週二(6/16)1. 擁抱 讓你活更久! 2. 選擇對的朋友

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「How Cuddling Can Help You Live Longer」的圖片搜尋結果擁抱 讓你活更久!
How Cuddling Can Help You Live Longer
By Judy Tan Editor's Pick

Relationships change with age and as you get older, you may feel increasingly isolated. Incorporating human touch through cuddling can help you live a longer, healthier life.

In the United States, one third of people ages 65 and up live alone. If you live by yourself, you may be missing out on all the hugging, kissing and touching that comes from spending time with others. This is a problem because touch not only feels great, it's also mentally and emotionally fulfilling. If you're looking for an easy way to incorporate touch into your life, consider cuddling.

Who Should Cuddle?

Everyone can benefit from the healing powers of touch! If you are lonely, in a relationship or suffering from high levels of stress, you will find cuddling to be an especially useful method of coping.

Why Should You Cuddle?

When you're feeling stressed, your body responds by producing a steroid hormone called cortisol. The more cortisol your body emits, the harder it is for you to fight off viruses and inflammation. When cortisol activates, it also shuts down non-essential systems, like your immune system.

When you experience touch, your brain releases a hormone called oxytocin (otherwise known as the “cuddle hormone.”) As your oxytocin levels increase, the amount of cortisol in your body decreases, making it easier for you to fight off infection.

Increasing immune health isn't the only way cuddling can improve your quality of life. Here are some other important benefits of cuddling:

    Touch is proven to help you battle diseases like fibromyalgia and arthritis
    Scientists believe that spooning your partner can lead to a better night's sleep – the more you cuddle, the more oxytocin your body releases, allowing you to relax and drift off to dreamland
    When you experience touch, your brain produces hormones like serotonin and dopamine . These hormones boost your mood, lessen feelings of depression and help your body feel amazing

Help! You Don't Have Anyone to Cuddle With

That's okay! Just because you live alone or enjoy a solitary lifestyle does not mean you are excluded from enjoying the healing benefits of touch. Here are some alternative ways of incorporating touch into your life:

    Pay for a massage
    Stroke an animal
    Hug or hold hands with a friend
    Ask someone to brush your hair or scratch your back
    Get a haircut (make sure to ask your stylist for a scalp massage)
 「how to choose friends」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Choose the Right Friends

Building healthy friendships is an important part of your social life. Friends can have a major influence on how you think, feel, and behave.[1] You should look for friends that have good qualities and seek out new friends that are positive and supportive. Also, try to avoid negative friends so you can maintain a healthy, active social life.
    Make sure your friends offer emotional support and guidance. Good friends will be willing to support you on a consistent basis, through your high points and your low points. Your friends should offer to support you during any difficult emotional times and be there for you in a real, genuine way. They may also offer guidance and advice when you need it.

        You should consider if you feel supported by your friends and if so, in what ways. Maybe you remember a time where you were going through a rough break up and your friends checked in on you every day. Maybe your friends also tried to distract you from your emotions by taking you out for fun outings or by spending time with you one on one.
 Good friends may also offer good advice and guidance during a confusing or hard time. Your friends should only offer advice when you ask for it and be willing to support you, even if they do not agree with your decision at the time. They may not like your decision to move away for school, for example, but they should still try to support you the best they can, as a friend.

    Decide if your friends bring out the best in you. Your friends should also encourage you to develop into the best version of yourself you can be. They should help you focus on how you can be yourself and achieve your goals. Your friends should act as your own personal cheer squad, where they proudly encourage you to go after what you want.

        For example, maybe you are determined to get into medical school. Your friends may encourage you by asking about your studies and by helping you prepare your applications. They may also help you relieve the stress of the applications by taking you out to dinner and celebrate you when you get into school.
spend time volunteering with a group of people who are all supporting a cause you believe in. You may connect with certain individuals and spend time after volunteering talking over a cup of coffee or a drink. This could then lead to a friendships with someone who you know shares the same values and beliefs as you.

Turn an acquaintance into a friend.  You can try to turn the acquaintance into a friend by inviting them out for coffee or for dinner one on one where you can get to know each other on a deeper level. During the meeting, you should ask thoughtful questions and be a good listener to show the person that you can be a good person to get to know and hang out with.

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