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「 Making Yourself Happy」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons to Focus on Making Yourself Happy     sumerpics.altervista.

Every person makes this world wonderful and happy. It is important to struggle for happiness, but you should start with yourself. You should change your negative vision of the world and control your emotions and feelings. It turns out that happiness doesn’t depend on external factors, but it has a direct connection with your inner feeling of contentment. Remember that it is possible and quite easy to be happy being yourself. However, if you don’t learn to accept who you are, you will never grow as a person. Read on these reasons and I hope your life will be colored by new and pleasant changes.

You are responsible for your happiness

Let me ask you a question, “Who is responsible for your happiness?” The answer is YOU. Only you have total control over your happiness. Nowadays it’s easy to believe you are trapped without choices and you are somehow at the mercy of everyone and everything around you. The truth is that we always have a choice to change our life and circumstances for better. If something in your life makes you feel despondent, then you should change it, because everything is up to you in your life.

 You know what happiness is to you

Surely, everyone has the picture of happiness in mind. Someone sees happiness in money; others can be happy enjoying the beauty of nature or playing with a funny kitten. Maybe it makes you happy to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. If you have the aim and make appropriate efforts, you will certainly succeed and feel yourself happy.

Finding your own joy is wondrous

Once I asked an old man how to become happy and he shared a small secret of life with me. The power to decide to be happy is one of the most important things in your life. Those who have made such a discovery in their life are happy. It’s important to find your own joy and let yourself be free of bad thoughts and feelings. Many people spend the whole life understanding and realizing this truth.

You have one life

Mae West once said an interesting thing, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” You have all chances to feel happy. You have a choice to live the only life the way you like. There’s no time for negative emotions and misery. There are so many marvelous places to visit and so many positive emotions to experience. You should realize that it’s necessary to risk and face difficult situations, because it’s very difficult to struggle for happiness. It usually requires strong will to survive and move on in spite of everything. You should always remember that life is beautiful.

 You’ll become a nice person

I think it is easy to notice a happy person in the crowd, because happiness usually changes people in many aspects. Happy people often smile, have bright eyes and think positively. Moreover, it’s a great pleasure to communicate with such people. When you try to make yourself happy, you make people around you feel better at the same time.

Reasons to focus on making yourself happy?
Who is responsible for your happiness?
How to make this world wonderful and happy?
How to be a nice person?
Does money make people happier?
How to rewire your brain for positivity and happiness?

「The French Cuisine  chef」的圖片搜尋結果
Why The French Cuisine Is The Best In The World   by Paris is Paris

People imagine that French cuisine is pricey, fancy, snobby and extremely expensive, or it is a cuisine for holidays and events. In reality, French Food comes down to blending flavors together, layering tastes to master techniques to truly savor and enjoy your food choices each and every time you take a bite. Through this post, we will try to answer the intriguing question: why the French cuisine is the best in the world?

French gastronomy is all about using the right fresh ingredients with well-mastered techniques in a mentality designated for dining experiences. Each and every time you make a French meal, you can savor every harmonious aspect of a dish surrounding a succulent main ingredient and a thick sauce (for example, chicken is used with burgundy to make coq au vin, or basque is used to make Chicken Basque). Soups, stews, and sauces are great with French dishes, layered with mirepoix (which is a mixture of celery, onions, garlic, carrots, and sometimes wine). Each ingredient is reduced to a concentrated flavor, delivering a browned effect of flavor intensity and fresh herbs that provided the final one-two blast of flavor to fill your mouth for hours to come.

French cuisine is about making time-honored traditions like cassoulet, steak au poivre or bouillabaisse. This includes the sauteing, roasting, braising, poaching, and boiling of dishes (for example to prevent meat from getting tough when it’s cooked).

The Ingredients and culture of Taiwanese food         wiki

Pork, seafood, chicken, rice, and soy are very common ingredients. Beef is far less common, and some Taiwanese (particularly the elderly generation) still refrain from eating it.[1] This is in part due to the considerations of some Taiwanese Buddhists, a traditional reluctance towards slaughtering precious cattle needed for agriculture, and an emotional attachment and feeling of gratitude and thanks to the animals traditionally used for very hard labour. However, due to influences from the influx of out of province Chinese in the early 1900s, the Taiwanese version of beef noodle soup is now one of the most popular dishes in Taiwan.

Taiwan's cuisine has also been influenced by its geographic location. Living on a crowded island, the Taiwanese had to look aside from the farmlands for sources of protein. As a result, seafood figures prominently in their cuisine. This seafood encompasses many different things, from large fish such as tuna and grouper, to sardines and even smaller fish such as anchovies. Crustaceans, squid, and cuttlefish are also eaten.

What do you think about French cuisine?
Why the French cuisine is the best in the world? 
Do you really care about food choices? Why? Or why not?
In your opinion, which country has the best food?
Do you know how to cook?
What do you think about the ingredients and culture of Taiwanese food?  
What do you think about Taiwanese beef noodle?

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