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「marry rich guy」的圖片搜尋結果
Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Rich Man
By Team BollywoodShaadis

They say marriages are made in heaven however this saying is not applicable to all marriages. In India, most marriages are not made in heaven but by parents of the bride and the groom. A father is always on the run to look for a groom that is filthy rich as according to his perception happiness is where money is. He may not be wrong about the concept that money is important to buy most of the things on this earth; however the most important thing which is love cannot be bought by money. The father or the girl’s family at times completely forget that a boy may be rich but he could may have many flaws which will not only ruin his girl’s life but also the reputation of their family. Here are a few reasons that will help you understand why a girl need not marry a rich man in order to find happiness.

Love cannot be bought

A rich guy can buy you everything but not love. There has been situations where a woman has everything but not the love of her man. Why? The reason is, it cannot be bought. In fact there are many marriages in India that break off because the girl landed up marrying a man who was rich and she thought he could buy her all riches included love. What this innocent lady did not understand is love is priceless and no amount of money in this world can buy it.

Time is an issue

Time is an issue for any rich man; he has to plan every minute of his life, in fact even the amount of time he will utilize to make love to his wife because time is money for him. Moreover, he may fail to be a good father not because he does not love his kids but because he does not have the time to spend with them.

Business is always on the mind

He may go on a trip or honeymoon with you but with business still on his mind. At times these rich men even talk in their sleep about business. Imagine you being told over and over about how a deal he cracked made fortunes for his company and how he plans to do business further on your honeymoon. It is not only disheartening but this widens the empty space she has in her life. This is one of the major reasons why many women married to rich men cheat.

No peace of mind

He may give you the all the luxury of life but not peace of mind. There are many rich men who are known for their abusive and Casanova behavior. Imagine your man sleeping with another woman, how would you feel? Will you be at peace? This is the reason why most women tend to be suspicious about their rich man.

Ego issues

Ego conflicts are bound to happen when you marry a rich man. The reason is because he is a person born with a silver spoon hence anything you say or do that hurts his ego is a big problem and in such a situation the woman most of the times surrenders.
  「future self」的圖片搜尋結果
 Pieces of Advice for My Future Self    – Nick deWilde – Medium

Align yourself with those who matter to you

The foundation of any valuable relationship is alignment. This goes for romantic relationships, professional ones, friendships or any other type. You want her to achieve her goals. She wants you to achieve yours. Your relationship works because, together, you both have a better shot at getting what you want. As soon as that that changes (e.g. her professional success damages your ego) the relationship will start to deteriorate. Make sure that you stay aligned with the people who matter to you. Thanks to Russ Klusas for teaching me this one.

Use humor wisely

Humor has always served as my defense to keep unimportant things (politics, relationship drama) from taking on too much significance. I’ve found it to be a great way to turn mountains into molehills. Unfortunately, I’ve also used it to prematurely diminish things (like eating healthy, personal finance, exercise, etc.) that later turned out to be hugely valuable. In those situations I used humor to justify my own lazy choices. Ultimately, embracing humor has made for a richer, happier life. Just don’t use it as a way to delude yourself out of trying things that are hard.

Time is your most precious resource. Spend it well.

If you want to understand what someone truly values, look at how they spend their time. It’s a telling indicator because time is everyone’s most limited resource. Sometimes it may make sense to spend your time doing things you don’t like in exchange for other assets like money or information. However, this is a risky strategy as no one can tell you how much time you have left and there’s no way to get any more of it. I try to spend my days as if I’m going to make it to 100 while still remembering that a satellite chunk could fall on my head at any moment. Balancing respect of death and hope for a long and happy life, seems to have incentivized me to make good decisions about my time, thus far.

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