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Secrets To Make People Like You  by Dr. Nerd

1) Use Positive Non-Verbal Communication
 I can’t stress enough how important non-verbal communication is when it comes to making a positive connection with somebody. The vast majority of our communication isn’t conveyed through our words, but through our bodies, our tone of voice, even the speed at which we talk.
2) Get Them Talking About Themselves
 Cold hard truth: we’re all narcissistic to some degree. Even when we may not feel like we’re the hottest thing since World War III, we do like to believe that our inner lives and thoughts are fascinating. Just take a look at our social networks as we fill our days with Facebook status updates, Instagraming everything and tweeting about every aspect of our lives. We’re playing to an audience, even if that audience is just the people from high-school that we’ve reconnected with because we wanted to see if they were still hot and/or single.
 3) Validate Them
 Another key psychological component to building rapport with someone is to remember that we instinctively like people who like us. Being liked makes us feel good, after all. So one of the easiest ways to indicate that we like someone is to let them know we think they’re fascinating and that they have a lot to offer. So we help encourage that feeling by validating them as we talk. After all, validation from others can be incredibly powerful.

4) Have Stories
 Want to impress someone and make them think you’re fun to hang around with? Have stories to tell. Storytelling is a primal part of social cohesion, a way of bonding that’s been a part of the human experience since we developed language.
Sharing a little about yourself is a powerful technique, one that inspires trust and reciprocity from the people you’re talking to. When somebody’s been afraid that they’ve been talking about themselves too much, being able to share a little about yourself – especially an amusing or entertaining story – is a way of giving back and letting them know that you’re comfortable with them.
How to get people to like you?
Ways to make people like you more?
How to become popular among friends?
How to be a good friend?
How do you treat your friends?
How to improve social skills
How to get along with co workers?
Are you a good listener?
How to have a great conversation (with new people)?
How to develop a sense of humor?

How to make people respect you?


"There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples."

Bram Stoker's Dracula - Chapter 18: MINA HARKER'S JOURNAL - 30 September

The vampires are monsters that has both thrilled and terrified people for hundreds of years, from sophisticated Parisian theatre-goers to Eastern European peasants. Today the myth of vampires is omnipresent as one of the majors horror motifs in arts, literature and music.


Vampires are mythical or folkloric creatures, typically held to be the re-animated corpses of human beings and said to subsist on human and/or animal blood (hematophagy), often having unnatural powers, heightened bodily functions, and/or the ability to physically transform. Some cultures have myths of non-human vampires, such as demons or animals like bats, dogs, and spiders. Vampires are often described as having a variety of additional powers and character traits, extremely variable in different traditions, and are a frequent subject of folklore, cinema, and contemporary fiction.

Vampire by Clyde Caldwell  Vampire by Clyde Caldwell

Vampirism is the practice of drinking blood from a person/animal. Vampires are said to mainly bite the victim's neck, extracting the blood from the carotid artery. In folklore and popular culture, the term generally refers to a belief that one can gain supernatural powers by drinking human blood. The historical practice of vampirism can generally be considered a more specific and less commonly occurring form of cannibalism. The consumption of another's blood (and/or flesh) has been used as a tactic of psychological warfare intended to terrorize the enemy, and it can be used to reflect various spiritual beliefs.

Jiangshi  Wikipedia

A jiangshi (chiang-shih in Wade–Giles), also known as a Chinese "hopping" vampire or zombie, is a type of reanimated corpse in Chinese legends and folklore. "Jiangshi" is read goeng-si in Cantonese, cương thi in Vietnamese, gangshi in Korean and kyonshī in Japanese. It is typically depicted as a stiff corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty, and it moves around by hopping, with its arms outstretched. It kills living creatures to absorb their qi, or "life force", usually at night, while in the day, it rests in a coffin or hides in dark places such as caves.[1] Jiangshi legends have inspired a genre of jiangshi films and literature in Hong Kong and East Asia.
What do you think about Dracula?
Do you think Dracula is attractive in any way? Why?
What do you think about vampires?
Do you think vampires exist?
What do you think about jiangshi ("hopping" vampire)?
Are ghosts real? Do you believe in ghosts?
Can a vampire fall in love with a human?
Would you want to fall in love with a vampire?
What super power do you feel you have?

Do you think vampires have superpower?
What are the local legends you know?

What do you think about the hungry ghost festival?





特展展出維也納藝術史博物館珍藏的「弗拉德.德古拉」(Vlad Dracula)油畫肖像,這幅肖像幾已成德古拉的標準形象;另外還展出一本1897年初版的「德古拉」小說,非常特別。


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