周五(10/25)1.死亡手錶 2.金錢與智力

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The Tikker: a 'death watch' that counts down how long you have left to live  (James Vincent)

 Running late? With Tikker you always are. This so-called “death watch” provides the ultimate momento mori: a no-frills LCD screen that counts down exactly how long you have left to live.

 Built by a group of “designers, free-thinkers, lovers and life-afficionados” the concept behind the Tikker is to remind wearers of the important things in life. Never has the Tikker’s slogan – “make every second count” – been applied more appropriately.

 Fredrik Colting, the watch’s creator, says the idea came to after his grandfather passed away: "It made me think about death and the transience of life, and I realized that nothing matters when you are dead. Instead what matters is what we do when we are alive,” says Colting on the Kickstarter page for the watch.

 It seems that a lot of people agree with Colting. Funding for the watch began last month and the Tikker has already collected more than double its $25,000 goal, with over 1,300 individuals coughing up $39 for the watch.

 As well as the timepiece itself, the Tikker comes with a simple actuarial quiz that provides users with a (very) rough estimate of their time left on Earth. Users punch this number into the Tikker and then, without ceremony, the watch begins its final countdown.

  “All we have to do is learn how to cherish the time and the life that we have been given,” says Tikker’s Kickstarter page, “ And the best way to do this is to realize that seconds, days and years are passing never to come again.”


1. What do you think about the death watch?

Is it a good idea that having a Tikker "death watch" reminds every second?

2. Do you care how long will you live?

3. How does your parents' lifespan affect your lifespan?

4. In you opinion, what factors make people live longer? People in which countries would live longer?

5. How to extend your life expectancy?

Ways to add years to your life?

6. “The death watch” is a new invention, if you want to invent something,

What would you like to invent?

7. What happens when the average lifespan is 150 years?

8. What do you think about death?


Poverty Stress Weakens Brain Power
New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making. The findings were reported in the journal Science. They may help explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that prolong their economic hardship. Jim Tedder reports.
Earlier studies have found that poor people are less likely to take care of their health. Studies have shown they also do worse with their finances, and pay less attention to their children than do richer people. All of these actions make the poor less likely to escape poverty, research suggests.
 But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder. Until recently, it was economists who studied poverty, not psychologists. Eldar Shafir is a psychologist with Princeton University in New Jersey. He says now scientists from both fields work together.
And in the last few years the two disciplines sort of combined forces. And we just became interested in cognitive function and its impact when people struggle with not having enough.”
Mr. Shafir and his team did two experiments. One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey. Another was carried out among sugar cane farmers in rural India.
 The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others said to belong to the middle class. All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairs. The researchers then performed tests for reason, such as choosing which shape fits in a pattern of shapes.
 The volunteers were given two possible imaginary situations. In the first, the car repairs cost $150. In the second, the repairs cost $1,500.
And what we found is, when we looked at the cases where the financial scenario in the background was not too challenging, the poor and the rich performed equally well on all the cognitive tests.”
 Not so when the researchers raised the repair costs to $1,500.
Once we tickled their minds with financially more challenging problems, now the poor performed significantly worse.”

  The study showed the poorer individuals lost about 13 intelligent quotient, IQ, points on average. This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.
 The scientists then wondered if they would see the same result outside the controlled environment of a New Jersey shopping mall. And they wanted to know if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor.
 That is where the Indian sugar cane farmers came in. They earn most of their money once a year, when the harvest comes in. But the money often does not last through the year.
So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest.”
 The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey. They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.
 And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.
They performed much more slowly and with many more errors when they were poorer than when they were richer.”

1. Do you think poverty makes people less intelligent?

How a lack of money could make people less intelligent?

2. Rich people are smarter than poor people?

3. Do you think that smart people usually are rich?

4. Do billionaires have higher IQs? Are rich people smarter than you?

5. Do wealthy people work harder? Are poor people lazy?

6. How to become a billionaire in 5 to 10 years? Ways to be a billionaire?

7. How do we lessen the gap between the rich and the poor?
 煩三餐著落降腦力 窮人翻身難

這項研究並非意指窮人較笨,而是研究結果顯示,阮囊羞澀會造成「有效腦力」、也就是研究人員所謂的「心智寬頻」(mental bandwidth),會因養家活口的壓力而大幅受到限制。

 研究共同作者、哈佛大學經濟學家穆拉納坦(Sendhil Mullainathan)說:「研究發現,當人很窮的時候,缺的不只是錢,也連帶影響認知能力。」


 研究共同作者、英屬哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia)趙佳穎(Jiaying Zhao,譯音)說:「我們認為身處貧窮會影響認知功能,會妨礙個人做出良好決策的能力,造成更進一步的貧窮。」




周六( 10/26)  聚會
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Sorry, but you’re not my (blood) type

Forget the stars, palmistry, crystal gazing, tarot cards or even tea leaves. It seems your characteristics, career, health, marriage, fate and luck are all actually flowing through your veins.

Whether you are friendly, aloof, considerate, industrious, prone to worrying, cynical, good in bed or in the right job is, a growing number of personality analysts say, all in the blood.

They claim the blood type you were born with has just as much influence over your character and fate as the signs of the zodiac. 

In fact, many personality analysts say it could be a more accurate guide because your blood type is determined by the genes of your parents and through it you inherit all their ancestral traits. You then develop the traits that are best suited to your personality.

Big in Japan

The Japanese, who have always placed a lot of importance on ancestry and blood lines, are so certain of the links between biochemistry and personality that magazines and newspapers carry the week’s fortunes for each blood type.

It is estimated that as many as 75 per cent of Japanese people believe there is a connection between blood type and personality. The vast majority of their lonely hearts advertisements include blood type. Nearly everyone in Japan knows their blood group and they take the idea very seriously.

The four main blood types are O (the most common), A, B and AB.

If you are a blood donor, you will know that type O can give blood to any type, but can receive from only type O, and are called universal donors.

Type A individuals can give blood safely to A and AB types. B types can give to B or AB.

Blood lines

According to the believers, all these different combinations play a part in passing on particular talents and qualities through generations.

The world’s leading proponent of blood-typing is undoubtedly Japan’s Toshitaka Nomi, who is following in the footsteps of his late father, Masahiko, who first published books on the blood-typing theory in 1971.

Between them father and son have produced more than 60 books, which have sold more than six million copies and have helped bring the Japanese ideas and beliefs about blood-type psychology to a wider audience.

This is what their studies have to say about how our blood type influences the way we are likely to behave and the path we are most likely to follow…

Blood group diet

More recently, research into blood types and diet has been carried out by an American naturopathic doctor, Peter D’Adamo. He believes our blood type determines what we should eat.

Do you believe in blood type characters?
Do you believe the blood type determine a person' character?
Does your blood type affect your diet?
Does the eat right for your blood type diet really work?
The importance of blood type in Taiwanese culture?
Do you believe “the Success depends on blood group”?
Taiwan -- Flavor Full fined NT$8 mil. in oil scandal
1. Flavor Full fined NT$8 mil. in oil scandal
Flavor Full Foods (富味鄉食品公司) yesterday admitted to adding cottonseed oil to 24 cooking oil products sold in Taiwan, New Taipei City's Department of Health (DOH) announced yesterday.
What do think about fack cooking oil case?
2. Premier gives 6-point order for handling cooking oil
Premier Jiang Yi-huah on Thursday issued a directive aimed at improving six aspects of food safety, after it was found that various edible oil products sold under the Tatung brand had been adulterated with cheap cottonseed oil as a way to boost profits. 
What do you think about food safety in Taiwan?
3. Balloons: the new vehicle for space tourism?
The latest space tourism venture depends more on hot air than rocket science. World View Enterprises announced plans Tuesday to send people up in a capsule, lifted 19 miles (30 kilometers) by a high-altitude balloon. Jane Poynter, CEO of the Tucson, Arizona-based company, said the price for the four-hour ride would be US$75,000.
What you think about space tourism?

Court awards insurance payment on dead couple found hiding

Taipei, Oct. 24 (CNA) The Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. on Thursday lost its lawsuit against three siblings to whom it had paid accidental death benefits of NT$64.82 million (US$2.21 million) after their parents disappeared in a car accident, as Taiwan's Supreme Court ruled against the company in the case of alleged insurance fraud.
What you think about  insurance frauds in taiwan ?



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