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「who is baba vanga sun」的圖片搜尋結果
Who is Baba Vanga? Mystic's predictions list included Brexit and 911
By Hannah Crouch  thesun.co.uk

What has Baba Vanga predicted?

Baba Vanga's predictions, including those listed below, were said to have an 85 per cent success rate.

    The Kursk nuclear submarine disaster: In 1980, Baba said Kursk will be "covered with water and the whole world will weep over it" claiming the disaster would happen in August 1999. The Russian sub sank in August 2000, killing all aboard.
    ISIS: The Bulgarian is also said to have predicted the rise of terror group ISIS.
    Syrian gas attack: Before she died, Baba warned of a showdown in the country, where "Muslims would use chemical warfare against Europeans". This is thought to be similar to the suspected gas attack Assad launched against his own people.
    Brexit: While some crackpot conspiracy theorists claims Baba predicated Brexit - she actually incorrectly said Europe will "cease to exist" by 2017, something which obviously has not happened.
    She claimed the 44th US President would be black - however she also said he or she would be the last President, which again did not happen.
    In 1989, she claimed the "American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds... and innocent blood will be gushing". Some believe this is a reference to the September 11 attacks on the US in 2001.
    Vladimir Putin will win the 2018 election. In 1979, during a meeting with writer Valentin Sidorov, Vanga said: “All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched - Vladimir’s glory, glory of Russia."
    World War 3: Shortly before her death, the elderly woman said: "Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world."

What did Baba Vanga predict for 2019?

    Baba has predicted that massive megaquakes will happen, a tsunami will wipe out parts of Asia, an European Economic collapse will take place and Russia is to be hit by a giant meteorite.
    Not only this, but there will be a Putin assassination attempt and Trump will fall ill with a mysterious illness, which will cause hearing problems.
    Trump is predicted to be struck with a mysterious illness that will cause him to suffer from nausea, tinnitus, brain trauma, and hearing loss - a condition American diplomats in Cuba and China were affected by a similar ailment this year.
    And she may have “predicted the 2004 tsunami”, but Baba thinks another one is coming next year that could wipe out several Asian countries and other places around the world.
    These include Pakistan, India, parts of China, Japan and Indonesia, along with parts of Alaska.
    Other disasters are said to come in the form of Europe experiencing a catastrophic economic collapse.
    Russia is also said to be hit by a meteorite, according to Baba.
  「what is happiness quotient」的圖片搜尋結果
What’s your Happiness Quotient?
Author: admin univibeplus

How can one define happiness?  In fact, can it be defined? It is not easy to define because it is a feeling. It is an emotion and hence, is intangible. It can be only described using adjectives.  Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist says that the definition of happiness in positive psychology is “the experience of joy, contentment or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful and worthwhile.”

Most of us, if not all, have our happiness tied up with things, events, people, places and circumstances. In other words our happiness is external. We are always expecting something or someone to make us happy. Young adults are, maybe, attaching their happiness to academics. Adults might be waiting for that promotion or their marriage to allow happiness to fill the void. Similarly, the middle aged and aged wait for their children to make them happy. Do we need a reason to be happy?

Happiness is a state of mind just as sadness is. It is just as any other emotion is. One can choose to be happy or sad. Or excited or dejected.  If so then do we have control on how we feel? Can we be happy for no reason? Yes you definitely can! Happiness is a choice and you only have to make it. You cannot let your circumstances define your state of mind.  You cannot attach your state of mind to materialistic pursuits. You have to be the master of your feelings.

It is true that many events affect our state of mind. They change our moods and induce a feeling of happiness or sadness. Every event affects a particular area of our life. Hence it is possible that one, two or all areas of our lives may or may not be working. We need to separate every area and examine each to assess their state. Accordingly we can take action in that area so that it meets our expectations.


Health is an important dimension because it is in the physical world that we have all our experiences. As human beings we experience events through our senses, body and energies. It is in our body that our ability to enjoy our life resides. We register our feelings through our senses, our appearances, our sense of excitement and pleasure, through our body. It is only when you are healthy that you can perform activities that will determine the quality of your life. Happiness can create memories by producing bodily sensations. These are stored in memory and can be accessed to realize what happiness feels like. One can access these memories to relate them to the actions that create these sensations. These actions can be repeated to feel happy.


Happiness is an emotion and this dimension, by far, is the most important of all the dimensions. It is the dimension for our feelings and emotions. Hence it directly impacts the happiness quotient. A healthy emotional state is responsible for our confidence and self-worth. It assures us of our ability to deal with circumstances we face every day. It also determines our ability to maintain our relationships with others. It would be prudent to note that one must not encourage negative emotions to stay. One should always try to engage in positive thoughts and emotions as this determines the quality of our feelings.

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