週四 (1/17)1.肉圓爸家暴 2.找出你的潛能

板區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
肉圓爸 家暴
7 vigilantes storm home, angry mob in New Tai... | Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Last night (Jan. 13), seven vigilantes stormed the home of a New Taipei man, while an angry mob gathered outside and fried chili peppers, after video surfaced of him physically assaulting his son and wife over meatballs that were not spicy enough.

After video surfaced on social media of a man 42-year-old man surnamed Lin () beating his son and choking his wife, a gang of vigilantes stormed his home and assaulted him for revenge, while an angry mob gathered outside his home in New Taipei City's Luzhou District and fried up hot chili peppers in protest.

Yesterday afternoon, a member of Baoyuan Commune (爆怨公社) posted a video on the Facebook group showing Lin berating his son for bringing back Taiwanese Ba-wan (肉圓, meatballs) without the hot peppers he had requested. The verbal abuse soon transforms into physical violence with the man striking his son in the face and choking his wife as both apologize for the infraction.

Outrage on social media soon spread like wildfire, prompting seven men to gather outside of Lin's home and ring the doorbell. Once he opened the door, they stormed in and started slapping him to get revenge for his hapless son and wife, before police arrived on the scene and an ambulance whisked Lin to Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital for treatment, according to TVBS.

Police used batons to subdue the seven vigilantes, before taking them in for questioning. Two of the vigilantes sustained significant injuries that required them to be also be sent to Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital for medical treatment, reported ETtoday.

Meanwhile, a huge angry mob numbering in the hundreds gathered outside of Lin's home and started to fry chili peppers in protest. Live video of the scene soon gathered 90,000 views, and it was not until police came out with their own pot of fried peppers that the crowd finally started to disperse around 11:18, according to CNA.

Luzhou police told ETtoday that they had received a report of the domestic disturbance involving Lin, his wife, and son at 8 p.m. on Jan. 12. After Lin's wife and son were sent to the hospital, doctors documented bruises on the woman's head and shoulder, while the 12-year-old boy had bruises on his right cheek and abrasions on his left ear and right hand.

Police said that an emergency protection order has been applied for to shield the woman and her children, and negotiations with the Department of Social Welfare have begun on taking steps to prevent Lin from assaulting the family again. Lin's wife has taken the children with her to her mother's home, and after they recover from their injuries, she plans to file charges against him.

The boy's grandfather complained that domestic violence had occurred on numerous occasions over the 12 years the couple had been married, with both mother and son frequently covered in bruises, reported ETtoday. The grandfather said that, although his daughter claimed things were fine, he knew of at least three occasions in which his son-in-law had beaten her after getting drunk.
 「3 ways discover your hidden natural talent」的圖片搜尋結果
3 Ways to Discover Your Hidden Natural Talent          inc
By Leonard KimManaging

1.What Thrilled You As A Child?

Take two minutes and recall your most joyous memories from elementary school.
What made those moments so enjoyable? What were the common threads?

Were you highly competitive as a 9-year-old? Maybe you loved soccer and couldn't wait for recess every day. You lived for it. You cherished that moment you could run out to the practice field and start competing.

Or, maybe you enjoyed working on big, competitive, team-oriented projects? Your friends loved it when you were in their group. You had a knack for nudging the whole team's grade from B- to A . You relished these opportunities. It was thrilling.

As you ponder these childhood memories, consider what similar activities thrill you as an adult.
You may still be highly competitive, but now you're competing to win new business for your start-up. You may still love complex, strategic projects, but now you do it for an international consulting firm.

Why do we make certain choices and enjoy certain activities? Why are we better at some things than others?

If you've ever taken the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment, you know that a “talent theme” (to use Gallup's terminology) is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied.

Understanding your unique talents gives you answers to these questions. Your unique talents show you why you make certain choices, enjoy certain activities and are better at some things than others. In fact, there's only a 1-in-33 million chance you have the same top 5 talent themes as another person!

2. You Lose Track of Time

You begin a favorite activity. Maybe it's playing guitar or gardening or writing that novel. Maybe it's coding Python for that personal pet project you started months ago.

This activity, whenever you do it, pulls you in like a tractor beam. Your mind, body and intuition begin working in perfect symmetry. You lose track of time. Before you know it, it's 12:30 and you haven't even thought about lunch yet.

What if work was just as fulfilling as your Saturday morning side project? Is it even possible to capture and harness that magic?

Yes-take very close note of moments like this. If you're so captivated in an activity that you lose track of time, you're experiencing one of the key symptoms of flow.

And, if you're experiencing any amount of flow on a project, you're most likely also using one or more of your natural talents.

3. What do you yearn to do?
What fire is burning inside of you at this very moment?
There's never been an easier time in the course of human history to begin fulfilling your life's mission than right now.

Do you love writing? Cool. Start a blog.
Can you crochet better than anyone in the tri-state area? Great. Make a few extra scarves and sell them on Etsy.
Does even thinking about meeting and connecting with new people send you into happiness overdrive? Perfect. Launch a meet-up for local executives in your city.

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