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「Smells Make People Happy」的圖片搜尋結果
Studies Show Smells Make People Happy   | Reader's Digest  

The key to happiness might be right under your nose.


Research has found that this festive aroma, often associated with the winter holidays, helps to reduce stress. A study conducted at Japan’s Kyoto University took a deeper look at a Japanese custom of taking a soothing forest stroll known as shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” and found that depression and anxiety were significantly reduced in participants on days when they walked through the country’s pine-filled woods. Don’t miss these other ways nature is medicine for your brain.


If you’re in need of a pick-me-up, try sniffing some citrus. The smell of the vitamin C-packed fruits has been shown to boost energy and alertness, and studies have revealed that lemon scents in particular can reduce stress and leave a positive impression on others. (Here are 8 more ways to make a good impression.) Thanks to over 50 years of advertising and marketing campaigns for household cleaners like Joy dish soap, we tend to associate citrus smells as clean and pleasant. Learn how to clean with lemon instead of chemicals to make your whole home smell happy.


If the smell of sunscreen reminds you of bright beach days and tropical getaways, you’re not alone. This scent’s positive effects are rooted in its association with stress-free vacation time, when you are typically more relaxed and happy than usual. Check out these other 50 tiny changes that will make you happier.

Fresh-cut grass

Put mowing the lawn at the top of your to-do list, if only because researchers in Australia have found that a chemical released by freshly cut grass can cause people to become more relaxed and even feel joy. (Maybe we should add mowing the lawn to these 22 tricks for making every morning happier.) They’ve even bottled the scent into a spray-on fragrance. The smell is so powerful that is said to prevent mental decline as you age. Try these other 8 things you can do today for a healthier brain while you age.


That saying about stopping to smell the roses? Maybe it should be changed to lavender or jasmine instead. Lavender is well-documented for its calming effects, even easing insomnia and depression (find out what really happens when you use lavender for stress relief), and jasmine also has been shown to boost moods. Check out these other 23 ways to lift your spirits instantly.
 「Emotions Under Control」的圖片搜尋結果
處理 鬧情緒
Ways to Get Your Unwanted Emotions Under Control          psychologytoday.com

Emotions are a vital part of our everyday lives. Whether you’re having a good laugh over a text message or feeling frustrated in rush hour traffic, you know that the highs and lows you experience can significantly affect your well-being.

Your ability to regulate those emotions, in turn, affects how you’re perceived by the people around you. If you’re laughing at that text during a serious meeting, you’re likely to get resentful looks from others in the room. On the other hand, if you react with rage at a driver who cuts you off in traffic, you can engender unwanted attention, and perhaps even risk your life.

Calming yourself down when you’re frustrated, of course, may be more easily said than done. If you tend to fly off the handle when aggravated, and express your outrage to everyone within earshot (or on the other end of an email), your emotions could be costing you important relationships, your job, and even your health.

    Select the situation. Avoid circumstances that trigger unwanted emotions. If you know that you're most likely to get angry when you’re in a hurry (and you become angry when others force you to wait), then don’t leave things for the last minute. Get out of the house or office 10 minutes before you need to, and you won’t be bothered so much by pedestrians, cars, or slow elevators. Similarly, if there’s an acquaintance you find completely annoying, then figure out a way to keep from bumping into that person.
 Modify the situation. Perhaps the emotion you’re trying to reduce is disappointment. You’re always hoping, for example, to serve the “perfect” meal for friends and family, but invariably something goes wrong because you’ve aimed too high. Modify the situation by finding recipes that are within your range of ability so that you can pull off the meal. You may not be able to construct the ideal soufflé, but you manage a pretty good frittata.

  Shift your attentional focus. Let’s say that you constantly feel inferior to the people around you who always look great. You’re at the gym, and can’t help but notice the regulars on the weight machines who manage to lift three times as much as you can. Drawn to them like a magnet, you can’t help but watch with wonder and envy at what they’re able to accomplish. Shifting your focus away from them and onto your fellow gym rats who pack less punch will help you feel more confident about your own abilities. Even better, focus on what you’re doing, and in the process, you’ll eventually gain some of the strength you desire.

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