週日(5/14)1.預言準嗎? 2.女人比男人聰明 PM7:00-9:00

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「Do you believe in PREDICTION?」的圖片搜尋結果

Do you believe in PREDICTION? (Kiefer Thora)

A prediction or forecast is a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. While there is much overlap between prediction and forecast, a prediction may be a statement that some outcome is expected, while a forecast is more specific, and may cover a range of possible outcomes.

Although guaranteed information about the future is in many cases impossible, prediction is necessary to allow plans to be made about possible developments; Howard H. Stevenson writes that prediction in business "... is at least two things: Important and hard."

Prediction is closely related to uncertainty. Reference class forecasting was developed to eliminate or reduce uncertainty in prediction.

Informal prediction from hypothesis

Outside the rigorous context of science, prediction is often confused with informed guess or opinion.

A prediction of this kind might be inductively valid if the predictor is a knowledgeable person in the field and is employing sound reasoning and accurate data. Large corporations invest heavily in this kind of activity to help focus attention on possible events, risks and business opportunities, using futurists. Such work brings together all available past and current data, as a basis to develop reasonable expectations
1. Do you believe in prediction?

  Do you really believe in disaster predictions?

2. Can you predict your future
How to predict the future?
3. Do you believe humans posses a sixth sense?
4. If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge?
5. Can animals predict natural disasters?
6. Do you believe that some people can see the future?
7. Do you want to become a predictor?
Can you predict your future spouse?

Smarter: Women now have a higher IQ than men according to the latest tests (dailymail.co.uk)
 Since IQ testing began a century ago, women have been as much as five points behind, leading psychologists to suggest embedded genetic differences. 

But that gap has been narrowing in recent years and this year women have moved ahead, according to James Flynn, a world-renowned authority on IQ tests.

In the last 100 years the IQ scores of both  men and women have risen but women’s have risen faster,’ said Mr Flynn. ‘This is a consequence of modernity. The complexity of the modern world is making our brains adapt and raising our IQ.’
One possible explanation is that women’s lives have become more demanding as they multitask between raising a family and  doing a job.
 Another is that women have a slightly higher potential intelligence than men and are only now realising it.

Mr Flynn, who will publish his findings in a book, said more data was needed to explain the trend. 


 1. Do you think women have higher IQ scores than men?
Are women smarter than men? Please share your opinions ? 
2.Do you agree with the idea that women are better than man in memory?
3. What are the things that women do better than men?
 What are the things that men do better than women?
4. Do Women work harder than men? And women earn more than men?
5. Are women may be better leaders than men?
6. What jobs do women do better than men?
What jobs do men do better than women?

In your opinion, what jobs are not suit women?

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