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「From teacher to lover to France's first lady」的圖片搜尋結果

師生戀 老少配有問題嗎?
From teacher to lover to France's first lady: Meet 'Madame Macron'   thelocal.fr

Brigitte Trogneux (not actually Madame Macron), the wife of new President Emmanuel Macron, used to be his drama teacher. Here's a closer look at France's next first lady.

So who is Brigitte Trogneux?
In short, she is the 64-year-old wife of Emmanuel Macron. They've been married since 2007.
She was once his high school teacher and she is 25 years his senior. 

Hang on, they met at high school?

Yep. She used to be a French teacher at his private high school in Amiens, northern France. She also ran the theatre club where he was a budding actor. The picture above shows Macron's first "kiss" with Trogneux at the end of a theatre production.

It seems like it was love at first sight - it's understood the pair used to have long discussions together - and she would read his writing out to the class.

"She used to recite his work all the time. She was totally captivated by his writing skills," a former classmate told Le Parisien newspaper.

When he moved to Paris at the age of 18, she jumped ship from her own family soon after and followed him down.

She told Paris Match magazine: "At the age of 17, Emmanuel said to me, 'Whatever you do, I will marry you!'"

As for the age difference - a French study from September said that it's a trend right now for French women to take younger lovers, so who cares?

Well, actually, Macron's parents did. They asked the then 40-year-old Trogneux to stay away from their 16-year-old son, at least until he turned 18, according to a new biography about the presidential candidate.

Is she still teaching?

No. She put her teaching career on hold to help Macron in his push to become president, and Macron counts her as a trusted adviser, at least according to Paris Match.

"She spends all her time beside him, she reads and listens to everything that is said about him. He asks her questions and takes her advice," the magazine wrote.
If you fell in love with someone 25 years elder than you, would you marry them?
Is it normal when a teacher falls in love with her student?
What are your opinion about the new president of France and his wife?
Does age difference matter in a relationship or marriage?
Pros and cons of marrying a much older man/woman?
Sharing your opinion about “love at first sight”?
Can love overcome any obstacle in a relationship?
「Fortune Telling」的圖片搜尋結果
Fortune Telling at Long Shan Temple   city543.com

We all have big decisions to make, looming obstacles to overcome, tricky social situations to navigate — and that’s just before breakfast. Luckily, Taiwan is considered a top destination to consult an expert about the future. That is, to have your fortune told.

The Long Shan Temple in the Wan Hua district offers a more relaxed, less touristy fortune telling scene. Don’t expect anything like Whoopi Goldberg’s silk draped séance room in Ghost. The professional nature of the many offices, all boasting experts with different skills and focuses, will surprise even the most cynical of skeptics.

The three most popular types of readings, available at most offices, are the ‘batsu’ method, the palm reading method, and the bird method. A ‘batsu’ reading uses the date and time of birth. Those numbers are entered into a computer program and then interpreted by the expert. The palm reading method uses the unique lines on your palm and sometimes the moles and lines on your face to glean information about your future.

The bird method reading depends on the skills of a small ‘bunjo’ bird, known in the West as a White Java Sparrow. This special bird reaches into a box of cards and selects three with his beak. All cards in the box reference a popular Taiwanese folk tale. The expert interprets the morals from all three tales and applies those lessons to a subject or question.

Exorcisms    Live Science
The belief that demons exist and can possess people is of course the stuff of fiction and horror films — but it is also one of the most widely-held religious beliefs in the world. Most religions claim that humans can be possessed by demonic spirits (the Bible, for example, recounts six instances of Jesus casting out demons), and offer exorcisms to remedy this threat.

While many Americans think of real exorcisms as relics of the Dark Ages, exorcisms continue to be performed, often on people who are emotionally and mentally disturbed. Whether those undergoing the exorcism are truly possessed by spirits or demons is another matter entirely. Exorcisms are done on people of strong religious faith. To the extent that exorcisms "work," it is due to the power of suggestion and psychology: If you believe you're possessed (and that an exorcism will cure you), then it just might.
Why do people believe in fortune telling?
Do you believe in fortune telling?
Do you go to temples ask help for you making decisions?
How to making the right decisions?
How to get through your tricky situations?
Do you believe in exorcism or ghost possessed?
Is exorcism real or fake? Why?

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