周六(10/14) 給你爛情緒的食物 2.該抱怨的是不够努力的自己 下午4:00-6:00

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「Rotten Mood」的圖片搜尋結果
5 Foods That Will Put You In A Rotten Mood   prevention

1. Refined carbohydrates
In recent years, simple carbs have been vilified for their fat-promoting, nutrient-lacking qualities. Recently, researchers at Columbia University decided to see if having refined carbohydrates in your diet can make you depressed. Well, dust off the Paleo cookbook, because the answer is yes: Using data from the Women's Health Initiative—which is tracking more than 70,000 women—the researchers found that the higher a woman's blood sugar rose after eating sugar and refined grains, the higher her risk of depression.

2. Sugar
Considering the research on refined carbs, it's easy to see how sugar would also contribute to a higher risk of depression. Sure enough, multiple studies suggest a link. A diet high in sugar can raise levels of inflammation throughout the body and brain—and now research is tying inflammation to higher incidences of depression. One study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that brain inflammation was 30% higher in clinically depressed patients; another study published in the same journal found that patients with mild inflammation who took medication used to treat autoimmune or inflammatory diseases saw decreases in their depression symptoms.

3. Artificial sweeteners
So, sugar is bad. The fake stuff with fewer calories must be better, right? Not so much, says Edison, particularly if you already have depression. In one study, researchers at the University of Northwestern Ohio looked at the effect of aspartame (an artificial sweetener) on people with a history of depression and found that it significantly worsened symptoms. In fact, those symptoms got so bad that the study had to be stopped—some study participants actually developed suicidal thoughts.

4. Trans fats
We've all read the news that consuming olive oil can lower the risk of a number of health conditions, including heart disease and depression. What you may not realize, however, is that consuming artery-clogging trans fats can increase your risk of depression by as much as 48%, according to a study published in PLOS ONE.

5. Processed foods
It's no surprise that a food group that includes all of the bad guys listed above is one that'll put a damper on your mood. While studies of diet and depression often focus on specific foods, research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry looked at more than 3,000 people and found that those who ate the most processed food faced increased risk of depression, while those who ate the most whole foods had much lower odds.
What foods that will put you in a rotten mood?
What are the food making you feel sad, mad?
Can food make people happy?
What are the food that can make you happier?
What do you think about artificial sweeteners in food?
What do you think about processed foods and Trans fats

Why is too much sugar bad for you?
「Where you spend your time determines what kind of person you become.」的圖片搜尋結果
該抱怨的是不够努力的自己   oh100.com

  Where you spend your time determines what kind of person you become.

  Remember, it's not where you came from but how hard you try that decides what level you finally end up in.

  If you spend your time in working out, you'll end up in good shape.

  If you spend your time in learning, you'll end up with skills which help you survive.

  If you spend your time in idling, you'll end up achieving nothing.

  If you spend your time queuing, you'll end up having neither time nor money.

  No one can decide how your life goes.

  And no one can live your life for you.

   If you find your life not perfect enough, the only thing you should complain about is that you didn't try hard enough.

  Only the weak complain about others.

  The strong focus on how to become stronger.

  Complaining is the ugliest trash in this world.

  Merits, on the other hand, is the fairest decoration one can wear.

  The world doesn't despise slow maturation. It despises lifelong mediocrity .

What do you think of this saying?
“Where you spend your time determines what kind of person you become.”
Why Complaining Is Bad for You?
Does complaining others good or bad?
What do you think of this saying “No one can decide how your life goes.”
Reasons Why People Complain?
How to keep in good shape?


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