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Have you seen The Teenage Psychic on TV?        star2.com

In the new HBO Asia original series The Teenage Psychic, Taiwanese actress Kuo Shu Yau plays a 16-year-old student Xiao Zhen who has the ability to see and communicate with spirits.

While Kuo herself doesn’t have the ability, she is very much a believer when it comes to the supernatural. “I believe that humans are not the only ones in this world. And I believe that there are a lot more beings in this world that we still have not been able to see or understand,” she said during a press conference in Kuala Lumpur recently.

According to Kuo, 26, the show had a consultant, a medium named Sophia who was on set to deal with anything supernatural that might happen during shooting. In fact, some of the stories in the show were also based on Sophia’s own experiences as well.

One day, while Kuo was chatting with Sophia, the director came running up and said that they had a strange situation: the camera feed somehow kept getting cut off at the exact same timecode.

So, Sophia went and “communicated” with what ever that was causing it and fixed the problem. She later told Kuo that the spirits in the temple (where they were shooting) were upset with the film crew.
The Teenage Psychic

She said the spirits told her that the crew has been at the temple for too long and were disrupting their rest. But most of the time, they were watching us shooting!” she recalled.

HBO Asia’s first Mandarin original series, The Teenage Psychic’s six hour-long episodes were shot entirely on location in Taipei, with an all-Taiwanese cast that also includes Kent Tsai, Chen Mu Yi, Alina Cheng, Nana Lee, Michael Huang and Sylvia Hsieh.

Kuo also relates to Xiao Zhen in other ways, especially when it comes to the character’s insecurity. “We both share the same inferior complex in terms of our background and our fear of doing certain things. I never thought I would be in this line – I didn’t think I had the skills in singing, acting or hosting. I was hesitant at first. Even now, I still feel that way!” she said.

It’s the same for Xiao Zhen. She comes from a temple background, and she always mixes with boys, and is considered a boyish girl. But deep down in her heart she wants to fall in love and do all the things her peers are doing, but she can’t because her ability means she has a responsibility to help the people who need her help.”

The contrast of a young girl who is also a temple medium was what drew Kuo to the role.

The script and the subjects she deals with had a lot of elements that touched me,” she said, adding that shooting the series also helped to change her perspective on many things in life.

I’ve always heard others say that I have to seize the moment and cherish the present. After filming this show, I finally understood what they meant.

The series deals a lot with relationships between friends, family and lovers, and I learnt that we should not let our ego or temper get in the way of our relationship with our loved ones.

We can’t change the past and we can’t predict the future, so we have to cherish what we have right now.”

The Teenage Psychic premieres on April 2 at 10pm on HBO New episodes air every Sunday and a two-episode finale on April 30.

Do you believe in psychics?
Do you believe that someone has the ability to see and communicate with spirits?
How spirits communicate with mediums?
Can people really talk to the dead?
How can you tell you have a supernatural power?
Do you believe ghosts and spirits exists in real world?
Is it possible that life exists on other world?
「flower to cheer up」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Cheer Up?
    Stop thinking about your situation.
    Avoid ruminating, or dwelling, on your situation too much, which can make you feel worse by making you feel stuck in a negative cycle.
    Rumination can prevent you from thinking effectively and problem solving. It also has a strong link to depression.
    If you find yourself stuck in a certain pattern of thinking, try distracting yourself with other activities or thinking about things that are in your immediate surroundings. For example, look around you and notice the lighting, or buildings on your way to work.
Creating a Cheerful Environment
    Make your space more comforting.
    Surround yourself with things that cheer you up, your favorite images, mementos, plants, or books. Don't forget to improve your lighting. Some people that suffer from seasonal affective disorder experience symptoms of depression if they don't have enough sunlight. If you are in a dim room, open up a window for some natural light. Or, if you are using artificial light, try lighting a lamp or candle to cheer you up.
        If you are at work and in a poor mood, you can try to introduce things from home to make you feel more comfortable. These might be pictures or a certain air fragrance. You can even try bringing your favorite tea as a warm, soothing reminder from home.
  Decorate with color.
    Color can greatly impact your mood. Consider painting a few rooms or adding decorative elements with a cheerful color to lift your spirits. Yellow is a good choice for brightening a space, while shades of pink might make you feel more playful.
    Don't think that you have to use the brightest, boldest shade of the color. Even a pale yellow can help you cheer up.
        Try balancing several shades of cheerful colors. For example, you could alternate yellow and orange stripes to make a room feel more energetic and welcoming.

Changing Your Lifestyle
    If you're unhappy because you feel stuck in a rut, try doing something different. Sometimes just getting out of your current activity can alter your mood.

    For instance, if you've been in back-to-back meetings throughout your day with no free time, treat yourself to a funny movie at the end of your day. Changing what you're doing can work wonders on your mood.
        For example, if you’ve been in a desk chair or on the couch all day, your mood might be low because your body needs some physical activity. Get up, go for a walk, and enjoy the change of pace.
   Go outside.
    If you think your poor mood is stress related, get outside to reduce stress and lift your mood. Try going for a walk in the park, or you can visit a garden or arboretum if you live in a city. Being outside can greatly improve your mood. Studies have found that having the opportunity to go outside or visit a garden reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone your body releases when you're stressed.
        Don't wait for the perfect day or weather before going outside. Grab an umbrella and take a walk in the rain. Just being outdoors can cheer you up.

How do cheer yourself up and lift your mood?
What to do if you have had a bad day?
How do I stop thinking about sad things? How to be optimistic?
How to do something that makes you laugh?
How to create a cheerful environment?
Do you think that color can impact our mood?

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