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Causes Of Nightmares     dreammoods
 In general, stress, trauma, fears, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, health problems, marital issues, etc may all be reasons for having nightmares:
 Childhood and Family - Present nightmares can be rooted in past neglect and trauma from childhood. From lack of love, neglect, alcoholism, to severe abuse, family members can be the most destructive influence on a person's life. Nightmares may be a sign of such inner turmoil.
 Life - The way your life is going and the larger society as a whole can contribute to nightmares. Your perception of the world, health, natural disasters, criticism about politics, finances, crime in the streets and your inability to control such events may sometimes lead to nightmares.
 Relationships - Your intimate relationships and  your daily interactions with people can also be a source of your nightmares.  Marital difficulties or pregnancy are other possible causes. You may be paranoid about how your think others perceive you or fear that others do not understand and see who you really are. Isolation and unhappiness may appear in nightmares as abandonment and loneliness.
 Stress - The way you handle and deal with stress can trigger nightmares. Nightmares are a normal response to unacceptable levels of fear and stress. People diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder frequently have nightmares about their traumatic event, like war, rape, death of a loved one, car accident, plane crash, terrorism, etc.
 Work - Since most of us spend the majority of our day at work, it is no surprise that work-related issues are a common source for your nightmares. Stress, job security (or there lack of), change in jobs, co-workers, unresolved work problems, or general dissatisfaction with what you do can manifest into a nightmare. The nightmare may reflect feelings of frustration and an inability to control your work-related issues.
Why do people dream?
Why do some people keep having nightmares?
How often do you have dreams?
What do you dream of?
Is having dreams good or bad?
Reasons why we have bad dreams?
Stress related dreams?
How much sleep do you need?
How to sleep better: tips for getting a good night's sleep?
Do you believe dream analysis?
「Stand Up For Yourself」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways To Stand Up For Yourself       Brian Rashid   forbes

Standing up for yourself can be difficult. Whether in the context of business, or social interactions, a person needs to be sure that they are speaking up on their own behalf.

You’ve got to have your voice, thoughts and emotions understood by those around you.

    What Does It Look Like To You?

Before you embark on a journey to enhance your ability to say “no” (or perhaps “yes,” in some cases), it’s important to understand what self-assertion does and doesn’t mean to you. Why do you feel you’re not being assertive enough?

Are there certain contexts in which you find yourself unable to get your point across? In what ways do you wish you were more assertive? Are there people you know who exhibit a self-assertive nature that you admire?
    Practice Makes Perfect

If you’re just starting on your path toward being assertive, you’ve got to remember that it takes time to warm up. As with any skill in life, practice will build strength in your ability to stand up for yourself. Try flexing your assertive nature in small ways, and then build up to encounters that may take more effort. Just like working out at the gym, we can strengthen our assertive nature through repeated use.

    Pick Your Place And Time

It’s important to set yourself up for success by picking the right time and place for an encounter. Take careful consideration of where and when interactions occur. Arrange for an encounter to occur when you’re comfortable, and where.

If you’re not a morning person, try and make contact later in the day. If there’s a place you feel more at home, attempt to engage the issue at that location.

    You Don’t Have To Catch Every Ball

You juggle a busy life. You probably want to be helpful to those around you, since you may need their help in return. According to Rusty Mann, the CEO of Instructor Music, remember that you don’t have to take care of every problem, every time. When someone comes to you for help or attempts to involve you in a project, it doesn’t mean that you are obliged to help. You are allowed to let some opportunities pass you by.

    Train People To Treat You Right

We interact with people every day. One way to stand up for yourself is to let people know how you want to be treated. This doesn’t mean explicitly telling them. It means being aware of how your actions, words, and outward decisions appear to others.
How to stand up for yourself?
How to say “no”?
How to train people to treat you right?
How to improve social interaction skills?
How to respond when someone takes advantage of you
Are you a morning or an evening person?

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