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「Does Santa Claus exist?」的圖片搜尋結果
Does Santa Claus exist?

    Santa claus exist

    I know santa claus exist because many friends ha seen his shadow and one day my friend told there parents were asleep and the lights turned off and on and when they turned on again there was a pile of toys and my friend has a video of his shadow
     Even Google says that santa exists!

    Google has a santa tracking service - of course he must have adapted to modern day technology, most likely sponsored by Google. (where else did google cars come from?) Google is a trusted company that EVERYONE believes, also many videos and a lot of footage has shown that he exists. Of course it probably is his son or grandson, as no one could live for that long (we're not stupid!). Also as displayed in rise of the guardians, you can only see him if you believe in him! Everyone who voted no is sure to be on the naughty list. We pity you :-) Plus I met him in a shopping centre once. He gave me a sticker, some sweets and a pencil (sponsored by google). He is awesome. You can't deny it. Ho ho ho!
    He must exist

    Who delivers the presents to us on christmas eve? And it's just nonsense that parents lies to their kids. No they don't. Parents don't lie to kids. And people has also seen santa, and there are many pics on him with kids on the internet. Google it up! He usually aks kids what they want for christmas. Trust me, l have met him myself.
    Santa Claus Does NOT exist, I'm sad to say.

    I hate to be the Grinch about it, but unfortunately there is no Santa. There is no jolly fat man that rides around giving out presents to all the good little girls and boys. If I'm wrong, impoverished children that do not receive gifts on Christmas must be very naughty delinquents. Or they belong to some other religion and don't deserve Santa's attention... Considering Christmas is supposedly apart of the Christian faith. Reindeer do not fly, elves do not exists (at least, I'm 90% sure they don't), and even if they did exist Santa would probably be considered a dictator... And the elves would be his slaves or something. Which would just spoil the whole holiday.
    Reasons Santa Can't Possibly Exsist

    How can he get all of the presents to the kids in just ONE night? How does he know if you've been bad or good? How does he watch everybody all the time? How does he make all those toys? How does he pay the elves? How can he eat ALL of those cookies? A few years ago, my grandma told me that she was just pretending to be Santa. Last Christmas, my uncle confessed that he was eating the cookies, and drinking the milk.
Does Santa Claus exist?
If you meet Santa Claus what you want to say to him?
What do you think about Christmas?
Do you like Christmas shopping?
Do you like snowing weather?
Do you like doing Google searching?
Who are your heroes and why?
Successful schmoozing is an invaluable skill that you can improve with practice. Step 1: Prepare Come prepared to discuss current events and the arts. If you've met these people before, remember what you know about them so you can weave it into the conversation. Tip Avoid negative or controversial topics and stay away from long, detailed stories. Step 2: Introduce yourself Say hello, shake hands, and introduce yourself. Mention what you do for a living. Step 3: Lead with a positive comment Make a positive comment about the event you're attending and follow up with an open-ended question, such as how they met the host. Offer a topic for discussion and be prepared to switch topics if it doesn't grab their interest. Tip Don’t get hung up looking for deep topics to discuss or crafting a brilliant response. Keep it light and easy. Step 4: Expand on a topic

Expand on a topic of conversation by relating it to another subject. For example, if the topic is the food at the event, you might mention some great food you had while on vacation. Tip Don’t dominate a conversation by pursuing a topic you are passionate about. Good conversation is give and take. Step 5: Listen and be aware of your body language Actively listen to the other person by making eye contact and providing feedback. Avoid making others ill at ease by letting your body language show that you are confident and comfortable. Step 6: Pay attention Pay attention to the conversations of others so you don’t interrupt at a bad time or make an awkward remark. Step 7: Have an exit strategy Have an exit strategy planned so you can mingle with others. Say you need to check in with an old friend or visit the buffet. Your goal is to make a good impression and leave them wanting more. 
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How to start a conversation?
How to introduce yourself to new friends?
How to make a positive comment about the activity /the person?
How to expand on a topic?
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