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Are you part of the NEET Generation?     KCLau.com

A report by the Social Exclusion Unit in UK found that at any one time, 161,000, or 9%, of the age group [16-19] are outside of education, training and work for long periods after the school-leaving age of 16.

In Japan, there is no NEET until 1997. But when many young people have become so wealthy to have to work, there is no reason for them to work. Is this a problem or a bless? But in the UK, the NEET group mainly consists of the lower socio-economic people.

What is NEET Generation?

    NEET is a government classification, first used in the United Kingdom but whose use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China and South Korea. The classification is “Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training“.

Why there is NEET?

1. Jobs are not well paid
Due to the globalization and job outsourcing, the salary increment doesn’t seem to cope with inflation. Most employees leave their companies due to job dissatisfaction, office politic and mainly because of the salary. But of course, the younger generation nowadays are unlike the old days. Job is supposed to be easy, fun, and well-paid. Since you are not likely to find this kind of job, you will hop from one place to the others.

2. College degrees don’t give young people the head start
I still remembered the story published on the local newspaper – a university graduate had to help his parents selling fried banana because she just couldn’t land a decent job.

3. High education loan and consumer debt
Money may not solve every problem. This is especially true to those who don’t know how to control the power of money. The fresh graduates today have to face the financial trouble of getting a car to work, while worrying about the monthly debt repayment of study loan and credit cards.

4. Big sponsorship from parents
Too much pampering, non-stop financial aid, and the lack of financial education have demolish their will to be independent.

Are you a NEET?
Once upon the time, my parents thought that I am a NEET indeed. During 2000-2001, I was a fresh graduate with a degree in engineering, but working as a musician instead. I think they misunderstand that because I treat myself as self-employed.
What do you think of the NEET generation?   
Why NEET become social issues?
Is unemployment a social problem?
Does high education guarantee a high income?
What kind of jobs with well paid?
Why college degrees don’t give a good pay job?
Is it Ok to get financial aid from parents?
Plants Make You Feel Better     psychologytoday.com

Recently, an article in Miller-McCune caught my attention. It mentioned several research studies related to the positive impact of nature on the human condition. Having plants, going for a walk in the park, or even looking at a landscape poster could produce psychological benefits, reduce stress, and improve concentration. Click here for the Miller-McCune article: Nature is Good (link is external).

So, I decided to take a closer look at the research and see what might be helpful relative to our often stressful experience of living and working in the city. Though it is not related to mindfulness, this topic seemed interesting and particularly timely as we start sloughing off the heavy coat of winter and welcome the coming of spring.

Plants in Your Space

Based on several experimental studies, the presence of potted plants has been found to be helpful in many different settings including work, school, and hospitals. In particular, plants have been shown to...

    Lower blood pressure (systolic)
    Improve reaction times
    Improve attendance (at work and school)
    Raise productivity (at work)
    Improve well-being
    Lower levels of anxiety during recovery from surgery
    Raise job satisfaction

Not bad, huh?! Feeling good around plants is probably not surprising. After all, we surround ourselves with plants during celebrations and tragedies (i.e., weddings and funerals, respectively). We also set aisde "sacred" green space for parks and community gardens in our cities and communities.

Limitations of the Research

Before we get ahead of ourselves and start replacing the carpet with trays of wheat grass, it's important to know one major limitation of the research. Most of the studies on the effects of houseplants have compared the presence of plants to their absence. While this is the epitome of a well-designed experiment, there might be other factors associated with the presence of plants--but not the plants themselves--that account for the more favorable results. For example, the improvement could be due to distraction, novelty, caring for something, perceived control, or improved air quality. Thus, we might get similar results under different circumstances, such as replacing the plants with a dartboard, photos, Sea Monkeys, or an air purifier. So, it's important to keep in mind that other additions to your space might also be helpful.
Do you think that plants could make you feel better?
What are the positive impact of nature on the human condition?
What are the advantages of the presence of potted plants?
How to lower levels of anxiety?
How to raise job satisfaction?
“Plants can improved air quality” so how to improve the air quality in Taiwan?

啃老族燒死父母 開庭還在罵他們




翁高職汽車修護科畢業、退伍後,曾到一般公司工作,後返回老家住,生活靠家人支持;他和父母、兄長關係緊張。一審時,桃園療養院鑑定翁的「自戀型人格特質」使他自恃才能,過度誇大自身成就,認為自己長期為家庭付出卻無法得到相對應肯定、尊重與回饋。翁認為兄嫂、姪輩、父母都是「一丘之貉」,五 、六年前就想殺他們,忖量如何「最短時間滅滿門」。




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