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「Multiple Personality」的圖片搜尋結果

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)   webmd.com

Dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) is thought to be a complex psychological condition that is likely caused by many factors, including severe trauma during early childhood (usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotional abuse).
What Is Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Most of us have experienced mild dissociation, which is like daydreaming or getting lost in the moment while working on a project. However, dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of dissociation, a mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. Dissociative identity disorder is thought to stem from a combination of factors that may include trauma experienced by the person with the disorder. The dissociative aspect is thought to be a coping mechanism -- the person literally dissociates himself from a situation or experience that's too violent, traumatic, or painful to assimilate with his conscious self.
Is Dissociative Identity Disorder Real?

You may wonder if dissociative identity disorder is real. After all, understanding the development of multiple personalities is difficult, even for highly trained experts. The diagnosis itself remains controversial among mental health professionals, with some experts believing that it is really an "offshoot" phenomenon of another psychiatric problem, such as borderline personality disorder, or the product of profound difficulties in coping abilities or stresses related to how people form trusting emotional relationships with others.

Other types of dissociative disorders defined in the DSM-5, the main psychiatry manual used to classify mental illnesses, include dissociative amnesia (with "dissociative fugue" now being regarded as a subtype of dissociative amnesia rather than its own diagnosis), and depersonalization/derealization disorder.
What Are the Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior. With dissociative identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.
What is your opinion about multiple personality disorder?
Is dissociative identity disorder real?
Do you think that most of us have experienced mild dissociation?
What are the factors causes multiple personality disorder?
Is daydreaming good for us?             
Why do people behave differently in different situations?
Why people are two faced?
How to overcome severe trauma?
 「Bosom Friends」的圖片搜尋結果
Bosom Friends      
These days everyone has hundreds of internet friends, but nothing can replace a truly bosom friendship.
There are numerous ways to connect with people these days, but I believe the strongest bonds of friendship are forged through time and shared experiences. Fortunately, I have a couple of friends that have been there for me through thick and thin. Hopefully you do too and you cherish those bosom friendships “for as long as the sun and moon shall endure”.

Ways to find good friends      wikiHow

For many people, it's hard to find a good quality friend. Having good friends in your life isn’t just about fun; good, caring friends have a big impact on your overall well-being, by relieving stress, providing joy and happiness, and improving health. Making friends is all about being open and accepting while using your best judgement on the sort of people you want to be friends with.

Get out in social places. To meet new people and make good friends, you’ll need to be where people are interacting on a social level. The first step is to walk through the door and out into the world. When you get out to places where there's a good likelihood of meeting and interacting with people in a social context, you've already put yourself on the right track.

 Find common ground. To find good friends, you should get involved with things that you like do, so that if you do meet someone, you'll have the same interests. When you connect with someone with similar tastes as you, be ready to use that connection to develop your friendship further.

    If you’re into sports, join an intramural or amateur league for your sport of choice.
    If you’re a veteran, hanging out at the local VFW is a great way to meet fellow service members.
    If you live in a place with lots of outdoor possibilities, hiking the trails, skiing, swimming or engaging in other outdoor activities regularly can put you in contact with other outdoor enthusiasts (and help you stay in shape, too). Spending active time with a new friend, or even someone you've known for a while, will help take your relationship to a higher level.

Make friends through friends. Often the best way to meet new people is through mutual acquaintances. Meeting and spending time with the friends of people you already know gives you a leg up-and you’re more likely to get along with someone that your friends get along with. [4] It’s great to have all kinds of friends online, but I’m sure most people have very few bosom friends… I know I do. My closest friends I have known since childhood and I can’t imagine ever losing touch with them.
Do you have bosom friends and how to find them?   
What are the ways ways to find good friends?
What do you think about internet friends?
Do you have friends that have been there for you through thick and thin?
What are the reasons that it's hard to make friends these days?

How to find common ground with friends?

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