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Taiwan TransAsia Airways plane crash kills at least 40  BBC

A passenger plane has crashed after a failed emergency landing in Taiwan, killing more than 40 people, local officials say.

The domestic flight crashed near Magong airport on the outlying Penghu island, reports said.

There were a total of 54 passengers and four crew on board, Taiwan's CNA news agency reported.

Aviation officials said flight GE222 aborted its initial landing and then crashed, local media reported.

Transport minister Yeh Kuang-Shih said that 47 people were killed and 11 were injured, CNA reported.

The agency previously said that 51 were feared killed, citing fire department officials.

"It's chaotic [at] the scene," Jean Shen, director of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, told Reuters news agency.
What do you think about Taiwan Trans Asia airways plane crash?
What do you think the safety of airplanes?
Do you fear to take airplanes? Why or why not?
How to survive a plane crash?
(a survey shows that the safest seats are at the back of the plane)
In your opinion, which is the safest seat on an aircraft? Why?
Is it safe to fly an airplane?
How can you prevent air plane crashes?
What are the ways to increase your odds of surviving a plane crash?

In your opinion, what are the safest airlines in Taiwan? Why?

A Robot to Care for You in Old Age By Dave Bernard

How would you feel about interacting with a machine rather than a human being when it comes to addressing your daily activities? I admit my first reaction when thinking of a robot caring for me in my later years was not necessarily a positive one. Robots can be a bit scary. My perspective is the result of many years as a science fiction buff, and the robot was not always such a nice guy. More often than not, the mechanical man somehow caused a variety of problems for the humans it interacted with.

But not all robots are bad. Some are being deployed to offer assistance living at home. Smart Homes, a company based in the Netherlands, has designed a program to help seniors live independently. A helpful robot named Hector that resembles a big walking and talking smartphone provides reminders for everyday tasks such as taking medications, returning phone calls and compiling grocery lists. In addition, Hector can detect falls and respond to verbal commands.

Perhaps a robot could also assist with day-to-day tasks such as retrieving objects for those whose mobility is limited. Voice activated commands are becoming commonplace in our smartphone use. It seems like a reasonable and useful extension to apply voice commands to the realm of the robot.

A big part of the future success of robots will be their acceptance by the humans under their care. In Japan robots have been around for a long time with a history that includes everything from tamagotchis to transformers. You would expect Japanese seniors to be reasonably comfortable when it comes to the idea of robots in their daily lives. 
What do you think the idea that robot caregivers help the elderly?
How robots can help caregivers?
Do you think that robotics can and will - change our lives in the near future?
What should robots look like in the future?
What do you think a robotic girlfriend or a boyfriend?
Do you want a humanoid servant robot at home? Why or why not?

Are robots going to take our jobs?





















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