周六(8/25) 1完全失敗手冊2 對付單調的生活 下午4:00-6:00

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How to Be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work and Everything

By Alex Blackwell

Of the 44 secrets that are guaranteed to take you to the brink of total failure, here are ten of my favorite and the actions not to take in order to fail:

    Don’t do things on purpose. Don’t think about the legacy you want to leave. Don’t think about what you would want a letter to your grandchildren to say about the life you led. Don’t think about leaving your song unsung.
    Don’t know what you value in life. Don’t decide what your five most important values in life and work are. Don’t specify the rules, or conditions, you’ve determined that will easily allow you to feel each of these emotions. Don’t make all your decisions based on your values.
    If you do have goals, don’t put them in writing, and if you do, don’t think too big. Don’t join the 3% of the people who design their life rather than go with the flow. Don’t think big. Be modest. Never think: “If not you, who? If not now, when?
    Don’t get advice from people you’ve never met or who are dead. Don’t talk to your heroes dead or alive. Don’t buy autobiographies or biographies of people who have led successful lives. Don’t seek advice from the most likely, and unlikely sources. For example, here is a piece of wisdom from Rosemary, age seven: “Never try to hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.”
    Don’t take action right now. Don’t think about what you would do, how you would change your life, if you won $1 million cash today. Also, don’t think about what you would do, how you would spend your time, if you learned today you have only six months to live.
    Don’t stop having a deep fear of failure and of making a fool of yourself. Forget that “Why Not!” is a slogan for an interesting life. Don’t understand that if instead of aiming for perfect you were to focus on being outstanding, you would free yourself to be the best you could be.
    Don’t take personal responsibility for your life and results. Don’t ever say, “I am 100% accountable and responsible for my life, for my feelings, and for every result I get.” Don’t put yourself at cause rather than at effect.
    Don’t expand your comfort zone. Don’t write in your “to do” list, “Step outside comfort zone today” – that way you’ll never forget to do it. Don’t go and do the thing you fear the most, first. Don’t step into the land of uncertainty at least twice a week.
    Don’t talk and think about what you want. You become what you think about. You become what you focus on. That’s why your entire life, right up until this moment, is a reflection of the quality of questions you ask yourself. Remember all unimprovement is a result of asking terrible questions.
    Don’t be grateful. Don’t live with an attitude of gratitude. Don’t see everyday exchanges as opportunities to express gratitude.

As irreverent as How to be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work and Everything appears to be to the personal development space, its style, crisply-written chapters and intelligent and effective strategies make this book very worthwhile.

Underneath the satire and humor, McDermott delivers a serious message of the need to be willing to change how you think if you want your life to go in a different way; a more successful way; a happier way. The author challenges you not to fail.

「bored days」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Stop Your Days from Feeling Monotonous

Challenging Yourself
    Set ambitious goals. One of the best ways to break up the monotony of your day is to set ambitious goals. By setting goals, you’ll challenge yourself and give yourself something to accomplish. Instead of seeing your work or activity as something to simply get through, you’ll see it as something to excel at.
        If you’re in sales or a similar occupation, set ambitious performance numbers. For example, try to increase your sales by 10% over the last quarter.
        If you’re at school, try to improve your grades. For example, if you’ve been making Cs on your chemistry exams, tell yourself you need to get an A. You’ll likely pay more attention in class.

    Try new things
Step out of your comfort zone and try at least one new thing monthly. It doesn’t matter what that new thing is so long as you are challenging yourself and adding interest to your life. Whether the challenge is big or small, you’ll feel like you’re embracing a new part of yourself.
        Visit your local community center and take a class or learn a new skill. This would also be a good opportunity for you to meet new people, outside of your normal crowd.
        Breaking up your monotony can give you a greater sense of fulfillment, pride and satisfaction.
    Be competitive.
Depending on what you’re doing, you can turn your activity during the day into a competition. Whether it be work or school, you’ll add new excitement as you challenge yourself to do better than others around you.
        Talk to a coworker or friend and try to set up periodic competitions. For example, see who can make the most sales in the month of February.
        Talk to your supervisor or office manager about instituting office competitions or games. Many offices like to institute a weight loss competition in January.

    Listen to different music.
 Whether it be at work, in the car, or at the gym, if you switch up your musical choices, you’ll break up monotony and spice up your day. Ultimately, changing the soundtrack of your life may make it more exciting and enjoyable.
        Play some jazz or classical music at a low level in your office.
        Listen to a new radio station on the way to work. If you usually listen to current pop music station, try a jazz or country music station instead.

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