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Philippines president jokes about rape in speech to soldiers     usatoday

President Rodrigo Duterte made a joke about rape as he urged soldiers to use the powers of martial law to take control of a besieged city in the southern Philippines.

In the speech Friday, Duterte said he will pay the consequences if any soldiers are accused of abuses.

He said: "I will go to jail for you. If you happen to have raped three women, I will own up to it."

On Tuesday, Duterte imposed 60 days of martial law in the southern Philippines as government forces battle militants in Marawi, a city of some 200,000 people.

Duterte is unapologetic about his manner of speech and liberally peppers casual statements with profanities.

Sexual Jokes In The Workplace               Thearmstronglawfirm

Perhaps you laugh nervously and play along. Maybe you wince or leave the room. Perhaps you have protested and been subjected to backlash. Sexual jokes are not merely "inappropriate" in the workplace — they can constitute sexual harassment.

If you have been repeatedly subjected to graphic or sexually suggestive jokes at work to the point that it has created a hostile work environment, The Armstrong Law Firm can stand up for you. We have recovered compensation for sexual harassment victims across the Bay Area. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Sexual Jokes Are Not Appropriate In The Workplace

There's nothing wrong with your sense of humor if you are offended by sexual jokes. They can be graphic and shocking. They can be demeaning and reinforce negative stereotypes. They can make you feel self-conscious or defensive. They can also be a gateway to unwelcome sexual advances or other forms of sexual harassment. The bottom line is that your employer should not allow sexualized jokes or obscene language in the workplace if a reasonable person would be offended or intimidated.

What do you think that Philippines president jokes about rape in speech to soldiers?  
What are your opinion about sexual jokes in the workplace?            
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Why men should not make sex jokes around their female colleagues?
How to deal with workplace bullying and sex harassment?
First date conversation; is it okay to discuss sex?

「What food can help[ relieve stress?」的圖片搜尋結果
Food can make you happy!
The science of happiness has turned up evidence that food can make you happy. However, a lack of certain foods -- or at least some of their essential ingredients -- can actually make you sad. A fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the most abundant fat found in the brain. This is good, since it's an essential building block for brain structure. It's also easy to get; two major sources of DHA are fish and shellfish. A study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) uncovered a link between DHA deficiency and an increase in the prevalence of depression in the United States.

Happy Foods
To understand how foods can make you happy, it's important to understand how the brain regulates mood. The brain uses neurotransmitters as communication signals to communicate with the rest of your body and to issue its commands. "Beat, heart!" the brain says when it sends octopamine to receptors located in the nerve fibers that make up the cardiac muscle tissue [source: Johnson, et al].

The same goes for keeping our moods stable. Two types of neurotransmitters are responsible for our moods: inhibitory and excitatory. Excitatory neurotransmitters like norepinephrine stimulate our bodies and minds. We get worn out after being amped up for too long, though, and so this type of neurotransmitter can actually lead to unhappiness. Inhibitory neurotransmitters like serotonin exert a calming influence on our minds, in part by counteracting the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters. Ultimately, the best moods are found when there is a balance between these two types.

These mood-affecting chemicals aren't made out of thin air, however. They're created by compounds found in food, and some foods are better at helping neurotransmitter production than others. We'll call these happy foods.

Typically, serotonin is the neurotransmitter most linked to happiness, since you need it to regulate sleep and pain. It's also a powerhouse at counteracting excitatory neurotransmitters [source: Neurogistics].

Foods that aid serotonin production include spinach, turkey and bananas. Spinach contains high concentrations of folate, a B-vitamin used in the serotonin creation process. Bananas and turkey pack lots of tryptophan, an amino acid that's converted into serotonin in the brain. Tryptophan manages to go directly to the brain by crossing the protective cellular barrier between the bloodstream and the brain. This makes tryptophan a rarity, since serotonin can't cross this blood-brain barrier [source: Hyde and Gengenbach].

Another major neurotransmitter that helps regulate and stabilize mood is gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), commonly referred to as "nature's Valium" because of its tranquilizing effects on the body. GABA is produced during the Krebs cycle, a physiological process by which nutrients are converted to energy for cellular use. Foods don't contain GABA, but some contain the neurotransmitter's building block, an amino acid called l-glutamine. Pork, beef and sesame and sunflower seeds all have high concentrations of glutamine.
Can Food make us happy!
What kind of food can make us happy!
What kind of food make you sad
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How to make you happier?
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