周六(6/24)1.戒掉珍珠奶茶吧!2. 為什摩EQ重要過IQ? 下午4:00-6:00

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「Pearl milk tea bad for health」的圖片搜尋結果
Tapioca Pearl Problems        by Keng Lam

Boba milk tea, also known as pearl milk tea or bubble milk tea, is a cold, sugary drink that usually contains little black balls of starch called tapioca. I admit: It is the drink I go to every time the weather is hot. Originally from Asia, it has become one of the most popular beverages among college-age students in the U.S. Teens and kids seem to love it as well. And why not? These little balls of starch, extracted from cassava plants, have a chewy texture and they taste sweet, but not overwhelming so.

Last fall, a report from Germany quenched many people’s thirst for this drink—after it suggested that tapioca pearls may cause cancer. Very quickly, media around the world picked this up and reported its conclusions as a factual discovery.

Let’s take a careful look at this study and the reporting on it. Researchers from the University Hospital Aachen tested tapioca balls from an unnamed Taiwanese chain, and found the chemicals styrene and acetophenone as well as non-specified substances attached to the element bromine. The lead researcher of the study and many media sources identified these substances as belonging to a class of compounds called PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). And that set the ball rolling because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has concluded long ago that exposure to PCBs can cause cancer in animals. Some studies on workers exposed to PCBs found that PCBs are associated with liver cancer and malignant melanoma. But, keep in mind that association does not mean cause.

The Taiwanese government soon became involved in this imbroglio—a lot of money was at stake. The Consumer Protection Committee in Taiwan did a round of testing, collecting 22 samples of tapioca pearls from seven manufacturers, and concluded that none contained styrene. The agency did find brominated biphenyls and acetophenone, but the quantity was too small to create any health concerns. Unfortunately, the sample size was very small and the details of their analysis have not been made available.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also weighed in. According to Noah Bartolucci, an FDA spokesperson, acetophenone and styrene are not PCBs because they are neither chlorinated nor biphenyls. “Both acetophenone and styrene are aromatic compounds (PCBs are also aromatic), but being an aromatic compound is not, in and of itself, a reason for toxicological concern,” he said. In other words, both the investigators and the media incorrectly identified these substances as being part of a potentially dangerous class of compounds.

Not only are acetophenone and styrene not classified as PCBs, but they are legally permitted to be added to food as synthetic flavoring substances, and are regulated as such by the FDA. As Bartolucci explained, “The FDA conducted a safety assessment for each of these substances before they could be used in food intended for the U.S. market.”

As for the substances in the tapioca that contained bromine, the German report did not name them or specify their quantity. In fact, the researchers failed to note how much of any of the substances they found in the tapioca pearls, which is important because, as the phrase goes, it is the dose that makes the poison.

In addition, the German report was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, so the study itself was not evaluated by other scientific experts to ensure its accuracy. If a study is not published in a peer-reviewed medical or scientific journal, it's best to treat the findings with a grain of salt.
Do you like pearl milk tea or bubble milk tea?
Do you think pearl milk tea harm for our health?
Do you think that tapioca in bubble milk tea may cause cancer?
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「EQ Is Way More Important Than IQ」的圖片搜尋結果
Sorry, but EQ Is Way More Important Than IQ These Days
Royale Scuderi    lifehack.org

Many experts now believe that a person’s emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) may be more important than their IQ and is certainly a better predictor of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness.

Emotional intelligence is essential to building a balanced-life.

If you think emotional intelligence is only important for those who always have to interact or communicate with people, think it again. Emotional intelligence is a gateway to a balanced-life. It’s essential to basically every aspect of life.

Physical Health – The ability to take care of our bodies and especially to manage our stress, which has an incredible impact on our overall wellness, is heavily tied to our emotional intelligence. Only by being aware of our emotional state and our reactions to stress in our lives can we hope to manage stress and maintain good health.

Mental Well-Being – Emotional intelligence affects our attitude and outlook on life. It can also help to alleviate anxiety and avoid depression and mood swings. A high level of emotional intelligence directly correlates to a positive attitude and happier outlook on life.

Relationships – By better understanding and managing our emotions, we are better able to communicate our feelings in a more constructive way. We are also better able to understand and relate to those with whom we are in relationships. Understanding the needs, feelings, and responses of those we care about leads to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Conflict Resolution – When we can discern people’s emotions and empathize with their perspective, it’s much easier to resolve conflicts or possibly avoid them before they start. We are also better at negotiation due to the very nature of our ability to understand the needs and desires of others. It’s easier to give people what they want if we can perceive what it is.

Success – Higher emotional intelligence helps us to be stronger internal motivators, which can reduce procrastination, increase self-confidence, and improve our ability to focus on a goal. It also allows us to create better networks of support, overcome setbacks, and persevere with a more resilient outlook. Our ability to delay gratification and see the long-term directly affects our ability to succeed.

Leadership – The ability to understand what motivates others, relate in a positive manner, and to build stronger bonds with others in the workplace inevitably makes those with higher emotional intelligence better leaders. An effective leader can recognize what the needs of his people are, so that those needs can be met in a way that encourages higher performance and workplace satisfaction. An emotionally savvy and intelligent leader is also able to build stronger teams by strategically utilizing the emotional diversity of their team members to benefit the team as a whole.
Why EQ is more important than IQ these days?
Is IQ and a better predictor of success, quality of relationships?
How to develop a good EQ?
Why EQ related to physical health and mental well-being?
Why EQ related to conflict resolution skills?
How to create better networks of support?
How to build stronger bonds with others in the workplace?

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