5/9)1.100公尺的人生 2.狼師/自殺作家

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MS 'Ironman' movie inspired by fantastic true story  emsp.org

Ramon is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in his 30s. His doctor tells him that he will barely be able to walk, let alone run. But he decides to attempt the ultimate sporting challenge. To complete an Ironman race: 42 km run, 3,8 km swim and 180 km bike ride.

This is the true story of Ramon Arroyo, 44 years old, turned legendary MS athlete after his MS diagnosis from 12 years ago. His fantastic journey was recently adapted into a movie for the big screen: ‘100 meters’. The trailer with English subtitles can be viewed below:

100 meters: Giving up is not an option

The movie was launched in November 2016 and features accomplished Spanish actors. More information can be found here.

100 meters’ is running in cinemas across Spain and will also be available for the international audiences in early 2017.

The storyline was build around Ramon’s book, ‘100 meters: Giving up is not an option’.

Both Ramon’s real life story and the movie it inspired were supported and promoted by the Spanish MS societies EME and AEDEM.
Ramon for EMSP: ‘I am very respectful to those disabled by MS’

EMSP wrote about Ramon Arroyo in our newsletter from March 2014 [on page 5].

He told us that MS is different for each person affected and recommended that those newly diagnosed seek personalised care and treatment.

Ramon added it is extremely important that people with MS take up sports to the best of their abilities:

    “I am very respectful to those disabled by MS, but if just one person with multiple sclerosis takes up any kind of exercise after hearing my story, I will be the happiest man on earth”

A dedicated MS advocate

Despite his health issues, Ramon continues to compete in endurance races.

While sharing his experiences he also raises awareness of MS on his blog and Twitter account. And during interviews with national media.
What do you think about this movie?
What would you do if you were the movie character and you know you suffer from an incurable disease?
Have you ever completed an ironman race?
Do you like inspirational movies? Why?
What are the movies inspired you?
What are your opinion about this movie quotation “giving up is not an option”?
Lin Yi-han.jpg
Legislator vows to 'destroy' alleged rapist      chinapost

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmaker Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) said on Tuesday that he holds "solid evidence" to "destroy the reputation" of a teacher who he claims raped a young writer several years ago.

Lin accused a cram school teacher on Tuesday of raping the late Lin Yi-han (林奕含), a talented writer and daughter of eminent doctor Lin Ping-huang (林炳煌). She died in an apparent suicide last week at 26 years old.

Her parents issued a statement the day after the suicide, claiming that their daughter died not just because of the major depressive order she had struggled with since she was 16 years old, but also because she never recovered from the grooming and rape eight to nine years ago.

The statement pointed to one of the cram school teachers who taught her before she took the high school entrance exam.

Users of social media went wild seeking out the teacher. Authorities meanwhile promised to "get to the bottom" of the situation, warning netizens that accusing any individual of rape and sharing, posting or reposting unconfirmed accusations could get them into legal trouble.

Despite this, DPP Legislator Lin revealed the name of a cram school teacher he accused of having committed the rape.

The teacher founded a company — unrelated to teaching — in 2004, with NT$5 million capital and 10 staff, Lin said, but has been contracted by the government 273 times, earning NT$310 million in the past decade.

"It's incredible how a small company like this can beat large corporations to secure government contracts," Lin said.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, and the Agency Against Corruption have all been invited to a press conference today, where Lin vows to destroy the teacher's reputation once and for all.

Problematic Teachers Found at Cram Schools

 Meanwhile, Kaohsiung City Councilor Hsiao Yung-ta (蕭永達) of the DPP also revealed the name of the teacher, stating that if he is proven wrong, he will "quit politics forever."

 In a message to the teacher, Hsiao said that he may never

face charges for the incident, but he should at least fulfill his social responsibilities and quit the

education industry.
What are your opinion about the teacher who he claims raped a young writer several years ago?
What are your opinion about this talented writer who committed suicide?
What are the reasons why people commit suicide?
What are the ways to prevent sexual harassment?
How to deal with sexual harassment?
Do you think that sexual harassment issues serious in Taiwan?
How to punish sexual assault rapists?

鐵人電影《100公尺的人生(100 Meters)

100公尺的人生》(原片名:100 Meters),改編自西班牙真人真事,故事描述擁有完美人生與家庭的成功企業家拉蒙(丹尼羅維拉飾),正期待第二個孩子的誕生,此時醫生卻告訴他罹患罕見的「多發性硬化症」(MS),並已經開始發病,自己很快將連100公尺的距離都走不到。

100公尺的人生劇照。(照片提供:采昌國際多媒體 100公尺的人生劇照。(照片提供:采昌國際多媒體 

本片真實人物拉蒙阿羅約(Ramon Arroyo)在32歲時診斷出罹患「多發性硬化症」,不同於俗稱的漸凍人(肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症,ALS),醫生建議拉蒙不要再做激烈運動,未來可能連跑100公尺都會有問題。不過拉蒙卻沒有放棄人生,並秉持人生口頭禪:「投降永遠不是我的選項!」他積極訓練自我,並在9年後參與鐵人三項,甚至是其中最困難的超鐵(Ironman Triathlon)項目,包含3.8公里游泳、180公里腳踏車、42公里馬拉松。


這個真實故事激勵了不少人,如今終於改編電影登上大銀幕,由新銳導演馬塞爾巴雷納(Marcel Barrena)執導。馬賽爾曾以《小小世界》(Mon petit)榮獲西班牙高第獎最佳紀錄片獎,並入圍有「西班牙奧斯卡」之稱的哥雅獎最佳紀錄片獎。尤其本片演員都是一時之選,找來打破西班牙影史票房紀錄的《風流西班牙》(Spanish Affair)男主角丹尼羅維拉(Dani Rovira)領銜主演,並搭配有「西班牙艾爾帕西諾」之稱的資深演員卡拉埃雷賈得(Karra Elejalde)飾演丹尼的岳父,這也是卡拉繼《風流西班牙》與《風流西班牙2》後,第三度搭檔丹尼飾演他的父親,卡拉並以本片榮獲高第獎最佳男配角獎,同時入圍哥雅獎最佳男配角獎。此外,飾演丹尼妻子的亞麗珊德拉希門涅絲(Alexandra Jimenez)也榮獲高第獎最佳女配角獎肯定!


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