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「what is new years resolution」的圖片搜尋結果
What are New Year's Resolutions?
    Written By: Michael Pollick

There is an old saying that a new broom sweeps clean. The first day of a new year also seems like an ideal time to sweep away one's past and start fresh. Many people form New Year's resolutions as part of their New Year's Day holiday ritual. These resolutions are usually vows or promises made on 1 January that address a number of goals for personal improvement. They often run the gamut from health issues to professional development to social improvements.

One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a vow to lose weight. Gyms and fitness centers across the world anticipate a surge in membership during the months of January and February, as millions of people make honest efforts to honor their pledges. Along with weight loss and body resculpting, many people also vow to improve their eating habits. Sales of whole or health foods tend to spike during the first few months of the year as diet trends shift. Many gym and health food store owners realize, however, that some resolutions may not survive until June.

Other New Year's resolutions address professional or financial goals. Some people vow to search for a better job or improve the conditions of the one they already have. Many people make resolutions to be more diligent about their personal bookkeeping, or to find additional sources of income during the upcoming year. Some may resolve to form a budget and live within their means instead of adding more debt.

People also set goals around social or spiritual improvements. Many people resolve to treat their spouses with more respect, or to be more sociable around others. Some promise to become more involved in their religious expressions or to become more tolerant of others. Those involving personal or spiritual growth can often be shared with spouses or other family members as a way to boost each other's level of commitment.

Some New Year's resolutions concern the elimination or acknowledgment of bad personal habits. Many people vow to quit smoking cigarettes or consuming alcohol in the new year. Others may attempt to control their tempers or curb their use of foul language. Making resolutions is a way for people to acknowledge some negative aspects of their lives and make a concrete promise to address those issues during the upcoming year.

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Reasons Why You'll Benefit to Join a Gym Right Now   aol.com

Get Healthy

A gym encourages you to do a balanced program that includes both aerobic and strength training exercises. These promote heart health and weight loss, help prevent osteoporosis and improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility. If weight loss is a primary goal, consider the mantra of a friend who tells me "nothing tastes as good as getting in shape feels."

 Get Stress Relief

According to the Mayo Clinic, virtually any form of exercise can act as a stress reliever -- whether you're a serious athlete or an out of shape wannabe. Physical activity boosts the brain's production of endorphins, which simply makes us feel better physically and have a brighter emotional outlook. Exercise reduces tensions in both the body and the mind, which can improve your mood and the quality of your sleep. For many people, the gym becomes a bit of sanctuary where you can turn off the phone and forget all of the troubles at work or in your personal life.

 Learn From the Pros

Many gyms now have professional trainers on staff -- often people with college degrees in sports science or other related fields, along with personal training certificates. They are trained to design exercise programs that fit your individual needs in a fun and safe way, showing you proper exercise techniques so that you don't hurt yourself and that you get the most out of each exercise routine.

 Sweat Together

Many people find exercise classes to be the most efficient and fun way to get a full body workout. You can do everything from Aqua Arthritis (where there's a pool) to Zumba, and from kickboxing to yoga. There's usually a very energetic leader to help provide you with some extra energy and motivation. Many people do have to get over the hump initially of being the class newbie, where it seems like you're the only one who doesn't know the right steps or positions, or the only man in a class of a dozen women. (Granted, that's not necessarily a problem for all men) Don't worry though. They are concentrating on their own form and not watching yours.
What are the benefit to join a gym?
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Can gym exercise act as a stress reliever?
How to get stress relief?
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