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How To Make A Big Decision Without Regret  By Barrie Davenport 

1. Have a Life Vision

A life vision should be the foundation and reference point for every decision you make. In your deepest dreams, how do you envision your life in all areas — career, relationships, finances, lifestyle, etc.  What core values define this vision for you? Make a point of writing down your vision and the values that define it. Refine the vision over time as necessary. Then when a big decision comes along, you can use this vision as a guide.  If you deviate too far from the vision, it will cause you eventual pain and regret. Evaluate your choices based on your vision. 

2. Evaluate the Pros and the Cons

Consider the possible positive and negative aspects or consequences of your decision. Write down a list of pros and cons for each possible alternative. Then prioritize these points with the most important considerations at the top of the list. What are the possible implications of the cons? Do they outweigh the pros? Can you live with the potential negative fallout or consequences? What could you do to mitigate the fallout?

3. Phone a Friend

Carefully select two or three trusted friends whose opinion and judgment you value. Tell them about your life vision, show them your list of pros and cons and ask for their input about your decision. Someone who is removed from the turmoil of the decision and who has a different perspective can help you see things in a clearer light. A personal coach also can help you gain clarity around your decision by asking you pointed questions related to your motivations, feelings, and desires.

4. Research and Experiment

Do the work to gain as much knowledge as possible about the options. Research, ask questions, talk with people who have experienced each scenario. If possible, experiment with the alternative outcomes. If you are considering a move, spend a good amount of time in the city you are contemplating. If you are exploring a job opportunity, ask to spend a day or two shadowing someone in the office. If you are thinking of ending a relationship.
How do you make a major life decision?
What are the difficult decisions have you made?
What were the poor decisions have you made?
What to do when encounter tough choices?
How to make a decision about ending relationship?
How to create a powerful vision for your life?
How to evaluate the pros and the cons when making decisions?
What do to when you know your friend is making a bad decision?
How to make decision about big sum of money spending?
Who will you ask when making decision?

How to avoid risks when make decisions?

TOP 100 PROPOSAL IDEAS     By marc Leave a Comment

Go to Paris, take her for a ride down the Seine and present her with a engagement ring on top of an elegant French chocolate truffle.

Rent an airplane that can write “Will you marry me?” in a specific time and a specific place. Make sure you choose a day where there’ll be clear skies.  Watch someone else do it!

Place an ad in your local newspaper.

Call your local radio station and have the DJ announce your proposal between songs.

 Ask her to marry you at the top of a ferris wheel!

Go to Disney World. Arrange to pop the question during one of their many daily parades. Arrange to have one of the floats feature the question as it passes by.

Plan a trip to Hawaii. When she gets off the plane, have a few luau girls waiting with a sign saying “Will you marry me?”, some leis and some nice champagne.Here’s a helpful guide for a romantic Hawaii vacation!

Make a short movie where you show your girl how much you love her. End the movie with the proposal. Arrange a romantic movie night and when the time is right, slip your proposal movie in.

 Go to your local fireworks show and have the announcer pop the question before the fireworks start. It will be the best 4th of July ever!

Ask her to go for a romantic stroll on the beach with you. On the beach, make sure you pass by a conspicuous green bottle that you’ve placed carefully in the sand. Have her find your proposal note inside and from there, present her with the ring. Make sure it’s a semi-private beach.

Hire a plane or blimp to fly around the city with a banner that says her name and asks her to marry you.
Or check out this daring option where a man jumped out of a plane holding a “will You Marry Me?” banner!  Be bold!

 Have Fed Ex deliver fifty balloons. Have only one of the balloons be red, with the rest of them, white. Her attention will be drawn to the red balloon and ask her if she notices something inside. Inside, have a teddy bear holding a card that reads “Will you marry me?” Then surprise her with an engagement ring!

 Let her know you want to make a time capsule with her. As you’re deciding what to put in it, tell her you want to put in a picture of the moment you got engaged. Have a camera ready!
In your opinion, what are the good ideas for proposal?
Do you think it is a good idea to announce your proposal in public?
Do you thing the diamond engagement ring is important for proposal?
Do you think it is a good idea to place a proposal ad in your local newspaper?
Where are the best places to go for your honeymoon?
Where are the romantic places for dating?
Do you remember any romantic movie you have seen before?
What do you think the hot air balloons activity?
What do you think the idea that making a time capsule with her?
What do you think that asking her to marry you at the top of a ferris wheel?
What do you think about Disney world?

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