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Man who allegedly faked his own death for insurance money returned to Taiwan

(CAN)-- A man who was accused of faking his own death and that of his wife in 2001 to collect NT$64.82 million (US$2.20 million) in life insurance was escorted back to Taiwan from China by police Sunday.

Hsu Wen-tung, 66, was found when his wife died of a heart attack in Jiangsu Province, China in May this year and their children tried to have the body returned to Taiwan for burial, the police said.
After almost five months of negotiations with Chinese law enforcement authorities, Taiwan police were able to bring Hsu back to Taiwan at 3:45 p.m. Sunday.
Hsu and his wife allegedly fled to China with fake passports and had been living there under false identities since 2005 after defrauding an insurance company of a huge sum of money.
The couple used to run a construction business that accumulated tens of millions of Taiwan dollars in debt.
During a typhoon in July 2001, they faked a car crash on the northeastern Coastal Highway toward Yilan and were reported missing, with the help of their children, according to police.
Their wrecked car was found the next day off the roadway, apparently having fallen from the highway at the 84 kilometer mark, but there were no bodies in the vehicle, police said.
Police said the couple hid in a rented flat in New Taipei for four years before fleeing to China.
Meanwhile, their three children, listed as beneficiaries on the couple's life insurance policies, sought to have their parents legally declared dead and to claim the insurance payments for accidental death.
Cathay Life Insurance Co., which had sold the couple the policies in 1993, sued the children for fraud, citing weather data, eyewitness reports and police evidence.
The courts, however, ruled in favor of the children, saying the two bodies may have washed into the ocean after the car crash, and instructed the company to pay the claims of NT$64.82 million.


1. What do you think about this false insurance claim?

2. What do you think about insurance fraud cases in Taiwan? (Ex: cutting fingers, fake car accidents)

3. What is the easiest quickest way to get money legal or illegal?

4. What do you do if you were in debts and you have no money to pay back a debt? Where to get help?

5. What happens if you get into an accident and don't have insurance?

What happens if you don't buy life insurance?

6. How to handle insurance frauds, if you were the man who is in charge of insurance claims in an insurance company?

7. What kinds of insurance do you need? And do you buy any kind of insurance?


Filmmakers, public blast Taiwan media for hounding on Luc Besson film

(Focus Taiwan Christie Chen)

Taipei, Oct. 28 (CNA) Taiwanese filmmakers and members of the public have expressed disappointment with local media after news that French director Luc Besson may cut short filming in Taipei for his new movie "Lucy" due to repeated disturbances by media workers.

"The media and public should show their love for Taiwan... If Luc Besson is scared away, would other foreign directors be willing to shoot films in Taiwan?" veteran director Chu Yen-Ping was quoted in the China Times Monday.

In a United Daily News report the same day, producer Lee Lieh said that films, especially Hollywood films, are the best way to advertise Taiwan, urging the media to recognize that "Taiwan needs this kind of publicity."

Academic and former senior reporter Liu Huei-ling explained the aggressive approach of media workers as a symptom of a highly competitive industry that has caused reporters to lose sight of what is and is not appropriate.

Meanwhile, thousands of furious Taiwanese haven taken to the Internet to condemn the behavior of reporters and photographers, which they labeled paparazzi, for hounding Besson and his cast and crew.

"Paparazzi, please stop shaming the Taiwanese," read a comment by a Web user calling himself Weizai on a report that Besson plans to cut shooting, including planned shots at landmarks like Longshan Temple, due to harassment.

On another report, a user calling himself Max wrote that the media "do not represent Taiwan, but if you and I chose to remain silent and let them get away with it without saying anything, we are choosing to hurt Taiwan." The comment received hundreds of "likes" from other users.

Besson's crew reported to police Friday a near-collision when their cars were almost hit by pursuing media workers, according to the Taipei City Government. In a separate incident, photographers reportedly surrounded and banged on the windows of a car carrying Scarlett Johansson, the film's female lead, when it stopped at a red light.


1. Should celebrities be more protected from the media?

2. Why photographers are chasing celebrity?

Do the paparazzi go too far?

What do you think about paparazzi?

3. Do you agree that “Hollywood films are the best way to advertise Taiwan " and Taiwan needs this kind of publicity?

4. In your opinion, is there any other ways to advertise Taiwan?

5. How do the media affect how people think?

6. What do you think about TV news theses days?

詐保案曝光 許妻過世是關鍵 

阻偷拍路上演出「拋錨戲」 法導演台北拍片爆衝突

 法國導演呂克.貝松(Luc Besson)在台北拍新片《露西》(Lucy),劇組人員日前遭狗仔阻擋上車,雙方發生肢體衝撞,導演震怒到警局備案。而為阻劇情曝光,劇組也使出渾身解數,工作人員近日竟在路上演出「拋錨戲」,擋住媒體跟拍。




台北市長郝龍斌亦出面喊話,媒體的「熱情」影響拍片進度,在約定區域外出現危險動作,希望大家自制,讓國際導演、演員對台灣、台北留下好印象。風災假死詐保險金 許文同押返台


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