週四 (10/26)1.星座與愛情適合性?2.一周工作4小時?

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Zodiac Compatibility       | AstrologyAnswers.com

Love Astrology and Love CompatibilityLOVE is the #1 reason people consultult astrologers — for answers in love, relationships, and compatibility. It’s human nature to want to believe that love is destined, that somewhere out in the grand scheme of things there’s ONE person, just for you. The truth of the matter is that the secret to romance is in the stars, and when approached the right way, astrology is a useful tool to get you some insight when it comes to love compatibility (and that all-important sexual chemistry too!)

Love and desire, why one person turns you on and another doesn’t, can be confusing enough. Especially when you’ve got the hots and the other person is just a cold shoulder; or maybe someone wants to woo and court you, and you’re just not interested. However, understanding the 12 signs of the zodiac can help when it comes to finding a good match. You’re looking for the right person to share your heart — and your bed — so there’s no such thing as too much information!
The Human Factor in Love Compatibility

The Human Factor in Love CompatibilityThe first thing to understand is that there’s no such thing as perfect compatibility. This has less to do with astrology and more to do with human nature. People come with baggage, history and hangups. Using astrology can help you to understand where that history might be hanging, so that you can see if this relationship has the potential to work.

Any relationship — even if you never learn to read an astrology chart — is going to function best when you understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and when your willingness to be happy overtakes your need to be right. You can choose to be compatible with anyone, regardless of their zodiac sign. It all comes down to personal preference. So do you really need astrology for love and compatibility?
The Astrological Asset

The Astrological AssetAstrology can give you an advantage in love. Zodiac signs are broken down into 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

    The Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
    The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
    The Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
    The Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Why is this important? Well, what happens if you pour water onto fire? You get steam, and then the fire goes out. This can happen to a relationship if you pour a water sign onto fire, too! Add water to the earth and you nourish the soil, but if there’s too much water you get a mudslide. It’s the same between water signs and earth signs. Earth signs can smother fire; can scorch earth signs. Air signs can blow earth signs away into dust, or they can add fuel to fire signs so they burn brightly. When you understand how the elements work in nature, you can get a pretty good idea as to how the different astrological elements interact with each other.
What are your viewpoints about zodiac compatibility?      
Do you think astrology offers an insight to relationships?
Do you believe in love astrology?
Do you believe that love is destined?
How to find a compatible lover?
How to find common interests with your lover?

Can astrology tell you if your relationship will last?
「he 4-Hour Work Week中文」的圖片搜尋結果
The Hard Truth About the 4-Hour Work Week       
Sylvia Rytarowska, Brazen Life  businessinsider

Think about it: four hours of work a week. Sounds great, doesn’t it? But it’s not for you. It’s not even for Tim Ferriss.
What makes you happy?

You’re ambitious, desire success and won’t settle for just any job when you could be doing something meaningful that would make you happy.

To quote Stephen King, who could easily kick back on the beach or drink fancy cocktails by the pool for the rest of his life:

I always wonder two things about these folks (writers with scanty legacies like Harper Lee — one book): how long did it take them to write the books they did write, and what did they do the rest of their time? Knit afghans? Organize church bazaars?… If God gives you something you can do, why in God’s name wouldn’t you do it?”

King writes every day, without exception, because it makes him happy. He’s a successful guy.

If you think about success in life and still have a problem nailing it down, listen to Richard St. John. In his “8 Secrets of Success” TED talk, he shares the elements of success he compiled after interviewing 500 successful people:

    Passion. Though recently a buzzword, it’s also a major happiness factor.
    Expertise. Get good and own your skill.
    Focus. Practice it like a muscle.
    Push. Push yourself through self-doubt and inhibitions. Even great people think they’re not good enough.
    Serve. Serve people something of value because it’s how you get rich.
    Ideas. Follow through with your ideas; we all have them. Creativity isn’t magic.
    Persist. Persistence, according to St. John, is the number one reason for success. Persist through failure and CRAP (criticism, rejection, assholes and pressure).

Does a four-hour workweek fit into that picture? Probably not. Take a close look at those who advocate the passive income lifestyle. They work their butts off and sell the idea for the big bucks.

Get rich quick” and “do nothing and accomplish everything” recipes are like the Holy Grail. They exist in legends and fairy tales. But the basis for your decision should be what the easy money advocates do, not what they say. Who walks the talk?
Does a four-hour workweek feasible?
How many hours should you work each week?
How to be happier at work?
What job would make you happiest?
How to find your passion?
“Even great people think they’re not good enough”
Do you think are you good enough? Reasons why?
“Persistence, according to St. John, is the number one reason for success.”
Your viewpoints about Persistence?

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