週四 (1/24)1.晚睡=慢性自殺 2.當有人激怒你

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「sleep late kills」的圖片搜尋結果
Being a 'night owl' could kill you, study finds
By Honor Whiteman       

I wake up at 5.15 a.m. each day to get to work on time, so going to bed at a reasonable hour is a must for me. According to new research, it's also beneficial to my health; scientists found that "night owls" have a higher risk of early death.

Researchers find that being a night owl can take its toll on health.

Being a "lark," as morning people are commonly referred to, has its downsides; I love the idea of staying up late to watch movies, or even going to a club until the early hours and stumbling to bed at 6 a.m. Sadly, I'm usually asleep on the couch by 10 p.m.

Reading the results of this latest study, however, has made me realize that being a lark may not be so bad, after all — for my health, at least.

The Scary Reason Sleeping Late Is Going To Kill You | Men's Health Singapore

According to an article in AFP, a Japanese research team was led by Dr Nobuo Sasaki of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Council, Japan, on determining what kind of sleep disturbance(s) are related to cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease and stroke. As Dr Sasaki explains, “[most people know that] poor sleep is associated with cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease and stroke, but the kind of sleep disturbances that are most risky is not well documented”.

The Definitions

First off, what is known as ischemic heart disease?

Otherwise known as coronary heart disease, or coronary artery disease, the term “ischemic heart disease” refers to heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries. When these arteries are narrowed, lesser blood and oxygen can reach the heart, and can lead to heart attack.

And whilst the term may be used loosely sometimes, the term ‘poor sleep’, as Dr Sasaki said, “includes too short or too long sleep, a difficulty in falling asleep, and difficulty maintaining sleep.”

The Results

The team found that a little over half of the patients with ischemic heart disease (52%), 48% who had stroke, and 37% of patients with no cardiovascular disease suffered from poor sleep. They then extrapolated the analysis with these results, and concluded that poor sleep quality, long sleep latency, low sleep efficiency, and use of sleeping pills were significantly associated with both ischemic heart disease and stroke, whereas difficulty in maintaining sleep, a short sleep duration, and daytime dysfunction were only associated with ischemic heart disease.
 「when someone get on your nerves」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways To Manage People Who Get On Your Nerves
Renee Cocchi   Copyright 2017 ResourcefulManager

Here are additional suggestions for managing people who rub you the wrong way:

1)      Business, Not Pleasure

It’s called work for a reason. It’s great if you enjoy your job, but you’re not there for fun and games.
So leave your emotions at the door, and get your job done.
And remember, while it’s necessary to have “business relationships” with the people you work with, “friendships” are not a requirement.

2) Get Rid Of The Hate

It’s a harsh word, but when you’re constantly with someone who works on your last nerve, dislike can turn to hate.
But the only thing these feelings do is cause you added stress. And let’s face it, none of us need more stress.
Just realize that the person who’s annoying you endlessly is a product of her environment, as you are of yours.
Maybe she’s more outspoken than you’d like or too quiet, but as long as she gets her job done well and doesn’t hurt anyone, what’s the harm?

3) Put On Your Poker Face

If there’s a person on your staff you don’t like, he shouldn’t have a clue as to your true feelings. If he does, he’ll think it’s due to his job performance.
As the boss, it’s up to you to remain fair and impartial and maintain a cordial, professional business relationship.

4) Dissect The Issue

Why does this person bug you so much? Does he have an answer for everything? Does he remind you of someone from your past you don’t like?
Once you’ve figured out why this person grates on your nerves, maybe it’ll soften your reaction to him.
Remember, you can’t change someone’s personality, but you can change how you react to that person.

5) Find Common Ground

You may not want to and you may find it highly unpleasant at first, but try to find things you have in common with the person you dislike.
While getting coffee, find out if he’s read any good books lately or watched a favorite TV show of yours.
Does he have pets, if so what kind? Does he like to travel, if so where? Where did he grow up?

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