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「women are more attracted to rich men」的圖片搜尋結果
Women are more attracted to rich men - scientists
Newshub reporter

Researchers have discovered that women are far more likely to find rich men attractive.
Researchers have discovered that women are far more likely to find rich men attractive. Photo credit: Getty

New research has found an easy way for men to get more attention - be wealthy.

Researchers have discovered that women are far more likely to find rich men attractive. However this isn't true in reverse, they say.

The study, recently published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, involved asking over 300 men and women to rate pictures of the opposite sex based on their attractiveness.

Salary information was then added to the images, and the participants were asked to re-rank them.

The researchers concluded that women are significantly more sensitive to salary information when considering a partner compared to men.

"A man can move himself two points higher on the attractiveness scale we used if his salary increases by a factor of 10," study author John Speakman told The Times.

"For a female to achieve the same two-point effect, her salary would need to increase by 10,000 times."

The study argues this could be driven by the different sexes' mating strategies.

The study showed that men prioritise youth and high fertility - in other words, physical attractiveness - in their search for a partner.

"Parental investment hypotheses regarding mate selection suggest that human males should seek partners featured by youth and high fertility. However, females should be more sensitive to resources that can be invested on themselves and their offspring," the authors wrote.

"We found that ratings of attractiveness were around four times more sensitive to salary for females rating males, compared to males rating females. These results indicate that higher economic status can offset lower physical attractiveness in men much more easily than in women."
「vigilantism is good or bad debate」的圖片搜尋結果
Is vigilantism good or bad ?  debate.org

    Vigilantism is what makes the law.

    When you find that something is wrong with the law, you do not wait for the thing to be recorded into the law, be allowing the victims to suffer. You will do what you can to stop the injustice for that moment, and then wait for the law to change.

    For example, when we see someone is being hurt badly with a harmless thing, we cannot interfere in the situation as a third person when we follow law strictly. If he doesn't listen when we yell at him, we choose to attack the attacker with whatever we got till he is stopped. If we do not possess the quality of vigilante, we are only allowed to shout at the attacker. At most, get beaten instead. We have to fight for a cause, when we should. Law is not divine. It is just being manipulated by people all the time. Being changed. Collective good of society is what actually matters.

Police are useless

There is no justice, only justice you make yourself, i learned this over and over again the hard way. Bring forth our heroes, our next door neighbours with the balls to do something. It is wrong to rely on authorities when authorities bow down to the man with the most change in his pocket, we must bow down to the man with the most change in his heart.

Just no.......Just no.

Vigilantes can have bias.....And maybe they want revenge. What if someone stole a dollar from a vigilante and he/she murdered the thief? They just stole a dollar but got killed. Is that fair? No. But can it happen? Absolutely. Vigilantes are criminals punishing other criminals. It doesn't make sense and it's not fair

 Vigilantism is not good.

Vigilantism is not good. We cannot have every person on a one-man mission. We have a set of laws in this country and we should adhere to them. If we choose not to follow the law, it should be addressed in the courts, not on the streets. One person should not be allowed to decide who is right or wrong and then take justice into their own hands.

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