週四 (1/10)1.良好的性格與成功 2.擴大舒適圈

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Keep a notebook with you so you never miss important directions.
 Personality traits to develop if you want to be more successful
Marguerite Ward  cnbc

Here are five personality traits to develop if you want to become more successful:

1.      efficiency
You don't have to work 12 hour days to be extremely productive. In fact, employees who are the most productive often don't, a new workplace survey shows.

A survey of 1,500 participating managers and employees by leadership training company VitalSmarts found that top performers don't work longer hours than their peers, they work smarter. To work smarter, researchers suggest communicating more clearly and more often with your manager and colleagues.

Bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell, who has made a name for himself exploring common misconceptions, says there is no shortcut to success.

Habits like waking up late or not getting enough sleep will hold you back professionally, he says. Instead, invest in yourself so that you feel less stressed and overwhelmed.

3. Interests outside of work

If all you do is work, eat and sleep, you're increasing your chances of burnout. Taking up a hobby can help break up your work routine, reduce stress and boost your work performance, career coaches and business leaders say.

In fact, Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg says that having a hobby shows you have passion and drive — traits employers look for in candidates.

4. Organization

Always appearing rushed doesn't make you look important. It makes you look frazzled, leadership development expert Jeff Black tells CNBC Make It.

Instead of running around when you're stressed, use a calendar or notebook to clearly organize your priorities. And take time to listen and communicate directly with your colleagues, Black recommends. You'll feel more in control of what has to get done.

5. Optimism

To accomplish more of your goals, both personal and professional, you need to feel inspired and happy, according to Psychology Today.

But that's certainly easier said than done. Waiting around to feel better won't help you, Elle Kaplan, CEO of Lexion Capital Management, writes. Instead, try writing down your goals and visualizing what it feels like to have accomplished them. Internalizing that sense of success can push you to work harder.

「expand your comfort zone」的圖片搜尋結果
不出舒適圈 那就擴大舒適圈
Ways To Expand Your Comfort Zone   forbes.com
Liz Ryan

1. If you used to paint, dance, sculpt, weave play a musical instrument or follow a different creative pursuit in the past -- even in high school or before -- take a step back into that activity now. Take a dance class or a pottery class. If you lost your clarinet along the way, buy one on eBay. Tap into your creative side. Nothing grows your mojo faster than that!

2. Change up details of your daily life just to get used to making changes. Try a different menu of dishes when you cook at home and change your standard order when you eat out. Change the arrangement of your furniture and change your route to work. Shake your mind out of any ruts it's fallen into.

3. Join a group that meets at the library or community center or wherever people meet in your town. Get together with people to talk about books or sports or films or your favorite breed of dog. You can find Meetup groups on tons of topics, too. Meeting new people is a confidence-booster and gives you new perspectives that will keep your power surge going!

4. Change your look. You don't have to spend a lot of money. You can update your clothes shopping at thrift shops.

5. Make a list of things you'd say to people around you if you felt more confident. (If you write your list, write it in code or hide it in a safe place if you don't want to share your thoughts.) Practice what you would say if the right time to speak your truth should arrive, and it very well may. Practice being compassionate as you share what's on your mind. When the moment comes, speak up. Your muscles will grow the minute you open your mouth.

6. Get a friend to dive into the muscle-building project along with you. You can design and pursue adventures together. You can go to networking or social events together and do athletic and cultural things together. When you consciously say and feel "I am growing into a new skin now, and I'm taking that process as seriously as anything else happening in my life" you empower yourself to ask for and go after the life and career you want. There isn't any "succeed" or "fail" in that journey -- you'll just keep moving and growing!

7. Pay close attention to the people around you. Reinforce and acknowledge them when they take steps for themselves, say things that are hard to say and otherwise step into their power. You will see the people around you change as you begin taking steps on your path. Tell them what you see and why they are awesome. You will create a mutual reinforcement society together.

8. Dare to think about your whole life and career and to ask the thorny question "What do I really want?" Allow yourself to dream big. There's no penalty for realizing a different vision than the one you're dreaming up now. Creating the vision and moving toward it in little steps is the win!

Finally, remember that you are capable and brilliant no matter what is going on in your life and whether you are employed or not. Taking steps is hard work. Your highest priority is to take care of yourself. Pat yourself on the back when you take a step outside your (former) comfort zone, and remember that you are the director and star of your movie.  You call the shots!

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