周六(12/9) 1.人生重要三件事? 2.改變糟糕的一天!下午 4:00-6:00

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The 3 Most Important Things In Life?
Hannah Sundell

Think about what the three most important things in your life are; the first thing that came to mind was probably happiness (you probably can’t really decide on the other two…yet). Happiness is such an easy answer to come up with, and it doesn’t require in-depth thinking about the question. The best way to answer such a thought provoking question is to break it down and really identify the three things in your life that will cause your happiness. Take a trip inside my mind and discover my three most important things in life.

I consider health to be the most important thing in life because without your health, what are you really able to do? Envision this, you hit the lottery (I know, as if right? Just bear with me) and you land $90 million. Two weeks later you begin to feel extremely ill so you go to the doctor and they tell you that you have (you can make up something drastic here), and you will probably be partially paralyzed and on life support; material items, pizza, Game of Thrones, masturbating and other things you’ve always enjoyed no longer seem as important with your health gone.

What would we really do without education? Maybe we would have no medicine for deadly diseases and we would be dying out from the Black Plague. Maybe there would be no IPhone 7 for you to pull out and ask Siri where the nearest coffee shop is. Without education, maybe Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton will be the two main presidential candidates one day…oops. Seriously though, education is the key to our future and evolution as a species. People overlook the value of education and take it for granted, you begin to realize how great education is when you go from “just talking”, to conversing with someone over an intellectual subject matter. I’ll leave you with one more example of why education is so essential: ever text someone who doesn’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re?

Most people who aren’t happy in their life, and who are always chasing something “better”, lack a sense of gratitude. Having gratitude in your life is very important, it doesn’t mean you should just settle for what you have and stop chasing what you want, but it does mean appreciating everything you’re fortunate enough to have in your life. You have to realize no matter how bad your day is going, there is someone in the world that would love to have your bad days. Moreover, we tend to overlook the small things in our first world life, such as a flushing toilet. We don’t realize how crucial flushing a toilet is until nature decides to turn off your power for a few days.
What are the three most important things in your life?
Why happiness is the most important things in life?
What are the ways to find happiness?
Do you consider health to be the most important thing in life?
Why most people who aren’t happy in their life?
Why education is important?                                                              Why gratitude is important? 
「Bad Day」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day in 10 Minutes Or Less
Sirena Bernal  tinybuddha

If a bad day’s got you down, try one of these ways to turn it around in 10 minutes or less:
1. Listen to a favorite song and sing along.

Studies have shown that listening to music you like can alter your mood and even alleviate depression.

In your iPod, make a “Feel Better” playlist that includes songs that work for you. Try to choose positive, uplifting songs that you can sing along to. “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz works for me every time.

2. Take a shower.

I’m not sure what it is about taking a shower, but I feel that it metaphorically helps “clean” the negativity. Taking a quick shower, especially one that alternates cold and hot water, can help increase circulation and rid negative energy.

Start with a warm shower and then slowly turn the temperature of the water as cold as you can stand for 20 seconds. Then bring the temperature back up again. Alternate this cycle for 3−5 minutes to start until you can slowly start to tolerate longer durations.

3. Watch a funny YouTube video.

In a study performed at the University of Western Ontario, participants who listened to an upbeat piece of music and watched a funny YouTube video were more productive and better able to solve problems than groups who listened to depressing music and video clips.

In theory, watching funny YouTube video can actually boost productivity. (Try telling that to your boss.)

Watch this video and tell me your day didn’t just get 10 times better.

4. Give and get a hug.

We often overlook human touch as a form of therapy. Health providers actually use therapeutic touch as a form of energy healing in hospitals and hospices to help patients recover from surgery.

The next time you’re feeling a little wonky, reach out to your partner, a close friend, or a family member and share a quick embrace.

5. Walk barefoot in the grass.

Being stuck inside all day without direct exposure from the sun, and without connecting to the energy of nature, can actually made a bad day even worse.

Grounding is the practice of exposing yourself to the ground, usually with your bare feet to help stimulate energy, improve immune function, and boost happiness.
The theory states that the earth’s magnetic field can lower stress hormones.
Ways to turn around a bad day?
What will you do if you have your bad days?
How to get rid of negative energy?
Do you think that giving and getting a hug would make you feel happier?
What are the ways to lower stress hormones?
How often you go to nature areas?

Why spending more time outside good for health?

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